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About Taoreich

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Lost in a Forest of Sophistrees
  1. So let's define terms. What is gay/homosexuality? Is one gay who (i) finds another male attractive on a one-off basis? (ii) only finds men attractive? (iii) has engaged in one-off sexual contact with men? (iv) has committed themselves to a lifestyle of sexual contact with men?
  2. Nothing like one presupposition to serve another. You've just foisted the homosexiphobic bigotry/nazi tag (albiet with the "wary" caveat, indicating your openmindedness) onto those who believe that there is choice involved, because you believe they have similarly foisted an "evil" or "perverse" tag on the gay population.
  3. preceeded by So on the one hand, it's almost criminal to state that it's a choice but on the other you just cited a statistic indicating that there are factors which cause some one to express rather than repress this inclination; the latter might be described as a, dare I say, choice. Also, indicating that King James is a hypocrite for the positioning of homosexuality whilst presumably dabbling on the side indicates that he was responsible for this positioning. To my knowledge, James commisioned the translation, and it drew acclaim beacuse it was considered the most comprehensive English translation to date, but he didn't write it. Personally, I could care less about what your view is, but at least be accurate when attempting to self-righteously seize the intellectual high ground.
  4. Fried chicken on a waffle (with syrup of course). it sounds odd, but it's pretty common soul food fare and delicious to boot.
  5. I want a game based on Paranoia
  6. Those William Wegman photographs of Weimaraners in clothes
  7. Let's deconstruct, shall we? So it would initially seem that your concern is regarding the posters and their perception, though you do take a moment to single out "you people." An interesting way of engaging someone of whom you are about to inquire A rhetorical question, followed by invective- perhaps this is exposition? No specific concern yet, but some more animosity towards your subject Rhetoric contiunued. No defined concerns or questions yet although you do allude to the issue, that the "product" is sub-par. More exposition maybe? Certainly more aspersions at Obsidian anyway... OK, you've stopped the rhetoric, maybe we've reached the specific cause for concern....nope. although another general area of disatisfaction is PR. Ummm. You think that the game is sub-par and that the PR is poor, and this translates to not treating customers as human beings? Thankfully, you do narrow your focus here with two specific requests, though you have yet to identify these "problems" or "hold-ups" that are referenced. What issue? The general state of PR? The sub-par product? General problems and hold-ups? Global warming? One doesn't often jump from exposition to conclusion, but it's an option you've taken. Actually, this is a very applicable solution to what you've outlined. When faced with general probl,ems with no other detail or rationale; take a meeting And that issue is a complete inability to articulate dissatisfaction in a way that ifacilitates constructive discussion
  8. Hades- You keep saying it's libelous, but, as a former "journalist" I thought you knew better:
  9. you cretins need to read the books all of them all four in the trilogy
  10. The Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth
  11. prepare for the airing of grievances
  13. [/lurk] By this token, I shall be your king [lurk]
  14. I figured it would get here eventually so consider this a pre-emptive strike.
  15. No offense to Logan, but to Arkan, I say: L O L On topic, your requests were not so unreasonable, but your phrasing began to hint at a young lad giving his list to Santa.
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