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Raven Darkholme

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Everything posted by Raven Darkholme

  1. I just tried Firebrand (+Combusting Wounds) on my barbarian. I don't think I will dual wield until HoF. I don't think I will ever play anything but barbarian anymore...
  2. It honestly depends on your level. If you're level 11 and have HoF dual wielding is a must, before that Tall Grass is quite good as it also keeps you safe from aggro and the high base damage mattersa lot if you are low level and enemies have relatively high resistances. If you really want to interrupt then dual wielding Mosquito and Shatterstar is really good, but keep in mind that interrupt gets more viable the higher your level.
  3. I just tried out the level 5 barb in serious combat for the first time (Killing the would be thieves for "A two story job" quest and I never felt like the lack of deflection/reflex mattered at all. I'm gonna buy shatterstar, take the interrupt talent and rock Defiance Bay.
  4. Oh, so DPS Barbarians are not as good as DPS Fighters in a group context? I am also tempted to switch out the Wizard for the Cipher. Mind affecting spells are driving me nuts. Pretty sure he meant the weapon choice, barbarians are awesome in a group.
  5. I meant for soloing the game a barbarian level 5 seems better than a paladin because of nice high hp defense combined with Aoe damage and healing. A paladin has better deflection and reflex (reflex only if you use w+s style ofc) but takes too long for many trash fights and his hp suffer which mean you must rest or use potions. I wouldn't keep Tall grass for HoF ofc, but barbaric Blow might actually be better with it (it kinda sucks dual wielding at low level ). I just realized Shatterstar is in Defiance bay tho, so I might just start my interrupt build now. (I already have Mosquito, only need tot ake the talent at 6).
  6. Barbarians can solo? I thought they were fragile?! They are basically the opposite of fragile because they have insane hp (5x endurance). Early game nobody has huge defenses, so the barb isn't even less of a "tank" than other classes. Ofc that changes quickly and the barb is never actually a tank (he just compares well with other tanks early game) but at level 5 you get One stands alone and your almost one of the best soloclasses immediately and at level 11 you get Heart of Fury and all of a sudden the chanters 1st place at best solo looks kinda shaky.
  7. Wow, One stands alone actually already makes the barbarian seem better than the paladin. Also the fact that you have endless hp makes endurance regen pretty awesome. Atm I have Gaun's Share + Mosquito + Veteran's Recovery + Savage Defiance, but I might actually drop Veteran's Recovery. Or I go for Tall grass, but no idea how good crits are with 58 Acc. (Level 5)
  8. Yeah if you have maxed end regen that potion is the best healing in the game.
  9. Oh and I forgot to upload yesterday. Here's the Sky dragon with injuries, no pre resting or food prebuffing:
  10. Moon godlike chanters were a mistake. Endurance healing is never a problem because of stacking Ancient memory which you can even top of with Veteran's Recovery, Consecrated Ground, Moonwell.
  11. All Godshantyur, the Lance and Shatterstar are real good for this, i ended up using the first two, since Shatterstar doesn't give anything on top of interrupt and the Lances Disorienting is quite good. My experience with the console created Barbarian showed me that the true strength of the Barb lies in oneshotting with HoF tho, as Kaylon showed a long time ago vs Magran's Faithful and while interrupting is kinda nice a build solely focusing on it over damage is bad. (You will still have massive damage with a 10 base Mi barbarian but a maxed Mi barb is superior). My idea is to just go for max damage but use the interrupt/stun weapons anyway (and interrupt talent) since it doesn't take too much away from the damage. It will definitely be helpful till HoF which is pretty late with level 11 even for a solo. I will start a proper solo run tomorrow and report my findings here. (I suspect you'll have to use a small shield in Act 1)
  12. Besides the mentioned chanter, other micro light chars are paladin, barbarian (needs some micro at combat start, but much less than a *ugh* priest and it's worth it (boom), rogue (similar to barbarian), ranger, you already have a dps fighter (I hope dual wielding ), druid (you could micro a lot, but why bother if you can just make it storm ).
  13. What is even a tank fighter? Get that weak **** outta here.
  14. The priest might be stronger than the chanter, but because the damage output of chanter alone is as sufficient as it will ever get in this game we will never know. 6 priests will never kill Magran's faithful in 2 minutes, because alone the pausing time will take 2 minutes. Ofc other class compositions would be stronger if you never count pausing as to how long a fight takes.
  15. The chanter is overall strongest but every class has specific strengths the chanter doesn't have. There's just no challenge big enough in this game calling for a perfect party.
  16. But this kind of power does not come without Chanter stacks, right? I don't want to use more than 1 of each class (2 at most, but if then with different builds), so I don't know how strong Chanters are individually. Can they, say, replace a DPS Fighter or a tank Fighter? A chanter individually is super strong and stacking dragon chant also works with one chanter, but ofc only twice (or three times with maxed brisk recitation and 30+ IN). Only class which has more dps than a chanter is the barbarian, but the chanter can keep up the same dps forever and basically be idle while it happens, while the barbarian has the most dps at combat start. Dammit, you going to ensure that I will do a second playthrough! P.S. How the heck do you quote only the person/post you want to reply to? This forum is a bit more cumbersome in terms of quoting/replying... I just manually deleted the rest of the quote.
  17. But this kind of power does not come without Chanter stacks, right? I don't want to use more than 1 of each class (2 at most, but if then with different builds), so I don't know how strong Chanters are individually. Can they, say, replace a DPS Fighter or a tank Fighter? A chanter individually is super strong and stacking dragon chant also works with one chanter, but ofc only twice (or three times with maxed brisk recitation and 30+ IN). Only class which has more dps than a chanter is the barbarian, but the chanter can keep up the same dps forever and basically be idle while it happens, while the barbarian has the most dps at combat start.
  18. Yeah mostly what Boeroer says but most of those things are only neccessary for really hard fights like the high level bounties. My stats are distributed in a way that my base deflection, fort and reflex is around 100/120/100 (not exactly but +/-) and with Llengrath they are all around 120. On top of that I get +10 for all defenses from the chants and +30 pt damage shield in combat and if I use it another +10 to all defenses thru Moonwell. I get +20 to will and massive bonuses vs charm and terrified, but I totally ignore will stats wise, since an early White March item makes you immune to charm and dominate if you use it and a level 2 scroll which is easily mass produced makes you immune to fear. 2 of my chars also have looped rope (Helwax Mold ) for +20 to most defenses. If my party wasn't 1,5 years old (I took a long break) but created today they would all be Coastal Aumauas for another +20 to stun and prone defense.
  19. Well before late game this will not be viable solo so much is for sure, but then again solo hitting high level is not that hard with intelligent use of stealth. I only tested around with console so far, but this interests me so much I'm pretty certain I will start a real run soon. I've tested a wild Orlan at first for max PE but found it weak to stun and getting interrupted itself. (It was still insanely strong but upscaled Stalwart Ogres were quite a pain since Carnage hits a lot less of them due to their huge circles and canoneers hitting pretty hard. (Darzir also has 105 concentration). I'm now trying an Island Aumaua with Periapt and if it works vs Magran's and Brynlod then I'd be inclined to say the interrupt barbarian is as strongt as a chanter solo, if not stronger. (all endgame ofc, not that a chanter really shines before lvl 9 unless you abuse the invocation exploit)
  20. Honestly there's no dragon much harder than the other, they are just surrounded by different "ads". That's what makes Llengrath the hardest dragon fight and it's not because of 2 dragons. @Boeroer In the original game the Adra Dragon was not fire immune as far as I remember it just had a DR of 48 (like Cail). So a level 9 6 chanter party might have burned it as quickly.
  21. Idk when it's usually fought, since I usually solo which pretty much guarantees early level 9, while I grinded all bounties available in Act 2 to get to 9 with the party before I fight the drake, since I wanted to see it burn. If you are asking how early you could kill it I'd assume level 4-5 would be reasonable on potd with pretty much any party including 6 chanters.
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