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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Since I'm someone that likes good games, as well as Fallout, I look forward to the game. If it sucks, I won't buy it. But if it rocks, then yay for us.
  2. I'm pretty sure that that is not true. Instead you'll be issuing more apologies to families of the wrongfully accused that are now dead at the hands of the government. Then what's with all that talk about psychopathy? Psychopaths do not commit murders out of circumstance. I wouldn't be surprised if executions happened much more frequently in the dark ages. I'd certainly consider it more akin to the "dark ages" than putting someone in a cell. The death penalty does not serve as a deterrence, and I feel allowing it sends the wrong message to the rest of society. Furthermore, a disproportionate number of murder convicts that get executed tend to be both poor and from minorities. People without high quality legal counsel (i.e. public defenders) tend to have juries and judges consider their crimes more worthy of execution moreso than those that can afford higher quality attorneys. The judicial system is not perfect, and can never be perfect. And unless it is perfect, I'd never support the death penalty.
  3. I'm sure they can come up with something. I think torture is much too extreme however. I'm against the death penalty, but I'd rather the guy just be killed rather than tortured.
  4. Welcome to the catch-22. Assuming the creative writing of the romances does not improve, should a company please those that want romances of any kind and include them, or should the company please those that don't like the poorly written romances, and allocate their time and resources elsewhere?
  5. I agree wholeheartedly. Sometimes a character, like say Mira, just isn't a romancable option. And I don't think that that is a bad thing.
  6. Meh, I think torturing him would be stooping to his level.
  7. alanschu


    Hahaha people are too creative. Here's more Rory goodness:
  8. Okay, it looks like a solid line on my craptastic moniter at 1600x1200. Is that better? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes yes, much better. And if you happen to own Chaos Theory, I'm game for some Coop Multiplayer!
  9. I think that that is part of the problem. If you offer a romance, you're going to get people disappointed (or downright frothing at the mouth, depending on who you talk to) that it was only person X, but not person Y.
  10. You mean the dotted line that separates the post from the sig, or am I missing something? EDIT: Nevermind, I see it now. It looks like a solid line at 1600x1200. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No it doesn't! In any case, I just finished the first 3 splinter cells. Saving the world is hard.
  11. I'm a Fallout fan, and I'm looking towards it. It's South!
  12. And while I truly enjoyed playing through the first two again, the awesomeness of the third one still trumps them all. I got so sucked into it that I forgot to take pictures
  13. Dude, he needed the suit or else he'd be damn cold on top of that train! Though seriously, didn't he quickly head there after a mission from the Osprey? Grimsdottir may not have had the foresight to pack the jeans and t-shirt
  14. Suddenly I feel less safe in my apartment. And Bok, I would drop the REAL Sword of 1000 Truths. As for insensitivities, my Dad and my cousin were cracking jokes at my brother's funeral, because that's how they dealt with the tragedy. I actually appreciated it, because the situation was so doom and gloom that a bit of laughter made me feel quite a bit better.
  15. 2 down, 2 to go. Sam back to his old tricks: Nothing like a day on the job: Sam should ask for a raise Yikes! A signet ninja, scoping the place out Few things are as unnerving as trying to sneak past a group of soliders working on their target practice! Sam is convincing this man to help him out! Someone has a fever!
  16. alanschu


    That WAS a really nice stop.
  17. I'd post pics but the forums are really slow for me EDIT: I finally got them up! This guy thought he heard me: I had to convince him otherwise: Sure is dark here: Ah, much better: I see you! STupid steam: Interesting what lies beneath it!
  18. alanschu


    Great save by Staios!!
  19. I have heard a few different interpretations of that cliche.
  20. Odd, where is Riftworm's response?
  21. One could argue that only serves to exaggerate the problem.
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