Ethan Hass is the bag boy at the supermarket down the street. He's the little boy riding his first bicycle without training wheels. He's the attractive girl that you want to ask to the movies, but can't come up with the courage to do so. He's the top student in the Maryland Mathmatics League. He's the woman who is trying deprestely to make her own way in the business world and prove she is just as good as any man. Ethan Haas is the young man trying desperately to find love in this town that'll eat you up and spit you back out, this cold world where no matter how hard you try, nothing ever comes out your way, and you keep on getting back up and trying, just to be slapped down again, becaus eyou're too niave and stupid to realize that you should just give up. Some people would tell you that there is a little bit of Ethan Haas in all of us.