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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I did that a couple of times when I downloaded some huge BG mods. Some of them took days. Good thing for Netants download utility, I can pause it while I do my regular stuff online. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I used GetRight. And yeah, you can't go back. You'll find a way to get it in inaccessible places if need be.
  2. I was disappointed that the Spaz does not have that same result. But I wholeheartedly prefer the Spaz over the Ultica pump action. I can kill one of those big 3-headed womanish with split open belly things in a single clip which means no panicking by me.
  3. I downloaded huge demos with my dialup to. 28.8k at that. I just do it while I'm sleeping.
  4. I'm sitting down with Python and examining it, with respect to Civilization 4. I was thinking it is probably pretty common around the "game developer" world, and I think it's quite common in AI. Does anyone know of any other large scale (mainstream) games that have also used Python extensively?
  5. Though less versatile. What type of powers do they have? Are they typically of the "spell" variety.
  6. There's much missing out of your sentences too! So? Considering there was a wide variety of ways for that to play itself out, much of it had to be accounted for in some way, in a variety of different ways. Star Forge went kaput. Who cares about Manaan...it wasn't important to your quest. What difference would it have made if it was destroyed or not (again, many things could have happened here in KOTOR 1, which makes designing around it more difficult)? You never go there, as you never have a reason to. Heck, it's possible the Exile had never really heard of Manaan.
  7. It was usually colourful. On another note, what's with the gun naming in the game? I'm pretty sure the Spaz is correct, as is the Steyr Aug and the Anaconda, but the Killmatic, Brock, Braddock, etc. were all name changed. They only got a 'partial' license? Or does Steyr not care? :D I got the Jaime Sue as a reward for finishing the quest though.
  8. Yeah, but my shooting skills sucked at the time I'd usually run up and "spaz" on them :D The pellet spread did provide assistance for the headshots. I don't believe I had a rifle at the time though. My "sniper" weapon was the anaconda (which is pretty good as a sniper weapon, but needs to reload faster).
  9. That's a bizarre bug. Modern games don't really have that problem as they are usually threaded to prevent things from going waaaay to fast like older games. (I remember playing Police Quest 3 on my 400 MHz machine...wowzers did I drive fast). But I've played Deus Ex on a wide variety of machines, from a 450 MHz K6-2, to a 650 MHz Duron, 1 GHz Athlon, 1400 MHz Athlon XP, as well as my current computer which is an Athlon64 3500+ (2.2 GHz I believe). I've also gone through a slough of video cards. THe problem you are describing shouldn't be solved by upping the video requirements, as you're running the game itself too fast....framerates shouldn't matter. It's almost like you are in timedemo mode. EDIT: Of course it seems you fixed the problem anyways " What did you need to change in the .ini?
  10. At will means unlimited usage? It sort of reminds me of the Sorceror, though he just gets mage spells.
  11. I'll need to test this out when I get home tonight :thumsup: I'll probably make some videos too, just for comparisons sake. I remember barely surviving the stupid zombie horror show in the graveyard by spamming the Braddock (Mac-10) with my medicore gun kills and pulling off some fluky headshots on them and watching them gib with 10 seconds left and the gate about to be broken down. That was one of the hardest quests for me...probably because I didn't have Celerity. I can imagine it being very useful.
  12. What is so special about them there Warlocks?
  13. I was a bit surprised....as I figured any zooming meant bonus damage. So when I got the actual sniper rifle (the one that Bach uses), I didn't get any bonus damage. I didn't try for headshots though. Though I do know that "headshots" do exist, at least in some way. You can kill zombies instantly with a headshot (in fact, I don't even think it shows damage...they just explode).
  14. Hehehe. Though I still suck enough at the game that that is hard for me. Haven't played RTS games since Starcraft.
  15. On the other hand, attacking with a fleet of star destroyers is still crazy fun! (even though you can't do that in the demo)
  16. Would you be up for a game this weekend? :D
  17. Unfortunately coop doesn't seem to be high up on the list. Though I did talk with a fellow from Bioware that was telling me that coop is actually more difficult to implement that it sounds, which is why it often doesn't make the cut in today's games. I can't really remember his explanation though, as it was a few months ago...but I do remember it actually being a plausible explanation. Though I don't think he was talking about RTS games. It would be "interesting" to have two sides share the same team in Empire at War. People would be bickering about resources and what to build and all that. I miss coop
  18. The 1vs1 point is a bit disappointing. Though I'm not sure what else they could do with a SW game.
  19. There's something about the ending credits theme in Braveheart. One of the few times bagpipes don't devastate my eardrums.
  20. I didn't get the impression that the Galactic Map was turn based. There's a play/pause button, as well as an accelerate time button. If it's turn based, then it is a wierd turn based interface. It's funny that you mention that good AI is the future, as I was part of a research project last summer where the focus was on a smart AI for RTS games.
  21. I agree. Though it was interesting enough, with the galactic map and all that too, that I may consider picking it up.
  22. Don't get on my case for it being old news...you were the one bringing it up yesterday. I agree with Gromnir that the bulk of the responsibility of Troika's downfall was Troika themselves. You can only get away with making buggy games and trashing publishers so long before it comes back to haunt you.
  23. There's so much more that you'll never know behind the scenes. And did Activision make the deal, or did Troika use Activisions money to go for the engine?
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