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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Well, looks like Spore is really the Devil's evil video game - who would have thought...
  2. the only thing they've done is apparently change morphine to med-ex. THAT WAS WHY IT WAS GOING TO BE BANNED!?!
  3. It's the post-convention surge, Obama had the same thing happen.
  4. Well, there is a known fix for Visa and you might try finding a copy that has been edited to work with XP - but I'm not even sure there is such a thing.
  5. They violate the EULA. That depends on the game, and EULAs, like the cracks themselves, are a gray area. But let's not talk about that and get the topic locked.
  6. You will not be able to do that - desktop and laptop parts are not generally interchangeable. Anyways, there is not a known fix that consistently works on XP, although you might try looking for new drivers.
  7. Ae you on Vista or XP?
  8. The Russian version is on the 'nets - although that's only because they, the Russians, got it about a week or two before everyone else.
  9. Well, it sounds like I'll be able to pick up my copy of Clear Sky tonight - Gamestop must be releasing them early to those who pre-ordered or something.
  10. I believe it sold rather well -over 2,000,000 according to Wiki-, although I might be wrong...
  11. Well, if Resident Evil 5 gets a good PC port I think I'd buy it - although DRM would have to also be taken into the picture.
  12. Wow, that was unexpected - I always thought the Age of Empires series was a boon and not a detractor to MS...
  13. Humm... Try installing a few more things and see if they have any problems, if so your drive might be the thing at fault.
  14. I use 7-zip instead of WinRAR most of the time, but either one will work.
  15. What sort of mods are you trying to use? Some item mod require the KSE, while others can be found in-game.
  16. The fix was removed from their web page, although it was once there, but you should still be able to find it other places.
  17. It's signifigently different, mainly because it does not require on-line activation and has no installation limits.
  18. Oh well, I'll not buy EA releases until they re-think their DRM.
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