And when LA last time rewrited canon... "
Especially LA doesn't like DS "versions", so it is damn unlikely (read impossible), that we'll ever see anything but lightside characters as canonical versions.
edit: Heck, CANON CHARACTERS ARE BECAUSE OF THE ****ING CONTIUNITY! AND YES, NO OTHER VERSIONS OF THEIR CHARACTERS OR STORYPATHS EXISTS IN C-CANON (in G-canon Kotors doesn't exist at all). There isn't multiple Revans or multiple Exiles running around like halfmad star wars fans. For example, canonically Revan saves the renegade sith students in k1. However, if all versions were true, (s)he would save them AND kill then at the same time. You see the contiunity error here?
Damn it <_<
You are looking at the sitaution way too literally. You have to look at the stories having significance to continuity either way. Any of the story archs at this stage could be used in continuity, as there hasn't been any continuity for Revan and the Exile (thus far) beyond Kotor 2.
No the ****ing jury is not still out. Canonical characters are already set, and why? BECAUSE IF AUTHOR OR SOMEONE ELSE WANTS TO USE EXILE AND REVAN IN THEIR FUTURE SW-WORKS, THEY'LL KNOW which one to use. Heck, just because Revan/Exile have only appeared in Kotor's doesn't mean that canonical characters can't be set already. (besides, Revan appears in Shadows & Light too, though only in vision and... well, those who had read it knows what I mean... )
That droid book is as true as any other SW-source, and as Exile is stated to be LSF in it, IT ****ING IS SO, no matter what <_<