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Everything posted by Narkon27

  1. As someone who has never played the physical game and has zero knowledge of how this change affects the future adventures, I have to admit I find the culling mechanic sounds more realistic. Would all basic potions disappear in a fantasy world if you progressed towards the end of the story? Probably not. Then again, in a fantasy game there are stores where you buy what you need, so what do I know? I think the success of the new system will depend on the % of basic and elite boons/banes it removes. If it is only 30-40% at the very end of the entire campaign, then it will be a failure. If it is close to 80%, it will work. Probably. If this system starts with the 3rd adventure, then starting with 30% and going up by 15% for each adventure that follows, it would be a good compromise.
  2. Yup. At the Scenario Selection screen, there are two round buttons on the lower right. One has a picture of a huamnoid with a bullet-point list (tap to examine your characters' skills, powers, etc), and one with an upright card with a stylized P on it. That's where you can examine the decks of the characters in that party, and even swap cards between them. How did I miss that? Am I going blind? I was searching for a button in the character selection screen, where it would make more sense I guess as that is the screen the game opens when you enter quest mode, but I should have seen that huge button. Thanks for opening my eyes.
  3. Poor Kyra, no one appreciates you. LOL. It's true though that her recharging skills could use some work. Right now I have only 1 save in campaign and that is Kyra, Meri and Valeros. I am only playing quests right now because I am collecting gold for Lem and next Adventure (I think it was supposed to come late May or early June) and I prefer the Heroic difficulty. Less drama (looking at you Night Approaches) and failed attempts this way. I noticed the characters have ''specialization'' options i their skill trees. When do these become available? I don't think the game should push you this hard down a path you don't want for a character. I gave Lini a weapon for the first card feat and I I have not regretted the choice, but it would be nice to have the freedom to not have to make this choice. As for the remote healing, I doubt it will happen, but a Healing Rain Divine spell would be cool.
  4. This is probably known already, but today I played a quest and the scenario was the one with the effect that shuffles the henchmen back to their decks if you fail to close their location. At least this is what I got from reading the effect. Instead, every time I defeated a henchman, and before the attempt to close the location, the henchman was shuffled in a random open location. I can't say I dislike this bug (if it is indeed a bug and I got everything right) as it gives you more chances at defeating a henchman and closing location.
  5. After playing a lot these last few days I finally got the Deathbane Light Crossbow (gave it to Sajan) and the Icy Longspear +1 (gave it to Lini). Lini is good, but when she is alone in a location she struggles when things get tough. I definitely have to find a second Holy Light soon. If I rememebr correctly, she has 1x Holy Light, 1x Inflict, 2x Cure, 1x Aid, 1x Augury(I love this one so much). Btw, is there a way to check the cards in a character's deck before starting a quest? It sounds like something that would be obvious, but I can't find how. If it is not possible, then it is a very dumb omission from the creators' part. I tried playing with Amiri, but I just can't get used to her. Perhaps she is more useful once she is able to move others, but right now, when I explore with her, most of the time I wish I had Valeros with me. With Valeros the first power feat was an easy choice. That was +1 to hand size for me because I hate the small hand size all ''fighters'' start with. With Amiri, the choice is more difficult. If I go for the Move Fast or the Rage upgrade, I have to wait until level 15 to upgrade her hand. If I go for the hand upgrade, I don't think I can play so many games with her at her current state. I think Valeros' and Amiri's melee buff (+3 and +2 respectively) should be swapped to make them somewhat equal. I also started playing with Ezren. It was a slow start with him, but when I send him to the Academy he is a beast. A couple of times he closed the Academy in the first turn. As for the spells he carries, 2x Force Missile, 2x Lightning Touch, 1x Acid Arrow, 1x Stride, 1x Mirror Image, 1x Detect Magic. My only complaint so far is that his upgrade options are very boring. For the first one, Eldritch Exuberance was the only choice that made sense, as will probably be the case with the second one as well. For his first card feat, I am thinking an extra ally to help with exploration or an additional spell. I am not thinking extra item for now because those I have are not that good anyway so I can replace any of them. Amulet of Life would be great, but unless I am mistaken there is only 1 and I have it on Lini. Hmm, maybe I should give it to him as he can't heal at all. As for Sajan, he is awesome when he gets his Deathbane crossbow early, but I don't want to turn him into a warrior, so for his next card feat I will definitely go with +1 to spells and give him a Cure because he has died twice so far. I still think I like Merisiel more than Sajan as she is more dependable against traps and her Evade is insane. Ilsoari Gandethus' synergy with Meri is amazing. Yes, you waste a hand slot each turn for him, but knowing what comes next is always great, and she can always evade The Sandpoint Devil is she ever rolls a 1.
  6. I forgot about the Divine requirement to recharge, so as chainsawash mentioned, he won't even try to roll after he plays the Cure. I have quite the bad luck with Cures in this game as I always seem to roll 1+1 or 2+1 80% of the time. If there is zero chance to replay it and half the time you recharge only 2-3 cards then it is hardly worth it as you will have to find more reliable options for healing. In that case, +1 to items for 1 extra Healing Staff looks more decent. After some thinking, I went for the weapon slot and gave him a Heavy crossbow. I have not regretted that decision. He has been lucky so far and gets his weapon fairly soon for a 2D10+1. With a combat Dex blessing recharged he is a beast in combat. On a different note, Lini has also been great lately (level 12). She is surprisingly fast in clearing locations, especially if there are 2-3 blessings there waiting for her, and she doesn't meet difficult enemies on the way. Something I've been wondering about is the art from the Acid Arrow card. Is that Lini shooting the Arrow? Isn't that a weird choice considering she can't recharge it and her Intelligence is only D6?
  7. Now I wish I had named the topic "Lini, Amiri and Sajan Questions" as it is split pretty evenly between these 3 heroes. I considered starting a Sajan topic, but I guess I'll keep posting here and treat it a team related topic, since so many good suggestions have been posted already. I spent the first power feat to increase his hand size. I just couldn't play with him having only 4 cards. He seems to work a lot better now, but he is still missing healing options as I haven't been lucky with the boons I get. The first skiil feat went to Dex. The second will probably go to Dex as well, although I might consider Wisdom. Now I have to decide where to spend the card feat. I am thinking Weapon (bow, xbow) as the other options seem to have enough cards for now. I thought a +1 to spells would be decent for him (maybe Cure), but then I saw all the suggestions about Healing staff and healing allies. He will never be good enough with the recharge so a Cure will probably be a one shot thing, so I am not feeling comfortable throwing it there.
  8. Thank God it worked. After I get the second series of rewards for LIni and Sajan, and before I press the blue arrow to move to the rewards for Merisiel and Valeros, I had to switch to Valeros or Merisiel. Selecting one of those two seems to solve the problem. Oh, I also chose weapons as rewards for both Sajan and Lini. If it happens again the characters level up together, I will choose something else to see if this is related to the bug.
  9. No, no locked out in that sense, but it is essentially the same. Every time time I enter quest mode, I go to the reward screen, where the game freezes when it gets to the point where Valeros and Merisiel attempt to get their rewards. Basically, I can enter quest mode, but I can't start a new quest because the previous is not finished.
  10. Actually this is a good reason to run Amiri. I didn't consider this option and I remember a few games where someone died because of the hand reset.
  11. What I hated about him is that his combat checks are very unreliable. Not having that +X (from a weapon or melee modifier) hurts too much. Maybe later (around 17-20?) he becomes better, but until then trying to be consistent with him is a nightmare. With a hand size of 4, most of the time he has 2 blessings in hand. So after the free exploration he has to burn one blessing to explore again which leaves 1 blessing in his hand. If he finds an enemy, he recharges the second blessing and rolls 2 dice with no extra +X. Half the time in my games he failed to defeat the enemy because his rolls are terrible. If he doesn't get at least the average in both dice, chances are he will fail. Something else that bothers me is that the 2 upgrades to his ability don't add even one +1. I know the Magic trait is important, but it is not needed all the time, and from what I have seen so far adding the fire trait does even less. I know Poog is available only in the bundle, but right now I have bought everything there is to buy with gold, with the exception of 4 heroes (6k gold which I get for €2), so I don't plan on spending €27 for Poog. I hope they will release him at some point in another Deck, but if not, I guess I'll have to live without him.
  12. These are all good ideas about making Amiri great and I would love to test them, but unfortunately the game bugged out and I am locked out of Quest mode. Evey time I open the game and go to Quest, the reward screen pops up and after a while the game freezes. You can read more about this issue here
  13. Today I purchased the character pack and I spent a few hours leveling some of the characters doing quests. That until a few minutes ago when the game froze. The team I had was Valeros (17), Merisiel (17), Lini (, Sajan (4). This was the first quest Sajan did after I was forced to delete him because he missed an upgrade after the team won while he was dead. So the leveling screen shows up and after I get the ally reward for Sajan and the Card reward for Lini and Sajan, it is the turn for Merisiel's and Valeros' rewards, but when I choose a character (any of the two, it doesn't matter) I see some sprinkles from the top and the game freezes. The only way to get out is to foribly shut it down as nothing else works. And as of this moment I am locked out of Quest mode. I don't even know if there is a way around it,or even if reinstalling can fix this bug, but I assume it will require a patch. This is so disappointing after I spent 10k gold for the new characters and Deck C. The game is a huge mess right now. Encountering bug after bug is ruining the experience. I have to wonder why was it released in this crippled state. I have included 3 images that show the states it goes through before it freezes.
  14. I played 4-5 quests with a Valeros, Miri, Lini, Sajan team so here are my impressions. Lini is a fun character to play with and she seems to be doing okay in combat and ally acquisition. The only problem I notice is that she is missing quite often her spell recharge checks, even with +1 to animal trick and a +1 to wisdom, and if this happens on the Cure check, things can become complicated for the team. Oh, and remembering to use her animal trick in every check is... tricky. Pun intended. The hero I don't like at all is Sajan. I checked his powers and I noticed his Unarmed Strike does not receive +X as it gains levels. This pretty much killed any chance he had to be on any of my teams. He is extremely slow in exploring because if I burn all the blessing to explore, he becomes useless in combat. If he had a starting hand size of 5, I would consider using him more, but for now he is going to take a long break. In fact, the only time I though he was contributing to the team is when he got a crossbow. Too bad he had to give it away after the team won. I played a couple of games with Amiri as well and I have to admit I was not impressed. She seems worse than Valeros in every way. Is there any point to her Move Fast ability? As for her Barbarian Rage, I really hate burying cards. Valeros, with his weapon recharge never seems to have trouble taking down the enemies and he almost never runs out of steam. I also experienced a weird bug with Sajan. In the third game he died so he was absent in the "level up" screen. Lini who started at the same time as Sajan was level 4 or 5 after that quest and received her first power upgrage. Then on the screen where I choose the members of the team Sajan had a skull next to his portrait and I could not select him on my team for the next quest. Starting a quest without him or going back to the main game screen did not fix the problem. So I decided to delete the character and take a new (level 1) Sajan. After the team won, I noticed he was exactly the same level as Lini (level 7) but he was missing the power upgrade. I don't like him much anyway, but it is frustrating to see the game is a huge mess right now.
  15. @ Kgk4569: I just made that exact team. And how convenient that one of the more experienced members already had an Amulet of Life. Do you pair Lini with Valeros, as was suggested by guys before you, at least early on?
  16. @ Brainwave + Rhygar: Thanks a lot for the great suggestions. I never considered passing her a weapon with Vaeleros or Amiri as an option so thanks for that. The only problem I see with this strategy is that all the weapons Valeros has right now are not noob friendly. I've been after the +1 weapons because of the Magic trait, so he will have to go weapon hunting (probably 2 maces). Do you know at which level the Flaming Mace becomes available? I have it on Kyra in story mode and I love it, but nothing so far in quests (level 15).
  17. @Jehren: Thanks for the Ultimate Lini Guide. I think I'll start questing now with a team of Valeros, Lini, Sajan and one other so I can replenish the coffers in anticipation of the next campaign release, but if it takes to long, I will probably unlock either Seoni or Ezren.
  18. @delpheki: Thanks for the suggestion. Looks solid. I missed that her Animal Trick ability works on any check and not just combat. This makes it a lot better and worth the investment. Any ideas about decent team composition?
  19. EDIT: Although it started as a Lini topic, it later branches to include all 4 characters from the character add-on pack, and some experienced players have offered solid advice about all 4 characters. -------------------- I got the character add-on today and I as I check all the characters, I have to admit I am a little afraid to play with Lini. She seems quite weak again villains who require multiple combat checks. Especially, if the current location forces the character to make additional checks by having her fight a monster before the villain. I want to start leveling her in quests, but I have trouble deciding on suitable partners. I considered pairing her with Kyra (I thought that if she misses a few of those recharge checks for her spells she will be crippled) and have her focus on offense, but that she relies so much on spells, which leave your hand once they are used, scares me a little. Then again, I haven't played with Seoni or Ezren yet either, so I am inexperienced with magic users. It is also quite scary she has 0 armors. One misstep and you are done for. So time for the questions: 1. What 3 person team and 4 person team would you suggest (Lini included of course)? The characters I have unlocked are Merisiel, Kyra, Valersos and the 4 from the add-on pack. 2. Also, is there a suggested card list for her deck somewhere in the forums? Do you go all offense with her, or do you throw 1-2 Cures in there? I have bought the 2 expansions that are available and the character add-on pack which comes with Deck C, so I think I have access to all the cards that are released right now, with the exception of the promo cards. 3. I saw a topic that was about Lini and the weasel. In which deck can the weasel ally be found? I checked the decks in the pathfinder site and I don't think it is in Deck C. I definitely haven't found this ally in quest mode so far or even in campaign mode and I have played quite a lot in both modes.
  20. @Brainwave: The 2 wildcard combo you mentioned (-5 blessings in blessing deck AND -1 blessing each time you fail to acquire a boon) is straight evil. I tried to beat that combo a few times when I started playing the game, but now it is auto-quit for me. Which is why I can't imagine myself playing with permadeath this game. It is too RNG heavy for me to add the rogue-like element. I think a 3-4 person team is the ideal team, with a 2 person team being the easiest. Probably.
  21. I was excited about Deck C, but after checking the list of cards in the Pathfinder site, I was disappointed by how few ''new'' cards are included. 85-90% are copies of old cards, so I am preparing myself for an endless number of Daggers and Shortswords to find their way to my back. I am at 6.5k and in gold saving mode for now until I get enough to buy the character pack, but right now, I doubt deck C is worth the 8k cost for you. My suggestion is to wait for the next campaign. Playing it will give back most of the gold you spent and will level up your heroes. Then go and get Deck C, if you still think you need it. I have learned the hard way that Henchmen are cowards who prefer to hide at the very bottom of the location decks, so I doubt I will play with more than 4 heroes because the game is too RNG-heavy as it is. Adding 2 more locations would probably give me a stroke.
  22. To be fair, I didn't exactly get the math back in that post, but you are right about the chest price. It's 500 gold.
  23. I decided to play the legendary 2-3 scenario today and after a few failed attempts, I finally got a couple wildcards which didn't kick my ass from turn 1. Unfortunately, just after I cornered the big bad in a location and I was about to close the 3rd location (Prison), Valeros stumbled upon an Undead Legion trap (or something like that). After Kyra defeated her foe, the game returns to Valeros, but he can't act at all. I tried quitting and restarting the game, but it is always the same. I roll to recharge Kyra's Holy Light and then the game locks on Valeros. Is there something I can do to move on, or is this unsalvable? The game is fun, but it is also incredibly buggy right now, with bugs popping up left and right. I hope an update will fix most of them soon, because half the time I leave the game excited and the other half I want to throw the phone to the wall.
  24. Can someone explain the changes to gold farming after the patch? I finished yesterday the first adventure in every difficulty for Orik's Shield and I moved today to the second adventure, trying to win in Heroic and Legendary, so I haven't tried with a different group to see if they get the gold or not. Do the changes make it so that if I make a different party, I can only win gold from the Legendary scenarios? Also are there changes to the Quest mode? Even when I win a quest, it is still available afterwards. Does this mean there are unlimited tries in quest mode, or do you get gold from the first win in each difficulty each day?
  25. I think these adventure rewards are linked to the party and not an individual member of the party, and to be honest, I think it makes perfect sense. If it didn't work like that, then every time we added a new character to the party, we would get another copy of the reward, which could result in multiple copies of them in the same party, when in fact these are considered unique. At least I think this is the case. If you want a new member to have a reward that was earned by another character, can't you simply insert that character in the party and swap the items around? Haven't tried it really, as I only have 3 characters right now, but it sounds like something that should be possible.
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