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About LittleRose

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    RPGs, classic adventures, books, TV shows, jigsaw puzzles

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  1. They have a second showcase on Tuesday. I'm sure it's going to be there.
  2. I love a good adventure game just as much as a good RPG. I enjoy the puzzles and the feeling of accomplishment when I've solved one of them. I also like the story telling. Every combat centric game needs a story that justifies the aforementioned combat. Adventure games are free of that. There are murder mysteries, thrillers, playable cartoons, treasure hunts, haunted houses, and even serious stories. The Kyte trilogy for example focuses on a family with an alcoholic father. Each part tells the story from the point of view of a different family member. Try that in an RPG or FPS. Also, not all games are like the old Sierra or Lucas Arts titles anymore. In the upcoming adventure game Scene Investigators, you play a detective in training and have to solve the cases of rebuilt crime scenes. All guidance you get are a few questions you need to answer for each case, using only the clues you find at the scene and your own intellect. The game doesn't do any of the required thinking for you at all. Or think of games like Heavy Rain, Life is Strange, or What Remains of Edith Finch. Those are adventure games, too. The genre is still undefeated when it comes to story telling, and if it's just because of it's range. (Though RPGs are a very close second)
  3. The water on this island is crystal clear. You could almost think it wasn't there.
  4. The Shadowrun Trilogy is currently free on GOG.
  5. Ultima Underworld 1 and 2, Syndicate Plus, and Syndicate War are going to disappear from GOG on June, 28th. If you have already purchased them, they will remain in your library. Otherwise this is your last chance to get them if you want them. This isn't GOG's decision, the publisher demands it.
  6. You stayed long enough for that? I just changed to IGN and watched the Encased trailer afterwards. I quit the interview after the first question because I had already heard their questions for other developers. I don't know who's responsible for this mess, but they should be fired immediately. That was just painful. I don't care about the developer's childhood or previous carreer, I just want to know more about the game itself. How hard could that be?
  7. Word has it that the Koch Primetime today is going to show Encased and maybe one or two other RPGs.
  8. Minor spoiler or appetizer for Nethergate: Resurrection
  9. Mostly point & click adventures and Stardew Vally. I don't know what was wrong with me. After Mass Effect 2, which I've quit just minutes before the final boss, because I couldn't stand those never ending waves of attackers anymore, almost every RPG felt like it had too much combat. I consider it an RPG burn out, because that describes ist best. I just needed a break. All I could ever think about was tactics and stats, not the quests, not the story. It killed all my motivation to figure things out, and I started to play everything in story mode. But that didn't help, either. In the end, I had to admit to myself that the thrill was gone, and I needed to check out something new. I used to be eager to experience all those great adventures in the game whenever I started a new RPG, but that feeling was gone entirely. Fortunately, it's back now. I just really needed a break from all that fighting, that's all. And I'm overjoyed to have that feeling again. I can't wait for all those upcoming new games, and I really want to catch up on the ones I couldn't enjoy for quite a while. It feels like coming home. Monsters and evil wizards prepare: I'm back! Because you're right: It is the greatest gaming genre of all time.
  10. Hidden Path Entertainment ist working on an open world D&D game. Source
  11. After half a year of a break from RPGs I've finally started with Nethergate: Resurrection - and got lost on the lowest level of the first dungeon. I'm almost out of spellpoints and potions, and I can't find the way up again. Well, maybe tomorrow. At least I got rid of the goblins. I've also found a nice amound of money in loot. Ah, the good old taste of adventure and the thrills of a proper dungeon. I can't wait to report back to town and sell some stuff. That ruby must be worth half a fortune.
  12. Do you also need EA's launcher if you get it on Steam? Because it's listed there, too. Link
  13. Better Microsoft than Ubisoft.
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