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Everything posted by Ronin@

  1. Greetings, I just want to report that Storm blade still doesn't work according to description. It doesn't add 10 shock damage on Crit. Rather, it seems to add another ~10% shock damage which amounts to 3-4 damage in most cases. This damage isn't even shown in combat log, you can only see it added to the red damage numbers.
  2. It doesn't seem to work. I've been trying to spot a change in my penetration, recovery, or action speed but to no avail in more than 50 battles.
  3. Edit: Made a mistake. The item is working fine for me.
  4. That's probably a visual bug. Same thing happens to me with the Stormcaller but it would always fix itself when you re-equip your weapon/reload your game. Check whether the bonus applies in the combat log. If it doesn't, then it needs attention.
  5. Come on, guys... no need to be so pedantic. You know what they mean, don't you? By using the word "area" they're covering cone and other irregular AoE shapes like Freezing Rake's that don't really have a radius. You don't really expect them to calculate the area of an oval (even though its width doesn't change), do you ? Having said that, the formula that determines what these 10% increased AoE for each spell really mean is even murkier than the DoT resolution. Most of the time at 21 INT it's actually 8% or close to that (8.16%) which means it's different not only for different INT values but also for each spell.
  6. Hey Bronstejn, You're right. There are a few spells that benefit from sneak attack. I've already reported this issue here so lets combine our findings in one thread and let devs decide wether this is an actual bug or not.
  7. This description is lacking in many ways. First of all it doesn't say anywhere that it has a duration and how long it is. What's more, it actually shouldn't have a duration at all as it's supposed to be instant heal, not a heal over time (again according to tooltip).
  8. Both attacks are hits , one inflcts 1 sec dazed, the other 15.8 sec.
  9. So not only do we not see the last tick most of the time but the damage we see isn't even the real damage too. Makes it really hard to keep track of things with so many hidden stuff going on. P.S: 6.9+6.9+6.9 equals 20.7 which should be 21 real damage.
  10. It's more of a question rather than a bug report but I'm sure many people would like to know why multiple instances of the same DoT sometimes stack, other times they don't. For example Autumn's decay stacks with itself while Necrotic Lance doesn't. What's so different about these 2 spells?
  11. There's still a problem. Check out my example of a crit vs 16 DR in my first post. I'm not sure why you add 3 to the duration but either way using your formula I get 80 damage rounded down. What I saw was 77 damage. The last tick was shown so there's nothing to amount for the missing 3 damage. And a bonus question - why do we have 6 ticks at 13.95 sec duration if damage ticks every 3 seconds?
  12. On second inspection it seems to malfunction only at the beginning of a battle. Later on it seems to work fine. I'll avail myself of this thread to ask, why isn't the DoT duration fixed at 6.0 sec as it's supposed to be? Did it get changed at some point?
  13. There's something specific here as I've tried Stormcaller+Wounding shot with my ranger and it works properly. Now I gave the Stormcaller to my chanter and the baby version of Wounding shot doesn't work at all. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ujlkplxopx6ykos/0e64ce5b06134f23b32d74f0901cd134%2024984067%20Mowrgheken.savegame?dl=0
  14. True, it's lower by default. However, as you can see I have the Crowns for the Faithful buff here which in my case means 27 int = 5.6 sec duration. It should still affect him for a moment. Too much time had passed when I took the screenshot for it to be shown but you can guess by the combat log that it doesn't in fact affect him at all. If it did it would read: "... and hits with additional effect. (Terrified for 0.6 sec)" Nevertheless, this turned out to be a more minor problem than I thought so we can leave it at that.
  15. Hey Sking, I see... but are you saying paladins have such an ability because I'm pretty sure they don't? Besides the screenshot proves they can get frightened so either way there is a bug here.
  16. Are the items lost when you sacrifice someone?
  17. Tried multiple times with different Ondrite Swornswords. I thought they had Fearless or something but this one did get frightened. By the way it would be nice if we get some kind of message when a creature is immune to something since we can't look kith creatures up in the Bestiary.
  18. Different spell, same problem. It grazes me but I take no damage whatsoever:
  19. Hey Sking, This is what I'm talking about: As you can see I haven't done anything to provoke this ondrite guy. My druid just kept starting combat out of the blue after I'd just finished a fight and in like 5-10 seconds this guy came down the stairs, rushing at me. There was nobody to call him out, shout or whatever simply because there was nobody alive. Had I started another fight in the meantime I would've been sandwiched again. This is the Hall of Presence in The Abbey of the Fallen Moon. If this is deliberate, how can I tell reinforcements are coming ? Am I going to hear an audible shout, see someone running past my party to call for help or see something on top of the creature (like "Kill the intruders! in case of a civilized race, ??? in case of other creatures)?
  20. I'm sure many of you have experienced this one. It can get really nasty when your unprepared party finds itself sandwiched between 2 big mobs. Sometimes they're not even close. Like 2 seperate corridors 20m apart. Attacking one of the mobs aggroes the one in the fog and they rush in from behind your casters. This can ruin your Trial of Iron so I hope it gets a fix in 3.03.
  21. Sure, Bloody Slaughter isn't supposed to activate at 100% target hp in the first place but still :
  22. Well, you should report everything relying on devs to decide wether it's important enough or not because at the end of the day a ton of small bugs can change your entire experience. I , for one, like to do my math and really go deep into details to make my party as effective as possible. I can't do that when almost every skill has some kind of problem or wrong description. What good are my calculations when my characters are attacking themselves or when my characters randomly freeze during a battle until I move them? I need to base my tactics on real information. Can't do that when something as basic as an attack's damage range is wrong. The devs have left players doing the Trial of Iron a message that reads: "I prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating" That's all fine and dandy, I'm all for it. However, how am I supposed to accept failure when my party dies even after I've spent days to make it pretty much perfect? I've had to restart my Trial of Iron 4-5 times because of bugs like this one where a skill or item malfuncions. And you know some battles can be either won or lost depending on 1 single spell/skill. It's a frustrating experience, that's why I started reporting almost every inconsistency I see, and I see a lot during my calculations and tests.
  23. Well, it doesn't happen 100% of the time as you can see but I think it would apply any weapon effect. Haven't tried it though. Feel free to test it with my save file from the "Withdraw not working" thread Haha, well it's practical !
  24. Most of the time it is. I can't save during a battle so I'm not sure how a save can help here but I'm happy to provide one when needed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bfa114fry9bewo5/0e64ce5b06134f23b32d74f0901cd134%2023081800%20TheAbbeyoftheFallenMoon.savegame?dl=0
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