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Everything posted by Bajie

  1. 80 chest from humble bundle + 48 chest from saved gp Got: Flame Burst Mail of Escape Scarzni Thief Slaying Bow Amulet of Inescapable Location Tons of Venomous Darts and Orbs. All in all the drops seems a bit not random but I'm glad I got some Legendaries and not in dupes. The RNG in chest gives me the same feeling when rolling dice in the game..I know i'm not supposed to roll a 1 but no matter what dice-size..15% of the time, I lose ^^ Also whats the purpose of dupes? And what does TREASURE means in the gallery. Why are there placehlders there when I know i got em cards?
  2. I think No. The only time I'm ever grateful Amiri draws an armor is late and a Boss have a damage first ability. I think any armor just clogs her hand and exploring potential. Light Armor is enough for me as I always almost banishes/bury it for reduced to 0 damage. Heavy Armor on a Barbarian?! Gorum dislikes! ^^
  3. On legendary,permadeath Study the connections of locations in relation to one another and take note the closing conditions. Some maps have deadend locations, and might be (quite often ) better to assign someone there even though none of your party is good at closing them (bust up the blessings) Take advantage of scrying items or spell, even if its bottom scrying (Brodert). If you know a location has an henchmen early, it might be better to hold off on extra exploring it or busting blessing/allies. It might be better to just put a character there an explore normally, use its blessings for assist instead, so that when you encounter the Boss at other location you can just close it without combat. (Specially good on scenarios that buff up bosses for every henchmen kill) Get the Holy Candle everytime. And use it rightaway. Same with Heal Potion and Cure. A turn you leave them on your hand is an extra explore or blessing not used and not drawn on Recharge those Magic armors. Discard those extra weapons. Except on late rounds where you down a couple locations and the Boss have a damage first ability. Know the number of Monsters including Henchmen/Bosses in a locations. Some characters ( depending on builds ) just isnt plain cut right to combat early on ( Lini/Lem )..put them on locations with 1-2 monsters so they can assist and spend their Aids/Blessings on other locations safely and if they do encounter and get beat up on their turn, they discard nothing or trash cards. Put auto-success Items on characters that have low stats on such items. ( Amulet of Fortitude on Ezren ). Its given to put Characters on locations they are good on (Ezren on Academy, Merisiel on Guardhouse, etc. ) but after that, moving to the next location where they can close efficiently usually involves passing on locations they suck at. Here's why you put those item on them. Take advantage of Ambush. If you've downed the location deck to 1 or 2 monsters..its better to fail on Ambush and get free explorations and be lucky to face a henchmen or boss via Ambush. Saves time..a lot ^^ Don't rush the game. When you start the game fresh with a new party, its ok to fail. Early on focus on getting chests and items/weapons. You don't want to move into higher tier and be under Just my 2 zeni.
  4. For me, Amiri > Val specially on legendary mode and my playstyle. Once you get 5 hand size and decent weapons, She'd be closing locations all over. Her weakness is her location drawing, but if you just use Allies that discard to draw and save your blessings to draw (don't use it to overkill or assist..unless its she's the last option) Her move ability is far superior than Val's assist because early on its not that efficient to team up on a location, mobility is far better than Val's win more ability. You want to skip over that Mountain without risking a card, She'll move in and then goes out after she smashes. Oh the Mountain is closed? Well, let Amiri just move there to end her turn and let's see whats on the top of other locations. ^^ Fearful of the Guardhouse and its Bandit henchmen? Let her stroll through it then moveout and then moveback in at the start of her next turn. She replaces Merisiel for me when I was getting tired of using her.
  5. Ezren uses Brodert to scout the bottom 3 of current location. I chose to discard Brodert rather than bury him and succeed on a role. Ezren uses Charm spell and summons Cyrdak I use Cyrdak to draw Brodert from discard Ezren reuses Brodert to scout another location ..Brodert does not get buried. He just stays in hand giving me free scouting on all locations bottom 3 cards.
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