Ignore the others...
You should have an override if you have the 1.0b patch...
If you don't you'll need to make one.
Follow these steps:
1. go to My Computer
2. go to the hard drive you installed Kotor II on (example 160GB (C:) )
3. go to Program Files
4. go to LucasArts
5. go to KotorII
6. see if you have a folder called Override if you do then put your mod in there, if not go to the next step.
7. if you do not have a Override folder, create a folder called Override in the KotORII folder...
Just pick the version you want, and extract it to your override folder. If you don't have a override folder, just make one. If you need more help, just PM me, or post here...
make it 2 mods...
Shh. We've been trying to clone these two for future uses.
I was talking about me...
but whatever...
Looks like wee hav'r potential here fer nother modrator hear boys yehhaaw!
No jokes ok people, move along now, no jokes.
make it 2 mods...
I played as a female...
but it's because I was continuing, or thought I was continuing, my favorite PC from KotOR I...
The dancer's outfit was just a bonus...
that was a joke...
but I agree with you, you should not be able to get more than one of an unique item, unless you purposely cheat or use the KSE.
hm? oh you mean the rpg thread i started and now dont really use anymore?
dont let me stop you
Ok, then the two peole playing will have to move to another forum...
And the airplane flies on top, backwards?!
no, the phones are just stange....
I'm not joking, the jack is on the top of the phone...
Yeah, I played through the game five times, never found Malak's robe.
But I did find the blaster. That's all I can remember.
the blasters are worth a lot...
sell them and get more with the KSE...
Then plz wrote her too that we get to know Darth Mad here at the Obsidian Forum, and it would be nice if she registers here, and posts some of her art, and maybe some new comics too :D
I'll do that...
Nightshade: " why would Jerone return after all of these years?
HK-47: Statement: Maybe the Meatbag would like to be blasted? If that was the case, I would happily oblige...