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OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)

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Everything posted by OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)

  1. Oh really what is this huge debate that jodo kast 5 made? Hmm something about sidious is a real sith and a more powerful sith than ancient ones. HE STARTED it not me.
  2. omg get out of here you sidious fanboys. Go worship him somewhere else. He has nothing to do with the topic. And yes you are right. Sidious minipulated people possibley better than any sith in history. But kun DIDN'T NEED TO. He has RAW power and did not hide behind others or rely off them. Kun nearly killed luke by looking at him. Even DE sidious could not do that. And for the fanboys who think sidious learned every power you sicken me. Once sidious drains an ENTIRE planet of ALL life than come back. Once he reaches a power level where he can no longer remain man than come back. Once he does NOT USE his armies to defeat his enemy than come back. HE NEEDS the death star and super lasers to take out a planet. He even TRIED learning the electro magnectic torpedoe which could take out and planet and FAILED! Come back and debate when sidious can simply WATCH a foe fight him and master that super powerful teqnique within SECONDS better than the most powerful jedi in the order and not only that but it took those jedi years to learn. Come back to me when sidious can make force bonds. Come back when you find out sidious can take out a planet with his OWN sheer power. Come back to me when sidious isn't hiding and minipulating others to save his @$$. Come back when sidious increases in power from every passing kill. Come back to me when we SEE PROOF that sidious is the most powerful PEROID! Come back to me when WE SEE him use more powers. Kun faired better against luke than sidious and that's the bottom line. There are many great sith lords. What do you honestly think sidious could do against nelius. He would be drained on contact just like that bam over. YES I will admit DE sidious was very powerful and possibley even powerful enough to be put on the top 10 if not 5 most powerful dark lords of the sith in history. But his only UBBER impressive ability was his force storm. BUT THAT'S IT. Almost EVERY other dark lord of the sith can do whatever he can in terms of raw power. They could move just as fast at blinding speeds. They do not HIDE behind tecnoligy and armies such as sidious. What do you think sidious would do if he had NO ARMY and was ALONE against these sith lords? In all HONESTY people for christ sakes. How can he POSSIBLEY fair against sith who have managed to conquer galaxies with THEIR OWN RAW power. Oh and just for the record if other ancient sith lords set out to find the secrets to force storm like palpatine and had the book of anger they would learn it to. Palpatine never even showed he mastered force lighting storm or immortality like sion. There are COUNTLESS abilities he has not learned that you fanboys would want him to. He is not NEAR as powerful as he is made out to be. Take away is army and see how powerful he really is. Once palpatine charges in and destroys entire armies of sith assains, elite sith assains, sith marauders, sith lords, an immortal foe (sion), kreia, and the dark lord of the sith (nelius) in one day come back. Let's see what we have hear. Yoda faught to a draw with him. Luke beat him. He died by vader. Mace beat him in a saber duel. As we can see he showed nothing that impressive in his duels WITHOUT his army. True he was strong but to claim that these feats make im the most powerful ever sickens me. Edit: Anyway the exile even said since he gave up the force he gained powers not possible otherwise. If these true sith are a greater threat than what the exile faced (all the three sith lords with abiltities that are just insane, draining entire worlds, becoming so powerful you can not remain human, immortality, forseeing stuff more than 4000 thousand years in the furture and master draining abilties) than they sure as hell are going to be powerful. ONCE YOU HAVE SOLID PROOF that sidious has acomplished feats of RAW POWER WITH HIS ARMIES that go beyond any other come back. But for now he hasn't even been able to drain or destroy a planet. END OF DISCUSSION. Sidious NEEDS his minipulating to survive and that's a hardcore fact that all you fanboys must admit. Untill than I want to see him just march in the jedi temple and single handidly kill everyone. Hell he wasn't even powerful enough to make an energy attack strong enough to take out the temple. He never even mastered force lighting storm and showed few powers. A truley powerful sith lord does not need to minipulate every. The can anailate everyone all by themselves.
  3. They all were lvl'd up to 50. Attons weapon actually had a higher damage potential but the damage was energy and it had no unstoppable damage.
  4. Yeah I got HK with some personal gear like his capactor armor with absorbs 75 percent energy. Mandalore still hits the best. Gave mandalore alot of the best dexterity stuff and fully upgraded (best upgrades) mandalorian disintgators (which are the best guns in my opinion cause you wield two and their unstoppable to anything) and mandalore hits slight more than hk but it is VERY close. This may be cause I couldn't get the dexterity on hk as high but they are both really good. Atton is like 1/3 of all these guys but he has a fully upgraded mandalorian heavy reater instead of disintegrators but ah well. He is still not as good.
  5. Yeah but when we see bastilla in the movies against revan she had a yellow single bladed saber. I think that the double bladed one is just one she finds. Also you do have to remember that back in the days of the old republic jedi could learn dark moves in the counsil and not be corrupted as easy and charisma can help all this. Bastilla was pretty resisitant towards the dark side and a saber is generally not going to symbol that your evil all the time. One of the COUNSIL members in KOTOR2 had a purple double. Either way I still am not convinced that the double bladed lightsaber that you find in the first one is bastillas. Yep. That's what I am saying. He followed Revan (most likley as a dark jedi because revan made him one) and obtained the red color asa symbol of his allignment to revan and his rebellian against the jedi order.
  6. Well first off bastillas saber was not really her saber or at least the double bladed one. It was just a saber they found. Second off The Exile probably got his red saber from the mandalorian wars because he set out to follow revan.
  7. Yep that's what I was saying. My hanhar hits high with them. Also unarmed combat is cool. Get lightning or disruption gloves and continue to train with hadmaiden in unarmed combat and do all unarmed combat stuff and your actually looking at alot of damage.
  8. That was actually a result of being the son of the chosen one which gave him a medeclorian level possibley close to or equel to that of vaders. And let's not start a revan debate. Anyway I think if you ask pretty much anyone who luke skywalker is the would know who he is. I think he is the most popular.
  9. Thanks. At first I thought you were referring to a movie that that rap song was in cause matrix revolutions - narvas. Anyway my bad.
  10. You missed the point. I said if I (AS IN ME) created a movie with a star destroyer and had it destroyed in the movie but later in an interview said it was not destroyed. But I guess since I made (if I made it) it I can just say it wasn't destroyed even though it was SHOWN destroyed. Do you go by what the creator said or what was shown and proved throughout the story? No actually EVENTS, FEATS AND THINGS THAT HAVE HAPPENED IN THE FILMS, BOOKS, AND GAMES TO SHOW POWER! Things that HAPPENED. Things that were SHOWN. Thing that WERE PROVED. Did sidious have the ability to consume planets, vaporize all life, move at blinding invisible speeds, draw power off others and did he fidn the secrets to immortality? And for those who think his former master was and he learned how to be immortal he died and it was SHOWN in the film. Lucas had it part of the story that he learned everythnig his former master did including keeping others from dieing but he NEVER learned that ability. Lucas story argues with itself. As I said once sidious PROVES by showing us that he can acomplish a force feat FAR greater than the prevuis ones we have seen we could debate him the most pwoerful EVER but for now he is defently NOT the msot powerful ever. EDIT: Anyway none of this matters since I have already said luke would probably win.
  11. Ok I guess that star destroyer was never destroyed even though it was destroyed in the movie and it showed it. Well you can think what you want.
  12. actually if you get the best upgrades possible for melee weapons you can get their power up in the 50's. Not only that but since they do slashing damage it's harder to resist for msot foes. I hit VERY high with melee with hanharr.
  13. Uh...yeah it does. Anything Lucas says goes. That's the way G-canon works. Whatever the boss wants. The boss gets. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> K you can think kit-fisto can beat revan and hell even luke if lucas says it. EDIT: Example would be like I made a movie where a super star destroyer got blown up and than said in an interview that it didn't. I guess what I say goes.
  14. I don't give a flying f#ck what you think. OPG = PIMP Hmm you can't so the debate goes on. EDIT: NVM you have proved your point it is from the book. Now it is a matter of interpetation as well. What did in mean by that? Could of meant THROUGH minipulating he became the strongest because he made the strongest army to back him up when he got in some tight sh!t. What maks you think vader had to learn it from someone. Exile learned it from simply being a wound in the force and knew how the harness it's power unlike vader. And yes you need to give a list of feats that he has acomplished (minipulating does not count) to even begin to say he is the msot powerful. When I am comparing jedi power lvls I compare them on WHAT THEY DID! WHAT THEY HAVE SHOWN! THEIR ABILITIES THEY HAVE SHOWN! No like you. As far as I am concerned the only thing that counts as what a force sensitive has acomplished. Lucas could say someone like Kit fisto is more powerful than revan. Doesn't make it true. He has nothing to back that up. Stan lee can say ant man can beat the hulk. Doesn't make it true. The only things that have any say in this is what they have acomplished.
  15. wich one ?? 1.Tech n9ne - The beast 2.Matrix Revolutions - Navras <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What rapper raps the beast?
  16. K first off I don't need my mom to by it for me. I make plenty of money from hustlein. Second off I see no proof that that is a page in the book. Third off you still haven't backed up any of my arguements. Case closed. He never even gained abilities such as force crush. Now I am tired of argueing with little kids who think they can just come up and start sh!t all the time. Unless your going to do sh!t than stfu.
  17. I say WHAT it said. But you have GIVEN me no proof as to where this came from. You told me. That's about it. But I see nowhere that says it's official fanboy. And I will gladly argue with that by saying it means he was the msot powerful dark lord of the sith because his empire not his OWN POWER. If he was ALONE he would be no match for a true ancient dark lord of the sith. EDIT: The only fanboy here is you. You fail to show me where you got this information from and what makes it official. I got no proof that it is official. Hell yeah I read the whole mother ####ing thing already. That GIVES ME NOTHING. What makes that official. Anyone can right that. I see no proof within that link that that was official. And back up my other arguements. Why does palaptine reley on devices such as the death star if he is so powerful. Truth is he can't take out a planet and his only super impressive ability to compare him to ancient sith lords is his force storm. ONE BLOODY THING. That's it. Mant sith have achieved such feats. All his other feats on that lvl are through OTHER people under his control weather it be force sensitives, tecnoligy, and army or whatever. Other sith could take out planets, move just as fast and showed even more RAW POWER. If there were ONLY sith lords in the entire galaxy and nothing for sidious to hide behind he would get owned by ancient sith lords. Hell sidious was also still a man. Nililus was so power he could not even remain a man and that was PART OF THE STORY and not a gameplay thing if you want to use that as an excuse. That ALONE is proof that sidious did not achieve a power greater than any.
  18. That gives me nothing. How is this official. All I see is a short summary. I don't see where or who it's from and either way that leaves us right back to square one. If he was the msot powerful sith lord he would have MORE RAW POWER. Like the power to incincerate yoda instantly. The power to take out planets WITHOUT RELYING off technoligy such as the DEATH STAR and other PEOPLE to do it for him. Fact is palpatine NEEDED others to make up for his lack of power. Yes DE sidious was extremley strong but the strongest of all sith ever? Some dark lords of the sith aren't even known. How do we know sidious was even better than his former master? Once I SEE him do SOMETHING worthy of making him the greatest dark lord of the sith EVER than I will believe it but there is just so much he wasn't able to do and there was just so many extreme abiliies that he NEVER learned. Like I said if he was so powerful why did he need a death star. He was the MOST POWERFUL MINIPULATER but in terms of RAW power he was not. He spent to much time building up his empire and minipulating others to cover for his weaknesses.
  19. Well ancient sith lords did just storm in and kill hundreds of force sensitives at a time. Either way few sith lords relied minipulating others to HIDE BEHIND to make up for their OWN lack of power like palpatine.
  20. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electromagnetic_torpedo Here's the power that sidious TRIED to learn but never did. Also his force storms NEVER EVER showed the ability to destroy a planet. Yes entire star ships and fleets but not a planet. And it's not like when he is dueling someone right next to him that he can just use that ability. He would kill himself to. Also sidious DID NOT make the eclipse. It was imperial troops that did or at least the suepr laser. The whole super laster design was created by vader and imperial troops. And even if you could argue sidious had the intellegence to make a super laser cannon that has nothing to do with his OWN RAW POWER. Palpatine NEEDED an army to try to rule the galaxy where as many ancient sith did not. They just came in and kill everybody. Here is the power everyone worships palpatine for. One that can't even directly help him in this duel. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_Storm EDIT: Also who is the say if Revan found the book of anger and set out to learn this ability that he wouldn't. I believe Revan had the potential to learn virtually any ability. But instead Revan set out to find the star forge. Oh and luke beat palpatine WITH LEAIS help for those who keep saying he just did it. And it was a saber duel.
  21. K I jsut got all the important feats and lvl'd them all up to lvl 50 with the best possible ranged feats and gear and mandalore hits the most and the highest the msot often. Hk-47 is slightly behind but only by a hair and atton is like half as good only seriusly.
  22. GIVE ME PROOF NOW!!!!! If he knew every darkside tecnique KNOWN EVER IN SITH HISTORY he would just STARE at luke and he would die PEROID END OF DISCCUSION FANBOY! That is the most retarded thing I ever heard. In fact Palpatine tried all he could to learn the electro magnectic torpedoe that another sith possed and could take OUT PLANETS WITH IT. Hmm Palpatine came FAR from knowing EVERY darkside power. His impressive feat was his force storm. I laugh at how arrogant you are. Complete and utter fanboy. Go worship him somewhere else. I wasn't even saying REVAN WAS DA MSOT UBBER PWNAGE EVER! I said don't udnerstand Revan because he to collected VAST amounts of knowledge (even knowledge sidious never descovered). He also had an unlimited potential where as palps was limited and I bet you any money Revan had a higher medeclorian level. I NEVER did say Revan was more powerful all I said is he very well might be since we know so little about him yet you jump to conclusions like the creater or star wars. You are the one with no proof of your claims. Once palpatine increases in power from every kill, creates force bonds, destroys PLANETS (and he was to WEAK WHICH WAS WHY HE BUILT THE eclipse star destroyer ) by draining them and from energy attacks, moves ad invisible speeds to the human eye (blur is not invisisble), and shows some new abilities THAN come back to me fanboy. Your lack of knowledge should be noted to everyone. PLPAPATINE IS DA BESTEST EVER AND NO'S EVEYRTIN TER IS TO NO BOUT DA FORCE That was what your retarded a$$ jsut said. Think twice. You can't even begin to back that up. Yea read those messeges and it sickens me how arrogant you are and how much you ignroe everything laid down right in front of your eyes. I have gave you links, quotes fro mthe charactrs who faught next to him, and storyline FACTS so except them. All you can say is this is not cannon. Yeah real smart. Anyway this is COMPLETLEY irrelevant to this topic! The EXILE has nothing to do with it again showing your lack of understanding. Did you get hit really hard in the head when you were younger? Ok smart @$$ give me proof. Give me a link as to where it says palpatine is the most powerful sith EVER. And than tell me what he has shown to even begin to make that statement. Just like your retarded responses as to palps being the only sith during his time hahahahah. PAY ATTENTION. EDIT: Oh and none of this matters because I already said luke would msot likley win.
  23. it won't let me edit my post. I say no big deal so screw it. Most people know good saber combos already.
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