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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. NWN2 In all fairness, it already sounds better than Oblivion, though.
  2. Screenshots from Take Command - 2nd Manassas. Awesome game. These are the aftermath of a corps-level tutorial. A freaking TUTORIAL. The battle lasted 1h30.
  3. Dorkface is only half-right, because I'm the one who won it.
  4. Me too!
  5. Installing Take Command - 2nd Manassas...
  6. Heh..... ok. Eldar Llyranor Nick Tigranes Deadly Nightshade Blank metadigital Musopticon? Fenghuang Archmonarch jaguars4ever LoneWolf16 Role-Player Baley As discussed in the Eldar thread, there's been a change of plans. This Friday session will be an initiation to PnP, more or less. All those here are invited (even freaking Lonedawg). There will be a lot of us, but we'll also be testing out reliability. It's all well and nice that you guys posted in the thread to sign up, but we also need to see some show of reliability. This is serious business, after all. This way, we can also assess whether we have enough players for 1 or 2 parties. In that sense, the less people who show up, the better <_< . If you feel you're not going to be *reliable*, don't bother. Everyone is *expected* to show up, however, unless you report an inability to do so BEFOREHAND (as have RPdude and Baley).
  7. Actually, in that sense, maybe it would be a good way to assess interest. The people who don't show up on Friday, for example (unless they've preemptively reported an inability to attend, such as RPdude), would be removed from the list. Even with just a couple out in this way (which would be unfortunate, but reliability is pretty much a requirement, I'd say), we'd have the party down to 7-8, which could actually be manageable. Also, having a slight surplus of players could make up for occasional absentees (would could then perhaps be placed into the role of a NPC for that week).
  8. That *could* work on paper, but going through those encounters with so many people could prove to be quite cumbersome. As you say, though, it could just be some sort of teaching session. We'll see how people organize themselves, first. If people aren't getting their act together and do their part in helping to setting the sessions in proper order, then we might end up dropping some people, too.
  9. Yeah, there'd be little point in playing by your lonesome. Finding a good corporation, though, that'd make for some nice gaming.
  10. Isn't EVE Online similar to Freelancer in concept?
  11. Hmm, so we could theoretically stay as one group. Though, that will inherently bring its own problems, what with some players potentially dominating while others just stay in the shadows, or just general chaos. In any case, if you do start this week, Friday would likely be the only session to start off. I don't think Saturday's would be ready yet, since it kind of still lacks a DM.
  12. Well, for starters, we first need to know WHO exactly is going to be attending the Friday session. Given the interest level, we're trying to accommodate two teams. Unless you, like, don't mind a 11-dude party. Or, unless we assign an arbitrary limit and use a first-come first-serve policy. What timezone are you referring to, anyway?
  13. What better way to do that than in a Disney franchise? Try http://www.burningsea.com/
  14. lol silly u
  15. Check here http://www.rpgsheets.com/
  16. I think the major difference will be in combat, where you'll have to actively participate instead of having the computer calculate everything for you. Therefore, things you'd really have to know about would be about your character specifically. Attack rolls, saving throws, bonuses, feats, skills and such. The DM would likely tell you when to roll which kind, so having a quick reference of how much you add to your roll would be useful. The OpenRPG program allows you to do that on the fly, so if you'd type something like D6+4, it'd do it automatically for you. You'd also need to know about the combat basics, especially since things work differently. The basics of magic as well, especially if you're a spellcaster.
  17. Those black headcrabs were scarier than the fast zombies
  18. Sounds like Fridays would *probably* be better for you. Depends on what the 'official' times will be. I'll put you on Friday for now. Friday: Eldar Llyranor Nick Tigranes Role-Player Deadly Nightshade Blank Saturday: metadigital Musopticon? Baley Fenghuang Archmonarch LoneWolf16 Bolded names are confirmed. As for what to read, go through the main ones here http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/srd35 and use this as a reference http://www.dmreference.com/SRD/
  19. Circular sawblades > all
  20. Ravenholm was the best part of the game. EAT LEAD, BLOODY ZOMBIES MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  21. It'll probably be around afternoon in North America and evening in Europe. If you want to sign up, post here with your preference between Fri or Sat. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...pic=40863&st=90
  22. Also, let's not forget the awesome games that are going to be represented at this awesome conference http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=41291
  23. Nintendogs ^_^
  24. One thing we need to ensure is that people aren't just going 'me too! i wanan play!!!' without actually be willing to honor the commitment. Therefore I suggest that everyone on the list be requested to reply to this thread (yay or nay to the proposed schedules) within 24-48 hrs.
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