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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Not true, since I did just that both times.
  2. And you'll probably see games for the Wii that aren't on the PS3/360. Also, the only way the game needs to be "gimped" from what I can tell, is graphically.
  3. I figured they were still third party developers. The bizarre classifications people feel compelled to use.
  4. I know speaking with John Buchanan, University Liason for Electronic Arts, they have been reticent about AI advances, particularly when it's dynamic. I wouldn't be surprised if Wizardy 7 wasn't actually AI sequences, but rather just a script based on game time, or perhaps game events (the game was released in 1992). The big thing that worries them is that there's less restrictions. Electronic Arts worked with the University of Alberta Games Group on making excellent, adaptable AI for their FIFA lines of games. The big problem is, since it could change itself, what assurances were there that it wouldn't possibly learn something that was completely stupid and game breaking. It was a very interesting discussion, and seemed to be at least somewhat echoed in my talks with Jonathan Schaefer. A lot of love for using learning to build an AI base, but not so much confidence in keeping the learning enabled.
  5. I am aware that the concept of a nation is relatively new. Well, the Nation-State anyways. How specific do you have to be though. Australia committed atrocities against the indigenous aborginies, but did they have a civil war, revolution, or a devastating conflict? The British and French frequently had colonial wars, but what is Canada's history of civil wars, revolutions, and devastating conflict? What civil wars, revolutions, or devastating conflicts did Sweden have after the concept of the Nation-State was conceived? They took part in conflicts prior to that (as did many other European countries), so I suppose that that is what you are looking at? Besides, I specifically said "civil war," not revolutions, nor devastating conficts.
  6. alanschu


    Oooo I remember watching his final game. Watching it again still gave me goosebumps, like it did the first time. Here is , which is awesome because I also love the Last of the Mohicans soundtrack
  7. Well, I am close with all my family, and have been friends with my best friends for 13 years now.
  8. Having an AI that completes quests sounds good on paper, but whenever I talk about the idea of making urgent parts of the plot be actually, well, urgent, I am typically greeted with opposing remarks. A lot of people seem to enjoy taking their time in RPG games, exploring every nook and cranny. Would an RPG where NPCs ended up doing a large chunk of the quests in the game really be a fun experience? A few isolated incidents would be pretty cool. When you realize that your character literally accomplished nothing of any real significance in the game, and didn't get to experience most of the story development, quest rewards, or whatever else your motivation to do the quest would be, would you really have had any fun?
  9. I think being immortal would only be "good" if I wasn't a social creature. The idea of staying young, while my friends and family get old, and ultimately die, could very easily lead to being horrible. I wouldn't age with my friends, and would essentially still be a young man and would probably find myself with shifting relationships. Even if I remained friends with them, watching my children grow up and die, in addition to their children, and their children's children, would be a never ending cycle of trauma that would come at least once a generation. Recreating myself and reforming new friendships, new intimate relationships, would eventually become an emotionally straining monotony.
  10. But you said it will be because the Iraqi will get sick of fighting. Why would they get sick of fighting?
  11. Is following in the footsteps of the United States really the best thing? Have all "successful" nations had civil wars?
  12. Do you base this on anything, or is it just what you feel?
  13. One guy I work with is a Wii owner, and I guess for his Christmas family get together (we're talking a bunch of adults here, parents and grandparents alike) spent the whole day playing Wii sports. I guess the Grandma dominated in golf :D
  14. Didn't you already mention this gripe, or am I just losing my mind? Some serious deja vu going on here.
  15. Yeah, but that doesn't mean it's simply because there are more US troops in Iraq. I figured even you'd be able to figure that out. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh it's because the invasion, and initial and previous troop buildup for occupation started pissing them off? With all those "friendly" fires demolishing homes with smart bombs and soldiers from a country of a much different religion and implying new and unwelcomed sets of ideas to their country's culture, government and social way of life, led by a bible thumping conservative start raping a few of them and kill much more Iraqis, either those who are innocent or those who wants them out for that same exact reason? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why would someone that is not already motivated to be an insurgent, become one if more troops are added to a situation where there is already an occupation going on?
  16. To be fair I haven't asked anyone for a PBEM. I still want to play as Japan and learn what it's like from their side. I'm sure someone will take me on, just because they like playing the game. I haven't asked yet though.
  17. The problem I find is that their saying "if you're a grognard, you'll get the game." But I don't consider myself a grognard, and I still got the game. And I'm enjoying it. Even for the faults the AI has, it's still fun firebombing Rangoon in preparation for a land assault.
  18. It's amazing you are actually able to type such drivel, considering you are living in a country whose safety was guaranteed by the US Cold War victory. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not sure there was a cold war victory. You might even consider that we all of us on this planet lost the "cold war". Look what we have now. :crazy: I'll say this about the cold war - at least back in the cold war days we didn't all piss in our pants in fear of some arab with a bad attitude leading a camel across the desert. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And who's to say that the end of the Cold War was the cause of all this? Places like Beirut and Lebanon in general were hardly "happy places" during the 80s.
  19. Does a game like Company of Heroes feature a coop mode? Probably only team MP I imagine.
  20. Like the Iraqi invasion being a catalyst for a Iraqi civil war. Bush planned ahead real well on that one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So shouldn't he have dealt with some "what ifs" rather than just living in the now?
  21. And I never said otherwise. If you question that it's not a good thing, then that means there is some of you that feels that it was a bad thing. Because there's right and wrong. Right?
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