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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. So reloading constantly to ensure you successfully complete each encounter optimally is better? To be honest, after you started talking about how you have plenty of opportunity to avoid those kind of situations in Dues Ex, it sounds like the point you are making is that the health regeneration model (whether it be auto regen, or medkits) is not very important.
  2. Difficulty level with autohealing only affects individual battles. What happens in one battle has no bearing on the next battle. However if you have limited healing resources per game level, you have to be careful about expending too much of it in any one battle, and thus may have to rethink your whole approach. Sure, you can still take the careful approach even without incentive from the game, but then you're not really competing against the game, which is kind of the point. With the ability to quick save and quick load, are you ever really competing against the game? If the game is hard, then people compensate by saving and loading more frequently. Kill a guy without taking damage? Save! And so on. What is frustrating is that the end of a level becomes impossible to complete because you have no health and there are no medkits around, but you just barely made it through some tough parts. Time to start it all over then I guess. It's a double edged sword, and don't really care one way or the other. If I had to choose I'd probably choose a slow regen.
  3. I thought it was a good lol/10 though. I came away entertained.
  4. unless you've got a state of the art PC with the latest graphic card, it's safe to say that FO3 will almost certainly run better on a console. My PC Fanboyism must declare that it will play better on a PC though
  5. Studying for an exam, and helping a friend out with some JavaScript problems. As for my personal drama, the friend that has asked me not to contact her was the first to budge after I logged into WoW and she was already in there. One weird thing was she asked if I could help the other guy playing with the JavaScript stuff (an odd thing to do if you don't want me to contact you again), and I was stupid and said sure. I should have said no haha. Oh well. On the plus side I did get a crash course on JavaScript, so there is some value added.
  6. There is nothing stopping you from playing the game in such a way that you have to plan a strategy though.
  7. At the same time, I hate it when games make the player the sole influence in the entire setting. I actually don't mind it if the game doesn't work out exactly the way I expected it to based on my choices because other things happen. You complain because Lebedev didn't survive. So? UNATCO isn't just you, and even though you bought Lebedev some time, it's not like JC sparing Lebedev's life should guarantee Lebedev's survival. I won't dispute that Deus Ex presents the illusion of choice, but I don't mind that. Especially since on my first playthrough I won't know any better, and realize they were just illusions of choice on subsequent playthroughs didn't tarnish the game for myself. However, even if a game provides you real choice, doesn't mean that everything should always work out the way you expect it to.
  8. The point is that the prequel suddenly introduces something that the guy in the original could have used. He can use it but it costs an augmentation slot, why does JC suddenly need an augmentation slot for something that was apparently available before his time? It doesn't make sense unless they have some really wicked explanation that magically fits into the overall story. Perhaps it comes preinstalled on the guy? I really don't think this is that significant of a continuity error.
  9. Haha dammit, a mutual friend invite me along to join for a group get together of "My Name is Bruce" which I have wanted to see for a long time. He and I talked about seeing it a while ago and were super stoked about it. Of course, I find out that SHE is invited as well. Doh!
  10. Hahaha that is intense. Rumors through the grapevine (my roommate who is talking to the other person that knows that is friends with the girl in question....I told the other girl that I told my roommate, which is good because apparently she is grateful to have someone to talk to) are an admission that she isn't sure if she can give 100% to her husband if I am around, which is sort of what I thought (and she kept denying to me which frustrated me...I thought that it was possible I was crazy and just seeing things my way, but maybe not), and as a result invited me to the Halloween party so she wouldn't have to explain to people why she didn't. On the PLUS side, the other friend said to my roommate that the girl probably does still want to be friends with me (suppositions though). I say plus side because after hearing that my views of "I need to create space" haven't wavered. Since the girl seems to be back on speaking terms with the two other people that might have had friendships burned, my desire to talk has really satiated. Which is good. EDIT: I think sending the email to the friend made the friend call out the girl on her actions, and the girl was more able to be truly honest with the friend than me when I asked about it.
  11. Thanks for the perspective. Though I have been rationalizing on my own a lot My roommate suggests I keep my space as well. He and I are both unsure of why she invited me to a Halloween party the day after she said she didn't want to be contacted again by me. He figures she is either hoping to maintain a facade of a friendship so people don't ask questions (which I agree with), which makes me think to tell her to **** off. He also wonders if she did it because she doesn't want to cut things off entirely and wants to remain "friends" in some way, and then wondered if that is the case, is that fair to me. Regardless of what I do, I do recognize and believe I need time away from her, and probably a lot. So in that sense, it is good. I think part of the reason of talking to her one last time is because I am a last word type of person too haha.
  12. Yeah, even if he doesn't get better, he's still an NHL superstar.
  13. As I think about it, part of me seems to think she wants me to maintain a facade friendship with her, since we share a lot of friends. But honestly, I don't give a **** about the questions people may ask if they see she and I aren't good friends, and part of me wants to say that to her. If she is pissed at me to the point of no return, then no sense maintaining a facade friendship IMO.
  14. Leave things be!! You start explaining, you'll start apologizing and soon enough you're right back to where you were.... I know this hurts, but it's going to hurt regardless. It's like a band aid, you just gotta rip it off all at once and get it over with. That is true and is pretty much the reason why I haven't. Though I don't think I'd apologize because I don't really regret what I did to her, for her or my sake. It seems to have spilled over and affected two other people as well, which does make me feel a bit bad since it's not really their fault. I don't think I'd apologize to her though. I am pretty convinced that this is what I needed to do for myself. Much of my "blame" has shifted from her husband to her. Though it is strange because I did receive an invitation from her to go to her Halloween party, and a friend of hers that has been working on a "Geek Test" (like those online nerd tests to see how nerdy you are) just contacted me yesterday looking for some video game related questions. My roommate figures that she invited me, and has her friend asking me, to not arouse suspicion. But when you say to me you don't want me to contact you, doing these types of things is a bit of a dangerous bluff. There are other people going to the Halloween party that I am friends with, so I am still probably going to go. My roommate said I should use it as a test....if I go and I find myself struggling to ignore her, then I should leave and recognize that I still have a long ways to go. If I go and have no problems ignoring her and just being myself, then I can feel good about myself that I have made good strides (plus it's an excuse to Rock Band!). At the same time, I am a bit conflicted that if I go along with the things to not arouse suspicion, then I'll just be doing something for her.
  15. Thanks! Right now I am up again, and usually am. I am trying to decide if I should bother explaining myself or not, or just leave things be.
  16. I am not even sure how you read my post to make you post the questions that you did. How did you think I was trying to say any of that stuff?
  17. Weren't you critical of the fact that the current government was a minority government, and hence not going to be effective?
  18. I'm a bit up and down with the burning of a bridge with a good friend that I struggled with feelings for. I ended up being a giant ****, in part because I had to be. She could see that I was getting stressed, and said that she felt maybe we shouldn't be friends...but I knew that wasn't enough. I knew I'd find a way to stay latched, with this idea that if things still didn't work out with her and her husband, she'd pick me. I realized I was willing to wait for that, which was bad. So, I was an **** and hurt her, because I needed her to hate me. She has requested that I not contact her again (though she did invite me to the Halloween party she is hosting) and I don't blame her. The problem was that I couldn't make her mad directly, so I betrayed her trust and voiced my concerns of things that happened since we "broke up" to a friend of hers (the only person who knew how close she and I had become). My friend is pissed understandably, because I needed to burn the bridge because I was convinced there was a secret passage on it somewhere that led to somewhere other than friendland. While I felt that way, I knew I could never truly move on, because I didn't want to. Because I hurt her and made her hate me, it put me in a place where I feel that even if her and her husband don't work out, she won't choose me. It's really helped the moving on. I also told my roommate about it (which made my friend angry, but in this regard I don't care how it makes her feel because I needed someone closer to the situation to know what was up). My friend is "kicking my ass" to make sure that I don't do anything stupid, and to remind me that I can't worry about what she thinks, and to not change my life because of this. A bit of me does want to explain to her why I did what I had to do, and why right now I can't be friends with her. A part of me hopes that in the future (and it won't be soon, it can't be for my own sake) we are able to get past this and maintain something resembling a friendship, though it'll never be like it was. Maybe that will be too hard for me, and things truly are gone forever. Which is too bad because she is/was a great friend to me when I needed it. Though I do have to move on and if this is what it takes, then that is it. For the most part I am doing well. I feel much better than I did the past couple of weeks in general, but a couple times a day I get hit with a pang of just how real it is, that we might never talk to each other again. For having this person a part of my life for the last two years, it seems weird. I am not sure if it is good or bad to try to get 5 minutes of her time to quickly explain...the main reason why I want to talk is that it did negatively affect her friendship with the one I betrayed trust to, and if possible I would like to set that right, because she ended up caught in the middle because I was too much of a chicken **** and unable to directly do something to hurt her, so I threw a curveball via her friend. I didn't know what else to do though... I needed her to crush me and get mad at me, because I think it was the only way I was really ever going to move on. Up and down. Mostly up, but right now, a bit down
  19. Put him with some more talented players and I think you'll see a nice spike in his point production. Ovechkin will be a force in the league for many years IMO.
  20. I am a big fan of the Op Flashpoint and Earthbound solutions haha. I remember Opposing Forces (Half-Life expansion) had a bug that only occurred in the pirated version (by mistake I think) and people were asking for help on forums about it.
  21. I had a funny idea once wonder if cracking would see a small decline if the protection was virtually non-existent and/or simple enough that crackers would be bored to crack it. I doubt it, but it made me laugh when I thought about it.
  22. And, judging from some of your posts, it is likely that you were one of the "friends." EDIT: Still, just because copy protection worked in one case does not mean it is preferable or warranted on the scale some companies are starting to implement. Also, as Gorth and myself have demonstrated by personal antidotes, the DRM sometimes makes a legally bought copy of a game unplayable. Actually I made my post because an anecdote means nothing. You are so committed to your crusade that there's no way for me to verify your story, that for all I know you are making it up. Anyone can post an anecdote.
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