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Everything posted by deveroth

  1. This is now the second thread that you've ranted about how useless Zahua is.....and now throw Sagani into the mix too? Both are considered too be extremely powerful. Zahua is a very good tank that has good dps capabilities as well, and rangers are simply beasts. From the moment you get Sagani she can be dealing extreme dps which continues to get better and better. Clearly this is a problem of you building and/or playing your characters horribly bad. Stop ranting about things you don't understand and try to learn. If you have nothing constructive to offer, mind your business and don't reply on my thread. Deal? Your snark and condescension are more useless than Sagani.
  2. My other two party members are Aloth and Durance, for the record. Neither of whom I want to use (cause I saw both their quests to completion my first playthrough) but neither of whom I can get rid of cause I find myself relying on their abilities often. Great to know I can just dump Zahua till WM2 though. He's just absolutely incapable of adequately fulfilling the role I need him to fulfill.
  3. The main reason I say Sagani is useless is, at least up through level 8, (I never used her on my first playthrough) her companion is so damn flimsy that it dies literally every single battle, accrues knockout injuries, and leaves Sagani to do nothing but use hobble twice then auto attack from range. Which as far as I'm concerned is an extremely useless character. Maybe she gets better later but she's been a heap of hot garbage for me so far. But that's a whole other topic. What about Maneha? Is a back-line barbarian feasible? I haven't paid much attention to her abilities yet but they seem to be mostly AOE.
  4. My problem is that my main is a rogue, I want to see Maneha's story, and I can't bring myself to get rid of Eder, so I have 4 melee fighters and am stuck having to give Zahua something with reach, so even if i wanted to I wouldn't be able to use fists. I also don't feel like spending the 1000 copper to retrain him at this point (not quite rolling in money just yet), so I guess he's stuck being absolutely terrible until I level him some more and get some better abilities (assuming they exist). My next question is this: since he sucks hot bawls, can I ditch Zahua for the entirety of WM1 and still see his quest content in WM2? Or do i need to keep him around for a certain amount of time, Grieving Mother/Durance-style? He's funny and all but he's almost approaching Sagani-like levels of uselessness.
  5. I've been rolling with Zahua for a bit and am finding him ridiculously underwhelming in pretty much every aspect. What role are monks supposed to fill? So far his abilities are so basic and boring all he's doing is occasionally stunning (which other characters in my party can do) or increasing his attack rate (which is useless as far as I'm concerned). He's level 8, for the record. I just put him on aggressive, watch him use his underwhelming boring abilities and do underwhelming damage while taking STUPID amounts of damage. At this point in my game, there's nothing he can do that someone I'm not using cant also do, with the added benefit of not having to gain wounds first. What are later monk abilities like? Do they become more distinct later? It seems like they're just underwhelming dps classes with no real unique abilities to distinguish them. As it is right now I'd MUCH rather replace Zahua with Pallegina or Kana, but can't cause I want to see his story.
  6. You are doing something wrong. Monks are one of the most powerful melee classes. If you don't like micromanagement to much (Torment's Reach needs some), then skip Torment's Reach and take Swift&Lightning Strikes + Turning Wheel and Force of Anguish. I have no idea how you can't love monks. I'm actually not just not liking the monk class, but actively almost-hating it. I don't get it. All of Zahua's abilities either cause status effects on enemies that other character can cause more reliably and more frequently, or buff his damage output similar to barbarian abilities. What am I missing with this class? So far there is NO micromanaging to be done; I just put him on aggressive and he uses all his s*** but still sucks.
  7. Anyone have a transcript available somewhere? I rather can't stand the interviewer's voice (nor USGamer's preference for hackneyed JRPGs) and would just rather skim through it if I can.
  8. for the record, I find monk abilities incredibly underwhelming, unless I just invested in the wrong ones. I actually really dislike having to use Zahua and would prefer to give all his gear back to Pallegina and use her like I had been doing, but for RP purposes he's gotta stick around.
  9. Hey guys! I just recently started my second playthrough to get all the WM and 3.0 content in one fell swoop. My main is a dual wield rogue specializing in zipping all around the battlefield trying to flank, doing and taking stupid amounts of damage. My current party is Eder (sword and board), Zahua (pike and greatsword DPS), Aloth, Durance, and Sagani (who does solid damage and who i really like but whose pet keeps dying). And myself. My question is, is it feasible on Hard difficulty to build a party with 4 melee fighters? I'd be getting rid of Sagani (at least for the duration of the WM). I rather desperately want to see Zahua's and Maneha's questlines this time, but with my main being a melee fighter, and my reluctance to ditch ol' reliable Eder, that would put me with 4 melee fighters. My other two characters are Aloth and Durance fighting from range (both of whom I used before, neither of whom I enjoy using again, but their abilities seem to be indispensable in my playstyle). Will I wind up endlessly having to reposition my party? I know it's sometimes harder to focus fire on a single enemy when the majority of the party is melee due to engagement, but will I be hurting myself in any other way? I like to use chokepoints when I can, but wonder if I won't constantly be having 1-3 characters unable to attack anyone because they can't reach or walk around. At this point I'm pretty set with my main character's build, but would it be viable to make Zahua or Maneha fight from range? It seems absurd to me with the nature of their class abilities, but I'm just grasping for solutions at this point. Are either of them capable of tanking as well as Eder so that I could put him on the bench for awhile? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
  10. all good! the full uninstall and re-install worked; the second i loaded into my save in the Great Hall i got the journal update for Durgan's Battery, and now the Steward seems to have found her voice and is talking to me. good stuff. thanks for all the help! and grrrrrrr GOG galaxy for 2 hour downloads!
  11. i read your response too late and did a full uninstall. it's re-installing now, so fingers crossed. it'll likely be awhile though. i want to apologize for some snark in my previous posts, it was just borne of frustration. i super appreciate the help so far and will report back when i see what's up. thanks.
  12. I'm on GOG using the galaxy client, and both expansions' boxes are checked. I'll try uninstalling everything and trying again; hopefully that'll work. is it safe to assume this is an actual bug and that it's not affecting most people?
  13. HEY help me please. this is a fast moving board (which makes me think WM2 introduced a number of problems that no one had before it) so I'll do my best to keep this thing from getting buried. don't you love it when a functional games gets progressively MORE broken as time passes? I hadn't a single problem until this, but this is huge.
  14. do i have to see Lady Webb first? or complete everything in Act 2? EDIT well i went to lady webb and went through all her dialogue then tried again, and it still doesn't work. still no letter, still no ability to access anything WM1 related except that one question i can ask the steward. looks like it's legitimately bugged or broken or f***** in some other way that has nothing to do with me. sweet.
  15. hey guys...this is my second playthrough and i had no problems first time around accessing the content. playing on Mac, for the record. this time however i cant access anything related to the white march. i'm in Act 2 and just finished the heritage hill quest, so i've already met with the leaden key and whatnot. i've just been summoned to see lady webb but havent gone yet, and i've been getting the "The Steward of Caed Nua has received a letter for you" popup message for hours, figuring i could do it when i finished with HH. needless to say...i finish HH, go to Caed Nua, speak to the steward and...nothing. i just have the normal 3 dialogue options ("state of the keep", "i have some questions", "leave"). weirdly, when i say i have some questions, the option to ask about Concelhaut and the Torn Bannermen appears even though nobody's told me anything about them and i haven't received the quest for it yet. in addition, neither Cragholdt nor the White March appear on my map, so its not like i can just go there and get started without the letter. wtf???? am i screwed? do i have to start a new game? did WM2 f*** up WM1 so it can't be accessed? i'm getting the messengers from Defiance Bay in my Great Hall so that works fine...just. no white march. and YES, i am sure i have it installed; nothing's changed since my last playthrough. HELP! please. i don't want to have to start again; it took me 23 hrs just to get BACK to this point.
  16. from the "great writers" who brought you Neera... SUPER skeptical.
  17. i fairly desperately hope they don't change the engine at all, and CERTAINLY not to DOS's if they do. first and foremost my computer is a bit s*** so i had to run DOS on medium settings, while pillars is also on medium but WAY more beautiful at that setting. i also can't be the only one that hates 3-d camera controls in an isometric game. at least 10% of my time in DOS was spent swinging the camera around trying to get a decent view of what was happening. not only that, but yeah, the art style was immature, inconsistent and generally ugly. seriously, why are all male characters so f****** jacked?? keep this engine. it's absolutely gorgeous and doesn't strain older computers.
  18. thanks Obsidian! you guys handled that better than i could have possibly imagined. i DID followup with galaxy so i got my patch a few days ago, but i now see its available for separate download from gog. you guys are awesome! keep up the amazing work! (now, can we get some cloaks or what?)
  19. where on earth is the patch file on the mac side of gog? i vaguely recall past patches being a total clusterf*** in terms of what needed to be downloaded and in what order, but now i'm not even seeing the patch file on the gog page, all i'm seeing is the main game file, which says it's version 2.03. same with the white march stuff. is there no way to update the game other than to uninstall it and re-install the new file with the patch? seriously? is there nowhere from which i can JUST download the 2.03 patch? do both the main game and dlc have to be delted/re-installed? wtf is going on? is the file just not up on the store?
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