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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Wow, you clearly have no knowledge of the issue - for there are plenty of older games that cannot run on XP but work with Vista.
  2. Oh, I guess you actually supporting your claims is out of the question.
  3. For one thing, he is not Hillary.
  4. Thanks! Well, it's done and I cannot find any negatives at the moment - although Vista does seem a bit faster. I'll try some games later tonight and post the results of that.
  5. How one can reenact crucifixion safely? :lol: Like this?
  6. I'm installing SP1 now, wish me luck - I'll post how it goes after everything is done.
  7. But there is no direct connection between those two events. A better example would be: You kick a stone into a lake, this act makes you feel good but also kills a rare fish.
  8. I never said the warning did not make sense, it is the initial act itself that I cannot understand - why would someone willingly do such a thing? Also, aren't you in a mood today, Xard.
  9. Just don't tell her she is being prayed for, a recent study, ironically attempting to prove that prayer helped those who were sick, found that people who know they are being prayed from often have more complications than both those who are not prayed for and those who are prayed for but do not know about it - the researchers put it down to performance anxiety.
  10. Filipinos warned on crucifixions http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7305522.stm -My Comments- Who would have thought that driving nails through your own flesh to reenact a, most likely, fictional event might not be such a good idea.
  11. But every act has both a positive and negative aspect, so, using your logic, there are no non-neutral acts.
  12. I disagree. Mildly cold, medium hot, we do that already.
  13. Well, I've only got my laptop at the moment due to an unforeseen event - but I still have access to the majority of my games. I think I'll see how Oblivion run on it (I've not tried that yet) and continue either SoaSE or my second MotB file.
  14. It would then, probably, be a mostly bad deed in both my opinion and the opinion of others. Thus, one might be able to say that it was mostly evil.
  15. Or the sixteen might have been horribly burned, mutated, or tortured into shells of humans with no reasonable standard of living - it might technically still be murder, but sometimes mercy-killings are warranted.
  16. Yeah, I just hope Billary drops out and Obama moves forward.
  17. No, it is only mostly "good" or mostly "evil."
  18. Neither does trying to say that actions are black and white - which is what you are doing if you deny that every action has a positive and negative element.
  19. And just because people are harmed, that does not make an act "evil." Every action is both "good" and "evil."
  20. Let me see, I'll double check but I think this is all I am running at the moment: The Lost Spires (Free Expansion-Pack-esque mod) Mystic Elfs (Race Mode) Gothic Mystic Elfs (Re-textured Race Mod) BAB (Body Mod) BAB Armor Converters (So the default uses the new mesh) Zombies of Oblivion (Beta Mod - disabled on most of my games) Oblivion Pose Pack (New Idles) Farmers Strike Back (Great new items) The Fighters' Stronghold (I got it when it was still free) Ren's Hair Pack (New Hair) Elven Weaponry (Nice weapons) Low Low Poly Grass (better grass) No Wind (no wind) Acid's eyes (better eyes) No glow (no annoying glow) Young NPCs (younger NPCs) Chargen with numbers (gives the chargen numbers) Dark UI (Better GUI) Bag of Holding (Nice cheat-item) Whispered Warning (You can save some of the DB)
  21. That abide by absolute rules. Then give me an example of a group that could take control and no-one would be adversely affected. Even if, say, Secular Humanists took control, the religious groups would protest.
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