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Splat Cat AU

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Everything posted by Splat Cat AU

  1. If, like so many of us, I threw my money at Obsidian on release of this game, what is the point of buying gold from the store? Any refunds planned for people who bought gold for the purpose of acquiring discounted chests? The only saving grace, as far as I can see (regarding switching from gold to cash purchase of chests), is that all outstanding bugs are fixed. What?? Just let us all know when it is safe for all your customers to continue safely "progressing" in the game without some bug forcing us to start again from scratch!
  2. Any chance this could happen? Encrypt it any way you like to ensure it isn't tampered with. Would make a bug report so much more valuable if we could send in a copy of the log file. Would also be more accurate than my own infullable memory, and probably many others.
  3. Current state = not too good. It seems that with each patch to fix something they break something else. Could it be that the code for a card is mixed in with the code for all the other cards, changing a line of code to make something work for one card unintentionally changes the values of other cards, so that each patch fixes the last patch and creates a reason for the next patch? It seems I will never learn, almost 50 years old and I still expect products that I purchase to work when they are released for public consumption. One day... I was looking forward to playing all the adventure paths as an app but... At least we have a choice of other card games as apps. It's just a pity this one isn't working as good as the rest out there. Please consider this a part of the discussion inline with the thread title. It is to pass information to the developers, not to advertise to new customers. And one more thing, mostly for those who feel that there has been some unfair criticism in these forums, we paid the asked price for the game...we didn't donate!
  4. How is this not an app? Cthulhu Realms / Star Realms Elder Sign
  5. No powers should've been in effect at the time, and none reported in effect. Sorry if I didn't write that in my original post
  6. Check calculations How are these done? The reason I ask is this; Amiri Strenght: 1d12 +3 Melee: STR +2 So, prior to using a weapon her melee is 1d12 +5. All correct so far. Her weapon is Melee + 1d10 +1 No powers should've been in effect at the time, and none reported in effect. After adding the weapon the game reports that she now has 1d12 + 1d10 +4. Shouldn't this be 1d12 + 1d10 +6? Android quest mode normal dificulty no pass and play no perma death just now more frustration than a calculator could shake a stick at.
  7. Yep, this worked for me as well. Thanks for working it out =) One other thing I noticed was that after each app restart and selecting "continue" rewarded me yet again the 100 gold. What I didn't notice was if my gold total increased.
  8. when looking at a character in the quest mode area, have a look at the character completion tab (skills, powers, cards list, COMPLETION) and they are listed to level 29
  9. I found story mode with a 6 group to be a challenge but do-able, pre-patch. The scenarios were easy enough and rewarded what was needed for following scenarios. Post-patch, now quest mode works, I found a 6 group in quest mode near impossible as they start with basic gear and are expected to confront higher level cards and still be aggressive with exploration. A 3 group is a good start point, I have 2 or 3 groups going at first tier of levels (1-10) that I will selectively join together to eventually give me a full party that can succeed while giving me a challenge at higher levels.
  10. This is basically (with caveats) how it works in quest mode. I like the way they have story mode that works very similar to the cardboard version of the game, and quest mode that gives rewards on character levels gained. Two games in one.
  11. I hear what you're saying. A 3 character group worked much better as you don't have to aggressively search locations all the time. You can relax and search once per turn and pick your moment for aggressive exploration. Its the numerous bugs that has got me thinking about the intended operation, as the game doesn't match the cardboard version exactly, and a bug can give the exact same impression.
  12. So, you're saying price has to be balanced with a mobile game that EA made and manages? EA has been screwing gamers ever since I remember, and I'm 48 this year.
  13. Not quite the way it is now...I have one character who died during a successful scenario. He gained experience but was not granted the 3 rewards for that experience. In other words - he is now gimped. I understand how it works currently - I play and I tend to notice function and operation as the game progresses. I was interested in INTENDED operation and function. Then there is my "basic" level group of 6 going up against "adventure path 1" villains and henchmen with basic level items to try and fight them with. I am currently 1 win from 10+ games today. Is this also INTENDED? Thanks.
  14. What is intended in quest mode when it comes to characters gaining experience? Gain experience as it is awarded during the quest scenario even if you run out of time? Gain experience as it is awarded during the quest scenario ONLY if the villain is defeated? Gain experience as it is awarded during the quest scenario ONLY if the villain is defeated and there is at least one character remaining alive? If you defeat the villain but have characters die, is it intended that they gain experience and rewards for gaining levels, one or the other, or neither? Also, is it intended that a new party of 6, with only starting equipment only have a slim chance of survival in quest mode? No complaints, just asking for information.
  15. Well, as I have paid for the bundle, and I don't have money falling out of my pockets, they aren't going to trick me into buying those silly chests for ca$h. They only way I will purchase those chests is by using in-game currency/gold rewards. The only way they are going to get more money from me is to convert more of the cardboard versions of games in the series to this digital medium. By fiddling with the "farming" ability, keeping in mind that farming was an intended feature, people may feel that the "moving the goalpost syndrome" is simply a way to fiddle/reduce the rewards they get for playing, which implies a sneaky attempt to make people spend more ca$h (micro/macro transactions) to get something they though they had already paid for. The sneakier devs appear when they start fiddling with rewards to inspire ca$h-shop purchasing, the less people will trusted future fiddling. I purchased the bundle because I really like the game and like what they have made. They want more money from me then they need to make more game, dont try to make me spend at the ca$h-shop.
  16. can only delete one character at a time when attempting to manage characters in Quest mode. Have to back out of quests and back in to delete one, then back out and in again. so on and so on. Happens in Story mode too.
  17. I can tell you that you can backup your save files from Android devices. I don't have an Apple device so I cant confirm for them. Android save location - root>sdcard>Android>data>net.obsidian.pacg1>files>pacg1.save_games>slot##>game.sav - where ## is 01 through 99 I believe. Each slot corresponds to the group you created in story. I have no idea about the quest groups. If you start to have issues just backup the folder pacg1.save_games you can pick and choose which game.sav fil to place in to a slot## folder
  18. if you can gain access to your devices file system you can copy/backup/transfer the save files that the app creates.
  19. same problem here. Android all the way. 7 and 10 inch Pendo tablets, Galaxy S4, and Bluestacks (emulating a Samsung Galaxy Note 3)
  20. It's not that you loose progress. It is still on the device you gained that progress on. They must have gone for local storage of character info (hackable??) rather than fill up a database server.
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