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Everything posted by olaf

  1. So whats the deal here? Why is it so goddamn hard to get current info out of Lucas or Obsidian? olaf
  2. I guess better late than never... Seriously though, what the hell is going on that it took so long to get a simple update like that? Also, what is the status on another bug fix patch? Is one even being worked on? olaf
  3. I dont buy that LA is telling Obsidian nothing. They are working together to release another KOTOR for god's sake. olaf
  4. I dont see why the patch is taking so long and why no one will say anything about it in any kind of official capacity. This kind of stuff is what gives this industry a lot of its anti-consumer reputation. olaf
  5. Ok so 2 months since the last patch. Is there for sure going to be another one released? It seems like they have a lot to clean up/fix still. olaf
  6. When is the next patch for the PC version due? TIA olaf
  7. The manual is pathetic. No real class information of any kind. The guide doesnt have this information either. I was told almost two weeks ago by someone at Obsidian that they were working on getting that information available 'soon' but havent heard or seen anything since. olaf
  8. Im not trying to be rude, but if I were them I would be disappointed that you kept asking. If they have time, then they will do it. If not, then we should wait until they can. They have other projects and things to work on. As tempting as it might be to keep bugging them for the info, they will get to it when they have time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its not like I am asking them to fedex me a printed copy. I just want it posted. It should have been done way back when they realized the manual was ass. olaf
  9. Do you have a link? I went there and saw a listing of Attributes, Feats, Force Powers and Skills, but nothing that listed the feat and force power progression for each class. TIA olaf
  10. Anything new on this front? olaf
  11. If your Watchman has Repair as a class skill, then prestige classes do get new class skills, unless you spent a feat on repair. I am still waiting for Obsidian to publish this information, along with ALL relevant class data, here. Its very disappointing it has taken them more than a day or so to get that information compiled and posted. olaf
  12. Yes olaf
  13. The performance is disappointing. It is single digit frame rates in many places just wandering around and often during hectic combats frames are dropped and the engine chokes to catch its breath. olaf
  14. I posted that information in the second post of this thread. olaf
  15. The point is, we dont have the information available and it ought to be. It should have been in the manual. But ok, it wasnt. How about the strat guide? Not there either. What about online? Nope, no dice. I dont care whose fault it was, I just want it. And it seems like not much to ask, something that should be able to be put together in a matter of minutes and posted somewhere. olaf
  16. lol great answer Why hasnt this information been made available? I mean if someone at Lucas, Obsidian or Prima doesnt have access to it in about 5 minutes then we are in big trouble. Its basic gameplay stuff, data that would have been included in any of Obsidian's other efforts when they were BIS. olaf
  17. What is missing is simple stuff. Stuff that was done months ago, but that Obsidian, Lucas and Prima just didnt bother to make available to us. What am I talking about? Oh you know, just the standard stuff that ought to be included in any D20 CRPG docs: Saving Throw and To-hit tables Feat and Force power schedules Formulas for Skill, Vitality and Force Points Class specific bonus feats/force powers Its ridiculous that no one involved with this game cares enough to have posted this information by now. olaf edit: The guide has some of that...if you look hard enough at the feat/force power appendix data you can see what classes get what. But on the whole the docs and strat guide are lacking when it comes to giving the player information to make educated decisions regarding planning a character.
  18. The strategy guide is out. I bought it looking for information that should have been included in the manual, but wasnt. Sadly, this information wasnt in the guide either. olaf
  19. Specifically though: Saving throw and to-hit tables Feat and Force Power schedules Is any of that on the website? I didnt see it. None of that is in the guide I can tell you that. olaf
  20. Alright I spent a few minutes in character creation and came up with this: The skill point formula per level up is: Class Value+Int Mod=Skill points You get 4x that value at level 1. Guardians have a 1 for class value, Consulars 2, Sentinels 3. All Jedi classes start with Awareness, Persuade and Treat Injury as class skills. Additionally: Guardians get Demolitions Consulars Repair Sentinenls Computer Use, Stealth and Security. olaf
  21. Ok in the first KOTOR, skill points per level were computed like: (Class Value+Int bonus)/2 rounded down. Level one skill points used the previous formula, multiplied by 4. Anyone know how it is in KOTOR2? Something changed, but I am not sure if it is the entire formula, or just some of the class values. My 12 INT Sentinel got 16 skill points to start with, and 4 upon level up. Under the old system he would have got 8 and 2 respectively, as the class value for Sentinel was 4. Do people from Obsidian read these forums? Can we get a sticky post with this information, and more? Stuff like Force and Vitality point formulas, saving throw and to-hit tables, feat and force power schedules, etc. olaf
  22. Good point. However. I expect more, and will continue to do so. There is no good reason why a group of people who fancy themselves RPGers (ie. Bioware, Obsidian) would leave this information out of the documentation. olaf
  23. lol you dont even have the game and you are arguing with us? The manual for the PC version of KOTOR had class tables. The Xbox version's docs did not. The docs for KOTOR2 are even more spartan than the first. olaf
  24. Jesus Christ man, what I am looking for is spelled out in the first post of this thread. Looking at your post count, you need to do more reading and less writing. olaf
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