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Everything posted by SamHam

  1. Not completely done with my playthrough of the game, but I thought I'd make note of some of the most glaring bugs up until the end game. I've noticed that many bugs occur when one explores without obtaining the quest beforehand, for example: In the Gullet, I decided to enter the sunken city hoping to find the roparu basically sentenced to death by that overzealous city watchman. While I was there I obviously explored EVERYTHING and threw myself at anything that sparkled. This way I obtained one of the seashells that open the gate into Ondra's temple (I left the seashell in the gate). I later stumbled upon Dereo, who tasked me with obtaining the second conch from a pompous fool in Serpent's Crown. At this point I could complete the quest by "presenting" the conch I left in the temple door and continue a dialogue tree which would suggest I got the conch from Takano in Serpent's Crown and got attacked after obtaining it (which obviously wasn't the way it played out). After a reload I did the quest as intended. After reaching Takano I could again "present" my conch, which obviously was still in the temple door, and the game would crash. After a reload I backtracked, retrieved the conch, showed it to Takano, stole his (duh ) and did not get attacked (don't know if this is supposed to happen after stealing Takano's seasheel). After this the quest seemed to work fine. I killed the itsy bitsy Kraken guarding the temple door, looted the temple and presented my findings to Dereo. Midways through the game I was asked to free slaves held captive at Crookspur. I did so AND killed the slavers, including their leader. This seemed to advance some quests I did not yet obtain from the Rauataian or the Wahaki tribe, that is; the Royal Deadfire Company would deploy their fleet and take over the Island while the Wahaki tribe, which I encountered much later, would thank me for disposing of the slavers and immediately assume I helped the Deadfire Company set up base there at which point I got dismissed by their Ranga. (I am presuming that Allot's "The Painted Masks" quest is also undoable at this moment). There's many more of these weird bugs, but since I didn't write them down, I can't elaborate. As for another big bug, it has to do with the end game quest Honor among Thieves. I decided to side with Aeldys, which I believe to be the lesser of two evils. After freeing her I was tasked with killing Furrante and all his lackeys. Here I noticed several bugs. 1. After descending the tower I could proceed right down the stairs and kill the council members and the surrounding pirates, which would trigger the cutscene where Aeldys scampers down from her prison and automatically assumes that I want to side with the Principi and find Atlant... Ukaizo. After the dialogue I would proceed towards the exit and notice that some left over pirates were still hostile towards me (the guys I didn't clear out). They would attack and Aeldys and her cohort would also turn hostile towards me, 2. Clearing out the pirates from the exit towards the middle of the tower would alleviate the above problem, but the Honor among Thieves quest would remain unresolved, until I left the tower. At that moment it would fail (although Aeldys dialogue would not change). Lastly I would like devs to check out the Cypher class. Many a time I've had Serafen die instantly in the beginning of any combat without it being reflected in the combat info window. I am guessing this has something to do with the Psychic Backlash ability looping due to the cypher being attacked by a foe or due to them casting a spell on themselves (the latter also being a problem in PoE 1).
  2. Hi! It'd be quite nice if you fixed this, as I'm tired of having my entire party wiped because of 1 or two iconic projections proccing dmg endlessly passing through my guys. Then bouncing off a wall and doing 120 dmg to tanks within another 0.1 seconds
  3. Just finished the game and both expansions and would like to say thanks to everyone in Obsidian for letting us "old" geezers relive the old golden days with some proper DnD. You managed to make me feel like a kid again, laying my eyes on BG for the first time, setting out for what turned out to be a once... first in a lifetime adventure. And here's to hoping we will have a pillars of eternity 2 in a couple of years. No rush, though, but lots of pressure for an even grander experience, so I get to feel like a teen again, laying my hands on a set of melons for the first time
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  4. Hard seems to give you icewind dale annoying amounts of mobs, while normal seems to give you BG amounts. I just wish PoTD had the option of normal amounts of mobs with the increased stats...
  5. Well, if you like the eerie atmosphere of a tundra, would like to recruit a rogue instead of creating one of your own and get your hands on the souldbound weapons as soon as possible, then go for it. Don\t go for the lich at low levels, though. Did that instance at lvl 9/10 and it wasn't a walk in the park, believe me.
  6. Oh God I remember those a$shats... Thankfuly Itumak was always pleased taking 4 paralyzing wails and being abducted by wraiths all over the place, before the rest of the party joined the party and opened a can of whoopass.
  7. Meh, alpine dragon adds seems so much more susceptible to electric storm. Now that I think of it, as do all groups of enemies
  8. I thought that was normal? Traps in my game did around 400 normal dmg
  9. Seems that this discussion has boiled down to bureaucrats nitpicking wording I'm sure the lady in perfect housewife is elegant and all, but I'd say Bellucci of 1992 is much more interesting in tickling my fancy. It simply boils down to Pillars having restrained and "rational" magic, while BG had boundless magic and countless ways of empowering a mage/parties to levels only suited by the advanced tactics mod, which seems kinda broken, albeit fun :D It would be nice if PoE 2 would cater to both mindsets, although I'm sure other classes would need slight rethinking, too.
  10. Ah, simalcrum on a kensai/thief in bg, improved haste, timestop and assasination brings back good memories Being amazed at how fast liches can wipe your party and how unfair the Kangaxx fight was weirdly enough also bring back good memories (now compare these fights to the lich in PoE ). Gotta agree with the op, it seems magic is kinda limited in this game, surely to bring it in line with the rest of the balance. Part of the appeal, though, is to see how hard one can break the game while meeting more and more unfair challenges on the way. But, lets not forget that was high level combat. PoE 2 might, if it's planned as a continuation of PoE 1, ditch the balance and let players go totaly bonkers :D
  11. This seems/ed (had it in pre 2.03) to be happening upon playing the game for quite a while without reloads. Seems there's some variables not being flushed
  12. It's "perfectly" doable at level 9, but it does mean you need some nifty equipment on your toons. Use the survivalist scroll first, then eat stat increase food, have potions on the ready, the resistance ones on your MT and dps ones on your offtank/dpsers. Agree to free the dragon first. Betray it and return. Then you sneak by it to the right and start off the fight by killing off all the xaurips. Once you're done, the dragon will approach with the rest of it's buddies. Spawn trash for it to target with the breath, then spawn more trash for it to target and 2-3 shot. Kill off rest of the trash, while Durance buffs the crap out of your party and while Aloth debuffs the crap out of the dragon. If you have Kana, then remember to use the fear resistance chant. When everything but the dragon is dead, send in Eder/Mt along with another soldier/monk/paladin. You might as well keep your party close by, but not so that it gets hit by any stray dragon breath. Keep on debuffing with whomever has the capabilities of doing so and keep on buffing/and healing with your priest (you might also want to equip some resurrection scrolls on some1 with high lore ). Sooner or later this'll work, but at that level you might as well just be prepared to reload a couple of times, since the cone on the dragon's breath is BS
  13. So, is it double looting or just the heroes having a hard time picking it up on first try? If it's the former I feel quite dirty for using two of those awesome cloaks and might have to dispose of one...
  14. To me it seemed like you could loot some cloaks twice. For example I got the unique +12 deflection cloak twice in the expansion. Dunno if that's intended
  15. I'll agree that you can find weapons with better raw damage potential, seeing as how you can improve them to +12 accuracy and +45 dmg, 25% elemental damage and +15% attack speed (some also having +50crit dmg). But they're not NEARLY as versatile and awesomely creative as the solbound weapons. Having the option to improve them with the white forge would be fun, don't get me wrong, but it's not like you feel underpowered at high levels, pretty much just butchering enemies left and right. If there's a gripe, then it's this: There's too few souldbound weapons :D
  16. The best strategy against that one dragon was, for me at least, just attack it head on and ignore all the trash, letting stormcaller and the druid take care of that with aoe. Obviously while buffing like mad and debuffing the dragon once it was alone. I was actualy quite baffled when the fight ended abruptly with a 57 crit from my warrior. The only thing that might need a change to the dragons is the crafting materials dropped. Why can't they just all drop wings and eyes? For me the alpine one only dropped dragon meat. Woopdido.
  17. Don't remove any. The fights shouldn't be even more cheesable If there's a gripe, then it's rather the insane amounts of trash around the dragon, pretty much forcing players to have a druid along for the storm. On the other hand, if there was no trash, it'd be quite brainless send in your own trash, buff, go in, debuff dragon, kill, yawn and have no respect for the fabled creature
  18. Hello again and thanks for the reply. I did do a file verification when the problem first started, but it seemed no files needed downloading. Unfortunately I don't have a save from when the game first started acting up, so a detailed exaplanation of the problem will have to suffice Thankfuly I was able to fix it by rehiring Zahua and killing the NPC one, but I do understand that's not ideal. Thx for filing the bug, though, but I wouldn't exactly make it the top of my list, seeing as the forums aren't swarming with complaints about similar issues. Best regards.
  19. To be honest with you I never ever expected to be able to KB a dragon. I haven't even bothered reading their descriptions because I know they hit like a truck, brush off most damage and react to petrification. I don't know if you want to leave that to a player's intuition, though, or if you want everything written in the bestiary, but I guess leaving it to us has its' charm.
  20. Well, the Devil of Caroc does have quite many immunities, as a trait, I'd assume, and the armour you can enchant like any other. Only thing I don't "like" about her is the low Dexterity, but it's not exactly a major problem.
  21. http://1drv.ms/1ljNri6 Should have one autosave before and one quicksave after, the log and a screen from the quicksave with two Zahuas.
  22. Well, it's hard to say where a dragon's centre of mass is, but I'd guess you could calculate it and then find out how much energy someone would need to push one, having in mind that the dragon would push back not only with it's mass, but also it's muscle. Violently so As for gameplay I rather enjoy that a dragon isn't CCable, as it'd make the fights much more trivial. As it is you can use petrification, which is quite rare, so you need to plan a fight and hope to God you get enough time to buff your guys sufficiently before having to run in. I doubt it's a problem to remove cc immunities from bosses in this game, but as I said, it'd trivialize the fights and you wouldn't exactly feel like you were fighting a fabled creature of immense power.
  23. I really can't imagine how you would knock down a dragon. Compare your sizes and imagine the muscle of body/mind you would need to accomplish something like that. It's like asking a small child to flip over a 2 story, brick house. Good luck.
  24. Hello! Seems like I've been attacked by quite the aggressive bug as of late. Zahua seems to be extremely buggy when unhiring him and then asking him to rejoin the group. Earlier he couldn't transition between areas properly after rehiring him, as he'd just get stuck as an NPC (which I couldn't even speak with) and his portrait would get stuck, removing other character portraits around his. Reloading to an earlier save worked, but now I don't have an "earlier" save to go to and I am wondering if devs can take a look into this. Situation now is I left Zahua at the WM inn, fought the dragon, came back to rehire him. Oddly enough he stood by the counter, like a regular NPC. Rehiring him gives two Zahuas on the screen, one NPC and one controllable character, which has absolutely no gear. Saving the game and reloading it then, removes the controllable Zahua leaving me with the NPC one and now I can't even rehire Zahua. It seems that killing the NPC Zahua while having the PC Zahua in the group works out, but killing the NPC Zahua before rehiring him simply removed him from game. Might be worth checking into, as it's quite the bad bug (nevermind the vanishing, unique WM items ). I've also noticed double amount of cloaks dropping in loot. Is this intended or should there only be one of those +12 deflection and invisibility on hit cloaks (one of the two seemed to vanish, too, at some point)?
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