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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I can vouch that they are in fact two different people though.
  2. Stating that societal influences can predispose people to crime (or whatever) does not absolve people of their responsibility of committing the act. What it does do though, is try to help understand what would have caused someone to behave in a certain way, and why would they make that decision?
  3. I was going to say some more, but I think it's best to just say I will agree to disagree.
  4. I have no recollection of time haha.
  5. How can you know how much you've done though, unless you've done it before. I mean, Deus Ex itself was a great game for making you think you were almost done, only to have you not be done (which I liked) The possibility of failure doesn't go away because health can regenerate. I just don't think it's an issue and feel that the merits of the game will go way beyond the healing mechanism.
  6. Based on what? Which is why I think that the health mechanics of DX3 is largely irrelevant.
  7. It's impossible to know if you have expended enough health to make parts of the game impossible until you do it. And it's not that they don't save during the level. A saved game that comes after the fact that you've wasted too much health earlier still puts the player in the same position. It's just he unfortunately will probably waste more time hoping he doesn't need to restart (assuming that is even possible) by retrying from that save point, despite it being virtually impossible.
  8. You're right, that's the problem. The thing is, not everyone saves and loads so frequently, so there ARE people that indeed have to restart entire levels because they didn't realize they used up too much health 30 minutes ago.
  9. Hear hear I agree. I mean, look at women and women's rights. The reason why they were subjugated throughout history (and still now) is because they chose to accept that lifestyle. Society wasn't holding them back, they just weren't motivated and chose to let people exploit them and take advantage of them. All those activists just wasted everyone's time. Society didn't hinder their ability, and it wasn't as though there was systemic and institutional discrimination against them. For whatever reason, they just chose to sit idly by.
  10. You should check this out: http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2007/data/table_43.html The number of Afro- Americans in the US: roughly 39 million. The number of Caucasian Americans in the US: roughly 223 million. Based on those numbers, Caucasian American criminals should be a little more than five times more common than Afro- American criminals. However, the FBI study clearly states that "white" criminals outnumber "black" criminals only by slightly more than 2 to 1. Only three different crimes are commited by as many (proportionally) Afro- Americans as Caucasians: Driving under the influence of alcohol, breaking liquor laws and drunkenness. Conclusion: Afro- American citizens have a remarkably high rate of criminal behaviour. I also checked this matter at the Swedish Council of Crime Prevention (BR
  11. Fortunately anesthetic doesn't bother me. When I woke up I was all loopy. I'm surprised you heard anything though Krezak.
  12. The flow of your post, and the words used, do not indicate that you are talking about Oblivion when referring to consoles having a cap on their FPS. What are you trying to prove here? The guy says he meant Oblivion on the Xbox 360. The post may be read in any way you want, and you keep on harping on about your own interpretation of it, despite him explaining it to you? Why? What's the point? Nothing really. Outside stresses making me a jerk. It was basically me interpreting him as calling me wrong, and me being petty about it. The thing I didn't like about the comment the way I interpreted it is that I have heard people say stuff like that about consoles when bashing them. As a PC Gamer, it makes me roll my eyes.
  13. gt? I guess you didn't "solve" Q-T-Pi's name then. Oh, you did... I just didn't feel like correcting him.. it's a shame lower case q's look so much like g's cause I don't like the big Q nearly as much. It's the underline that did it. Makes much more sense now
  14. The flow of your post, and the words used, do not indicate that you are talking about Oblivion when referring to consoles having a cap on their FPS.
  15. Of the fact that essentially what you do is self-regen yourself via saving and loading, and don't really play the game for the competition of the game. You said that saving and loading is better than proceeding through the game sloppily, yet your saving and loading still allows you to play through the game sloppily. You just get to redo parts, and god forbid if you messed up and have no medkits, 1 health, and a wall of guys to fight through. Odd that when I said the same to you, it was unacceptable. Just because the game will allow you to take more chances in combat, doesn't mean you have to.
  16. that just ain't natural It would seem nature disagrees with you. That's not nature. Humans weren't really even meant to live past 40. And yet so many of them do. I beg to differ as well. The reasons why we died earlier than 40 is because we weren't properly nourished for the most part, as well as poor hygiene. I'd say that we were always evolved to live past 40, it's just that we weren't good enough at taking care of ourselves to actually do it.
  17. No it wasn't. I disagree. Consoles run at a fixed frame-rate and lower resolutions than PCs and thus the performance is often better than low-end systems running the game at higher resolutions. If you expect to run Oblivion at 30 fps -if I remember correctly that is what the 360's cap is- and at 1024x600 with 2X AA you do not need a "sate of the art PC with the latest graphic card," and since Fallout 3 is going to use an optimized version of the same engine I would expect that you could easily match the performance of the console version with a mid-range PC.
  18. The game is capped, not the system, if I remember correctly. You said straight up the 360 was capped:
  19. that just ain't natural It would seem nature disagrees with you.
  20. Is there a big delay between opening games and the rest of the season?? Are there games going on before our first against the Avalanche?
  21. Congrats gt. I am an idealist myself and while I don't think I have ridiculous expectations out of relationships that will never be achieved because they are too high, I do think that it's possible to find those that we click with and share a life and be happy with them.
  22. I hope yours come out as smoothly as mine did! Didn't need anything stronger than ibuprofen to completely kill what little pain I had. Was back to about 95% normal in a week. To make him feel better and to reassure him, about 2 or 3 days after, my clot fell out, leaving a dry socket and the most excruciating pain I had ever experienced. I'd rather get kicking in the groin.
  23. Burn After Reading. Very enjoyable!
  24. Why would the 360 be limited to running the game at 30 fps?
  25. Sounds like rationalization if you ask me. If you want to challenge the game, play iron man and only save when you intend to stop playing. Ridiculous amounts of savnig and loading mean you can still play through the game sloppily...you just start to use your metaknowledge of what is coming up to cheat if you find a place that struggles. Maybe in a shooter, but not really in Deus Ex. I only ever play the game on Realistic and as you say, the game lets you play in such a variety of ways that health management is moot in the game.
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