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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. EDIT: On second thought, I shouldn't comment on moderator decisions I wasn't involved in. All I know is his account status says the same thing it's said for the past 4 years.

  2. 4 hours ago, Hurlshot said:

    Stock up on sleep and social time. You will be a tired hermit for awhile afterwards.

    Tired hermit is my natural state anyway. How much worse could it be? *cough*

    4 hours ago, Gfted1 said:


    How much off time do you guys get? 6 mo? 1 year?

    I haven't the faintest. Time to start figuring this stuff out. Google has my back though! https://dutchreview.com/expat/health/maternity-leave-in-the-netherlands/

    Thanks for the gratzes fellas.

  3. Here's my final thoughts on this episode: If there isn't more, they built up a villain to be Thanos but then he turned out to be Snoke. If this doesn't have a different payoff later, this show literally sucks retroactively. Because this was the greater myth arc. It was about how the Iron Throne doesn't matter. We can't go back to giving a hoot about a pointy chair.

    • Like 3
  4. No spoilers, but how can you spend so much on battle sequences and CG dragons that you forget to buy a goddamned spotlight?

    I mean, I hear big things happened but I don't know how people figured out what they were.

  5. I'm pretty sure it was "I'm so excited for KotOR 2!" :lol:


    Switched from bupropion to venlafaxine and I think I already want to switch back

    I preferred venlafaxine out of the two, but then bupropion made me suicidal and weepy. Venlafaxine just made me sweat excessively - it did take months to kick in though. Citalopram has been the most effective for me, but everyone has different reactions.

  6. Remind me to stop joining game communities. I'm tired of people half my age trying to tell the guy with half a dozen shipped credits how game development works. Was I this annoying when I first got here?

    • Like 3
  7. My thoughts with the victims

    Weren't you rich? There must be something more useful you can offer them?
    regardless, even if makes us a bad person, am not gonna be sending money to victims in sri lanka or to the folks rebuilding notre dame. is literal dozens o' folks who come through the doors at snahc every day who need help.

    It does not make you a bad person, but then you also didn't make a show of "thoughts and prayers" like Brucey did, as if such things did anything.

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