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Posts posted by Akhan225

  1. just remembered:


    HK 47: If I see one more fool waving a blaster at a jedi. I'll shoot him myself.



    Which game is this one from? Couldn't find anything like that in either dialog.tlk.

    From the "How to kill a Jedi 101" lesson from the influence conversation with HK-47. It falls somehwere after the "I met a Sith Lord on Korriban and couldn't kill him." line. He goes on to talk about how to use mines for combat against a Jedi and errosion of your opponents will. I just came across this dialoge again today and this quote caught my attention.

    "HK-47: Cautionary: Master, don't take this the wrong way, but in my opinion, a blaster shot to the throat is often the best way to silence Jedi hypocrisy"

  2. Hi!  Our family plays this game.  My character is female, so I have the "apprentice" as my apprentice.  But, he is not offered to male characters.  So, I did some looking, and found that there were other characters that can also become your padawan.  But, we're at a standstill with one of our characters. 


    My son has a male character.  Problem is, she won't talk.  He said there was an incident where he refused to kill her, and ever since then, she won't talk.  We've reviewed one of the walk-throughs. 


    How do you get her talking, again? 



    Based on that line, I'd say you were talking about Visas, not the handmaiden. It would really help if you posted the Characters name and what line of dialoge you are stuck on. If you are refering to Visas, then there is no need to gain influence with her, being that she is already a Jedi. If it is the Handmaiden, then follow Unabomber's advice.

  3. I also don't care about multiplayer, so that removes the major selling point of the 360 for me.



    Revolution: Backwards compatible with all nintendo systems. Letting me play the awesome SNES JRPG library, as well as being able to snag the 3 or 4 games for the Gamecube I wanted. Nicest looking of all the new consoles


    First I have to clarify: PS3 will be released with seven available wireless controllers allowing loads of multiplayer goodies just like the 360.


    Second, I thought Revolution was only bc with Gamecube.

  4. Use the games battle system to your advantage. She can't attack you if she can't see you. In other words, when you run low on health or need to initiate a sheild, run behind a pillar for a while then continue the fight when you wish. This works for the second part as well. It is kind of being cheap, but at least all the effort you went through will not be wasted. Next time, pay close attention to what skills and attributes you are adding to your character at the level up screen. If done with som planning, Kreia should not be difficult.

  5. Influence with Kreia is easy. The tricky part is getting the DS/LS points to cancell out. Answer questions as best as you can to agree with her statements, while remaining in the neutral zone. If it comes to getting a few DS points, don't worry. Get her influence and regain LS points with sidequests. Avoid using her as much as possible outside necssary missions.

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