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About vaxen83

  • Rank
    (12) Mage
    (12) Mage

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  • Location
    Fishing wharves along Telos coastline
  • Interests
    Mainly things to do with Star Wars and the KOTOR series.<br /><br />Looking for answers to the happenings of the world.
  1. Usually characters that have Str 16 have easier time when fighting Handmaidens or perhaps Mandalorians, but some Str bonus items can increase stat further. But frankly, having most stats at 14 is probably more sensible. That's stats for many of my games, anyhow.
  2. Could also use Kreia's dialogue to Exile character about whether your choice of characters for raid on Freedon Nadd's tomb would be ok or not. With Mandalore, Kreia would say he is an excellent choice, Bao-Dur being another one. Just that leader can still be a character that you prefer. With fighting the three Sith masters in resurrection ritual in tomb, I just led them into a circle so that almost all three were chasing Exile around the room while Mandalore and Bao-Dur were chasing them, in turn. Then, when the Sith masters turn around and fight them, I just kept on using Master Heal (which heals all party characters). Can't exactly say it works every time, but helps quite a bit.
  3. Going by logic, fighting Visas could have given a red saber, since initial saber she wields is also red when fighting her on EH. Instead, saber type and colour crystal item drop by her is a random weapon. However, one place that tends to give at least a red crystal is still likely to be from an old lady salvager on Dantooine.
  4. Game will show several more cutscenes when Exile character has almost all party characters with him or her. However, some cutscenes, especially with T3, Bao-Dur and perhaps Atton will be shown first, depending on whether Exile is male/female. Some cutscenes, say with Kreia, will only occur if your PC starts dialogue with a related character. One such part might be where male Exile tries to convert Handmaiden into a force user, which leads to Kreia saying something in a certain response.
  5. True. Same answer for me. It's usually an initial surprise, but got over it some time later.
  6. Well, they could have rephrase one of Disciple's usual quotes. Trouble is quotes can be heavy with ambiguity or double meaning sometimes. Don't really mind some of those from Bao-Dur, as dialogue from him isn't exactly as suggestive as some others might be.
  7. Was there cutscene between Kreia and Atris before EH is back in Telos hidden academy hangar?
  8. Exchange between droids on Malachor would simply be decision for your character to decide whether to end game as light or dark side alignment. So if Exile activates mass shadow generator, could say that Exile sides with Remote. If planet is not destroyed, G0T0's insistence that Malachor remains is fulfilled.
  9. Maybe a Jedi. One that could utilise force powers and lightsaber style of fighting in maximising personal ability that draws one close to the dark side without crossing certain boundaries that might make distinct what is LS or DS.
  10. Red is almost easiest crystal to get. Duros trader on Telos may already have it if you prefer to get it in initial part of game and if you don't mind reloading perhaps close to quite a few times for such a random crystal. Just be sure to access his inventory before deciding to turn him over to Lieutenant Grenn for his illegal dealings with smuggling and other happenings if doing his quest and playing as LS.
  11. If character is taking stealth as one of main skills, having additional points in Dex and perhaps DS mastery for Sentinel might help. Watchman class gives stealth power without needing stealth generator, although am not quite sure if power still works with DS mastery bonus of +6 to Dex.
  12. If character is male, and if you learned battle precognition from Handmaiden, even you cannot find items like improved automation gloves for increasing Dex, Wisdom plus items would also increase defence as well. Ossus Keeper robes spawns as regular item. If playing as LS, Circlet of Saresh might help, but spawn of item is random. And retuning PC crystal from time to time with Kreia will increase stats somewhat although DS alignment does not increase Wis. With character for such game, you could have base Str at 16-18 or so, and simply raise either Dex or Wis higher than Str. Usually either Dex will be higher than Wis or other way round.
  13. Quite useful for looking at alignments of NPCs when say walking through areas like market square of Onderon so that one can decide which NPCs to initiate dialogue with based on PC alignment. Same for party characters too. Only that animals and creatures tend to be of neutral alignment most of the time, cannoks and other non-human sentients included as well.
  14. Well, would say that LS force users do it to avoid any situation from becoming worse then. Besides, being sadistic does mean being inhuman in many ways.
  15. That's something close to what I had with her. And when you explain anything to her about philosophical relations, she would rather it be told to Disciple or someone else other than her. Added to it that when trying to gain influence with her, she will snap at Exile when asking her some questions about her background.
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