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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I plan on picking up L4D on my PC, as does my roommate, a friend of mine, and that friend's sister. So woo for me.
  2. Yeah the Viconia pic made me think HK was a woman as well. I tend to do that. Lajciak is faceless, and random n00b is a deranged psychopath.
  3. I have some sort of "dismantle" which like removes weapons/shields/equipment or something...
  4. Just for the record, newc and I are agreeing so obviously this is big **** and we are obviously correct
  5. I heard that Savard is very popular in Chicago, so a "bad start" of 1-2-1 gives more justification for firing him, compared to an offseason firing. The conspiracy theories are out on this one.
  6. Need to learn new strats for PvP now haha I like the new energy regeneration scheme though. No more ticks.
  7. I play many buggy games without incident as well. If I meet them by now it's probably more to do with the game not being patched or something.
  8. Haha that does make me laugh too. What's the state of the original STALKER game like now? I got it for my birthday last year so I was curious if its bugginess has been restricted.
  9. I'm surprised too. Speculation was that there was a disagreement between upper management and Savard.
  10. Successfully drawing a hyperbola on a grid. Getting the points to match up with the grid correctly was actually the most difficult part. Once I got that figured out, implementing the incremental midpoint method for the hyperbola itself was actually quite easy! Also learned how to use the lists in OpenGL, which is actually quite useful!
  11. Any chance you'll give us Mr. Boyes?
  12. There are fixed election dates so that the Prime Minister can't call an election whenever he wants. The opposition can still bring down the government on a confidence motion in the case of a minority government though. Of course, none of this really matters because Harper is god and thus is free to ignore his own laws. Yeah the calling of the election did irk me somewhat. I'm a fan of fixed election dates. I heard second and third hand that the explanation for calling an election was due to a minority government, though it's easy to see that it is advantageous for Harper to call it now, just before the economy takes a downward swing.
  13. I think there are fixed election dates...assuming a majority government. My votes tend to be what I feel is best fiscally.
  14. yet apparently folks like you are incapable of memorizing 20 numbers in a series... ahem. taks To be fair, I didn't remember the 18th....I just knew how to get there from the 20th
  15. Woooo Oilers beat the Ducks! Nice shot by Visnovsky.
  16. Max Payne movie? Haha I am out of the loop. I blame homework and bizzaro girl troubles the past few months haha.
  17. Haha yes, Equilibrium is waaaay over the top. But it's Christian Bale and it's over-the-topness is, as you agreed, entertaining. What's good to watch in theatres at the moment? I saw Burn After Reading which was very funny, but aside from that I am out of the loop of movies at the moment.
  18. Solved a derivation for stepping through the drawing of a hyperbola using the midpoint method. Oh, and moved a ball on a screen using Bresenham's line algorithm.
  19. I tend to vote conservative, but really have no ill will against the Liberal Party, and tend to alternate between the two determining how long someone has been in power and for how long. In the past the NDP plan has always seemed so fiscally irresponsible (I remember one time Layton being asked in the previous election of how he plans to pay for the measures he wishes to implements, and his response was something akin to "We'll worry about that") that I kind of find them a laughing stock and don't pay much attention to them anymore. They talk about how other parties are letting jobs disappear overseas, but maybe it's just because I'm in Alberta...but I have seen nothing of the sort. I think our unemployment is negative! I always hear about how evil other parties are for reducing taxes to corporations (As far as I can tell, my personal taxes of gone down too...but what do I know?) and favouring big business. Except...no one escapes taxes. If you tax the crap out of corporations, then they will raise their prices and the consumers will pay for it. If you tax the crap out of customers, they'll have less money and corporations will lower their prices in order to compete, yet have to pay workers more in order for them to survive. It's always been a continuum and no matter where you place a tax increase or a tax break, both people and businesses will benefit/suffer. Starting with the Liberals, and continuing with the Conservatives, huge chunks of national debt have been paid off, and Canada now has the lowest debt-to-GDP ratio of all the G8 countries. I have also been surprised how Canada has for the most part staved off recession for the past 7 years since 9/11 (though things are on the downswing now...but hey, it's always cyclical) when the US economy went into uncertainty, in addition to the effects the prolonged conflicts of the US Armed Forces. I think we as Canadians have it pretty good, and I'm a "starving student" in evil right-wing Alberta...
  20. That's easy to say given that we aren't in his shoes though. As people that don't make multimillion dollar salaries, it's easy for us to say that X dollars is sufficient.
  21. It wasn't pretty but I'll take the W. Nice work Mr. Penner!
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