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I only did some basic testing with Fire-in-the-hole and Hand Mortar HoF a while back and also though the results were quite good. And mechanically, those blunderbusses can better transfer on-hit effects better than Carnage which is hard-coded to ignore (most? all?) on-hit interactions. So ironically, dual mortars is probably closer to PoE1's barb carnage, than the actual DF carnage will ever be.
Honestly I don't think this change will make the encounters too easy, because Players will try to reach enough Penetration against enemy AR anyway, it is the enemies who are passively fighting Player's team, that cannot get enough Penetration against Players. Like if you have a character with 20+ AR, enemies usually don't have enough tools to reduce your armor, or increase his pen. But if you are fighting high AR bosses, there are so many tools, you can choose to increase PEN, or find a weak armor type against target, or use RAW damage type. At least my suggestion 2 is very viable, even we don't change AR reduction to a separate multiplier, reduce high AR effectiveness can also make late game a bit tougher as a lot post is complaining late game too easy. Can you elaborate on where did you get the idea that I think that your suggestions will make encounters easy? It might be the way I was putting forth my thoughts, but the idea that said change will make the game easier never crossed my mind.
@OP An interesting consideration. I previously thought about multiplicative vs additive scaling when playing other ARPGs like Diablo 3 and came to conclusion (of mine) that multiplicative is excellent for calculating defense but less so for attacks. To elaborate, multiplicative approach when calculating dmg received will avoid situations where it is possible to stack damage reduction to achieve 100% reduction (god mode). However, when considering dmg, multiplicative will lead to exponential dmg scaling. Unless Im mistaken, thats how Empower handles the dmg increase as well. ARPGs like Diablo 3 and Path of Exile have their gamers achieve in-game DPS of millions and above due to the multiplicative nature of dmg calculations. Personally, I have 2 points I want to make. One, I still believe that an additive method will work better for a CRPG as it keeps damage in a more controlled range so that balancing can be handled easier. However, Deadfire is imo already having an identity crisis of trying to be both a CRPG and an ARPG. Slowly but surely ARPG elements are showing up like low% procs, adding of filler encounters... In patch 3.0, they even added a kill-cam for crying out loud. So the additive-only-approach ship has long since sailed, so I guess balancing through multiplicative means might not be too bad. Two, as long as Obs associate increasing HP and defense of enemies as the main avenue for difficulty, the experience of draggy-slogfest-ish combat will always exist. Unfortunately, I believe this is inherently a resource limitation on the part of Obs. As this requires a relook into most encounters to give more emphasis to terrain advantage, enemy composition and even specific ai decision trees amongst other things. While I don't think difficulty is handled in a very good way currently, I guess I can empathize (in my limited view) on how tough it is to design proper difficulty.
Not sure. I played him as a Witch - his Cipher powers are one of the main reasons I was able to complete the game. Never noticed any wild effects. Wild Mind effects is annoying at most in a normal playthrough. The worst that can happen is a quick reload. However, any modes with a Trial of Iron mode it can be a run ender waiting to happen. I had it happen to me once that floored 4 out of 5 of my party instantly. It dealt in excess of 300 lightning dmg at a point where my characters barely have more than 100hp. All you need is one proc.
Because you use a double-equals sign, I'm assuming you know at least a bit of programming, so given that I'll use a very specific phrase: these are literally just implementation details. The game developers could have coded BDD to instantaneously heal any damage you take for its duration and BDD would functionally be the same. The game developers could have coded BDD to be 1 hit point shield (like the chanter aura) that regenerates as frequently as needed to prevent knockout and BDD would functionally be the same. The game developers could have coded it as a universal blade turning that also doesn't reflect the damage back onto attackers and BDD would functionally be the same. The game developers could code it as a one-off conditional e.g. a simple "if (!statuseffect.BDD) return STATUS.Unconscious;" and BDD would functionally be the same. How BDD is implemented in game logic is an orthogonal issue from how BDD performs mathematically, which is like any other healing only instead of a fixed healing amount resulting in variable knockout duration protection it's a fixed knockout duration protection with a variable healing amount. No one has actually disputed the math, because as far as I can tell the math is sound. Everything else is essentially semantics that don't change the actual fundamental truth linking BDD and Restore as two ends of a healing continuum (with periodic heals in the center). Consider means to an end. If you are talking about the underlying logic on how BDD is handled or the means part, the following is what in the gamebundle files BDD { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Barring_Deaths_Door_SE_PreventDeath", "ID": "bf16d60a-34db-4159-b4ce-82f3513c1200", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "StatusEffectType": "PreventDeath", "OverrideDescriptionString": -1, "UseStatusEffectValueAs": "None", "BaseValue": 1, "DynamicValue": { "Stat": "None", "SkillDataID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ClassID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "MultiplyBy": 1, "Operator": "Add" }, "KeywordsIDs": [ ], "DurationType": "UseDurationTime", "Duration": 8, "MaxStackQuantity": 0, "ApplicationBehavior": "UseLongerDurationIfAlreadyApplied", "ApplicationType": "ApplyOnStart", "IntervalRateID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StackedChildrenApplyEffects": "false", "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [ ] } }, "TriggerAdjustment": { "TriggerOnEvent": "None", "TriggerOffEvent": "None", "ValidateWithAttackFilter": "false", "ParamValue": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0, "ResetTriggerOnEffectTimeout": "false", "MaxTriggerCount": 0, "IgnoreMaxTriggerCount": "false", "RemoveEffectAtMax": "false", "ChanceToTrigger": 1 }, "PowerLevelScaling": { "UseCharacterLevel": "false", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0 }, "IsHostile": "false", "ClearOnCombatEnd": "false", "ClearOnRest": "false", "ClearOnFoodRest": "false", "ClearWhenAttacks": "false", "ClearOnDeath": "false", "HideFromCombatTooltip": "false", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "HideFromUI": "false", "VisualEffects": [ ], "MaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [ ], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Range": "None", "ClassTypeID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Source": "None", "DefendedBy": "None", "Empowered": "false", "Disengagement": "false", "Stealthed": "false", "UseStealthLinger": "false", "PowerLevel": 0, "PowerLevelOperator": "EqualTo", "ChanceToApply": 1, "AttackHostility": "Default" }, "AttackTargetFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [ ], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Distance": 0, "DistanceOperator": "EqualTo", "HasDOT": "false", "IsMarked": "false", "TargetHostility": "Default" }, "ExtraValue": 0, "OverridePenetration": 0, "DamageTypeValue": "All", "KeywordValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "RaceValue": "None", "StatusEffectTypeValue": "None", "ItemValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AfflictionTypeValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StatusEffectsValueIDs": [ ], "AttackValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackOverrideValue": "None", "EventValue": "OnApply", "ClassValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "WeaponTypeValue": "None", "AttackHitType": "None", "SkillValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AudioEventListID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "BedRestDaysMinimum": 0, "BedRestDaysMaximum": 0 } ] } Compare this how the regeneration part of Robust is handled { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "INS_Robust_SE_Regeneration", "ID": "10e0582a-8178-4f6e-8820-54e3e72d8930", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "StatusEffectType": "Health", "OverrideDescriptionString": -1, "UseStatusEffectValueAs": "None", "BaseValue": 10, "DynamicValue": { "Stat": "None", "SkillDataID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ClassID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "MultiplyBy": 1, "Operator": "Add" }, "KeywordsIDs": [ ], "DurationType": "Infinite", "Duration": 0, "MaxStackQuantity": 0, "ApplicationBehavior": "UseLongerDurationIfAlreadyApplied", "ApplicationType": "ApplyOnTick", "IntervalRateID": "25acc41f-26a4-4ef7-9b7d-0f1bf0ddfe9f", "StackedChildrenApplyEffects": "false", "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [ ] } }, "TriggerAdjustment": { "TriggerOnEvent": "None", "TriggerOffEvent": "None", "ValidateWithAttackFilter": "false", "ParamValue": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0, "ResetTriggerOnEffectTimeout": "false", "MaxTriggerCount": 0, "IgnoreMaxTriggerCount": "false", "RemoveEffectAtMax": "false", "ChanceToTrigger": 1 }, "PowerLevelScaling": { "UseCharacterLevel": "false", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0 }, "IsHostile": "false", "ClearOnCombatEnd": "false", "ClearOnRest": "false", "ClearOnFoodRest": "false", "ClearWhenAttacks": "false", "ClearOnDeath": "false", "HideFromCombatTooltip": "false", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "HideFromUI": "false", "VisualEffects": [ ], "MaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [ ], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Range": "None", "ClassTypeID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Source": "None", "DefendedBy": "None", "Empowered": "false", "Disengagement": "false", "Stealthed": "false", "UseStealthLinger": "false", "PowerLevel": 0, "PowerLevelOperator": "EqualTo", "ChanceToApply": 1, "AttackHostility": "Default" }, "AttackTargetFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [ ], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Distance": 0, "DistanceOperator": "EqualTo", "HasDOT": "false", "IsMarked": "false", "TargetHostility": "Default" }, "ExtraValue": 0, "OverridePenetration": 0, "DamageTypeValue": "All", "KeywordValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "RaceValue": "None", "StatusEffectTypeValue": "None", "ItemValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AfflictionTypeValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StatusEffectsValueIDs": [ ], "AttackValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackOverrideValue": "None", "EventValue": "OnApply", "ClassValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "WeaponTypeValue": "None", "AttackHitType": "None", "SkillValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AudioEventListID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "BedRestDaysMinimum": 0, "BedRestDaysMaximum": 0 } ] } You can see that most healing effects acts upon "StatusEffectType": "Health". BDD straights up acts upon "StatusEffectType": "PreventDeath". It imposes a condition that does not go through the same logic as other healing effects. It is different. Consider means to an end If you are saying that that BDD performs mathematically in a way that you say which I would represent as the ends part, in which it ensures that HP = 0 condition is not reached. Sure. But by extension, any buffs that works to ensure that the condition of HP = 0 is not reached can also qualify as healing. Also I have already mentioned a real in-game situation why BDD can circumvent other "healing" effects in the game which you excluded in your quote of my post. This is to convince you that they are different. But I guess this is enough on my end. This is my long version of saying "lets agree to disagree"
BDD isn't just another form healing. It imposes a state in which a character cannot fall unconscious regardless of incoming damage. Which mean incoming damage per instance can be infinite and rate of incoming dmg can be infinite per unit time. And it also does not depend on the target's Health Pool. Honestly, I think healing and BDD are quite different. And I can't really realistically draw a comparison. Like I said to AndreoColombo, mathematically they're the same. Healing accomplishes one fundamental thing: prevents you from dying/knockout for a period of time. This is somewhat of an abstraction (in this abstraction, you are at 1 health and any hit would kill you/knock you out), but is also fundamentally true: healing 20 health accomplishes literally nothing in the game unless that 20 health would have prevented you from dying/knockout at some point. And how long that healing prevented you from dying/knockout is what lets you measure the relative strength of a heal. The difference between BDD and a straight-forward "instantaneous" healing is how they accomplish that fundamental thing. Instantaneous heal effects gives you fixed numerical healing, so the effective duration of its dying/knockout protection is contingent on how much damage you're taking. So like in my earlier post, if you Restore someone for 30 health, against a weak fly doing 1 damage every 3 second, you basically prevented knockout for 90 seconds. However, if you are up against twenty Dracoliches, that Restore will prevent death/knockout by a mere fraction of a second. On the flip side, BDD gives you a fixed duration of protection from dying/knockout, but that means its numerical healing is the one that varies. Like I mentioned in the previous post, BDD is extremely effective when you're fighting twenty Dracoliches because it effectively is giving you a Restore for 1000s of health. But it's extremely ineffective against that weak fly (worse than Restore, in fact). I think some people are getting hung up on the fact that BDD 's tooltip doesn't say that it "heals you" but that's really just an in-game semantics difference. If Deadfire was just a gigantic spreadsheet that you put numbers into, it would be extremely clear that BDD is just another form of healing. I would say that people who have taken high school physics or watch pop astrophysics on TV/youtube might be able to pick this up better, because you might already then be used to equations where you're treating "different things" (like mass/acceleration, mass/energy, or space/time) as essentially interchangeable because what ultimately matters is that the terms in the equation balance out and they're describing the same physical phenomenon. Except here, instead of E= mc^2 or F=ma or K=.5 * mv^2, it's immortalityDuration = damagePrevented / damagePerSec: a spell like Restore sets damagePrevented so the final immortalityDuration varies by damagePerSec whereas BDD sets immortalityDuration which means the damagePrevented depends on damagePerSec. To further clarify, let's talk about Druids. Druids are probably the best way to illustrate the similarities between BDD and a Restore because Druid heals are essentially all periodic heals. That means that depending on the situation, their heals are more BDD-like (inelastic duration, elastic health restored) or more Restore-like (inelastic health restored, elastic duration). Let's say The Moon's Light heals 10 every 3 seconds, and lasts 18s. How long does it prevent death? Against anyone dealing exactly 10damage every 3 seconds, it is exactly like BDD for 18s. Against anyone dealing more than 10damage every 3 seconds, The Moon's Light is essentially a Restore for 10. Against anyone dealing less than 10 damage every 3 seconds, it functions exactly like BDD for 18s plus a Restore for any of the remainder. In effect, BDD is an alternate version of Robust/The Moon's Light that says "I will always heal you an amount every 3 seconds to prevent knockout, but the price is there's no excess for you to keep if you take less damage than needed to stay alive while I'm active." It is not mathematically the same. There is a condition to check if a character is qualified to be unconscious. Which is If (HP == 0) Then Char is Unconscious. Healing counters the damage taken in order to ensure the above condition is not reached. BDD straights up impose another condition which is HP is always at least 1. It does not take into account dmg received, it does not take into account total HP of the character (such that 1 hit KO can occur). The limitation is duration of the effect. It is completely different from the way healing is implemented. Healing changes variables in the equation. It does not impose a condition in such a way that the kill condition cannot be reached. Inelastic heal vs elastic heal is a misnomer. Because healing can only take place if dmg is received. BDD does not consider dmg received. Real in-game example: Consider a huge spike dmg on a low Con Character. If I have to state a scenario, it will be Wild Mind negative effect of AoE dmg. It is capable of dealing more dmg than a character's HP total at lower character levels. With tradition healing, there is no healing effect that save a character from entering unconscious state. Because healing can only take place after dmg is received and the dmg received is already more than HP total such that unconscious state is entered before healing has a chance to come into effect. BDD however can prevent this 1 hit KO as it changes the rules of the game. Sorry but I disagree that this is semantics.
BDD isn't just another form healing. It imposes a state in which a character cannot fall unconscious regardless of incoming damage. Which mean incoming damage per instance can be infinite and rate of incoming dmg can be infinite per unit time. And it also does not depend on the target's Health Pool. Honestly, I think healing and BDD are quite different. And I can't really realistically draw a comparison. FIFY You right, but ins't Chanter + Wizard (Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry) + Empower not enough ? I assume that with Sasha sabre you will be able to cast 5 - 6 times L9 abilities per fight in row I guess everyone has a preference to which ability should be nerfed based on one's agenda. For me, I prefer Brilliance to BDD as Brilliance gives me an option to do something rather than auto-attacking in long drawn battles. But I don't think the game is balanced for either tbh.
For the Amra test on the v2.1 unique item thread, I just want to clarify that there was very limited testing done, and only at the start of the patch. And also there were changes implemented like PEN increasing from 9 to 10 that I only recently edited in so there might be other things that were changed. WotEP is really awesome. Can someone verify that Offensive Parry works against ranged attackers? I vaguely remembered it triggering on a ranged attacker that was about 5m from my wielder. Attacker had the debuff