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Everything posted by Swingletree

  1. Oh gosh this is exciting Just in time for my second playthrough!
  2. I need it too. I've been putting off starting a second playthrough for this reason. I really want the freshness and novelty of the Magran's fires challenges, plus the quality of life features of Berath's blessings.
  3. I'm not sure I quite follow. The icon has appeared, with no new content, immediately after 8-9 different major story developments, and I've clicked Talk immediately after it appears every time, and each time there has been no new dialogue available in the tree. I think I've only ever actually been "on" my ship and able to talk to my companions there like three times in my playthrough, but there has never been any new dialogue available on the ship in particular. There also seems to be fairly little "reactive" content from my companions. They never actually start any conversations about what's going on except as a direct result of doing that companion's personal quest line. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm missing out, but I don't know how to be sure. Edit: Okay, upon completing the main story, I checked out youtube for relationship content with the characters, and I've missed out on more or less all of it as far as I can tell. That's honestly extremely disappointing.
  4. As of 10th of August, i still get this bug constantly. Am I missing out on a bunch of companion dialogue? Is there anything I can do to fix it?
  5. Same issues detailed in this thread Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Nvidia Geforce GTX 660 IntelĀ® Core i7 CPU, 920@2.67GHz Driver Version: 347.88 18GB RAM I think it's also worth noting that, at the moment of writing, there are 91 users reading this topic, 77 of whom are guests.
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