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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. On 12/6/2019 at 6:48 PM, Gfted1 said:

    Well wishes to you all! Do you know the sex yet?

    Thank you! Yes, it's a boy. Which is fantastic, because I don't recall having any positive male role models and I have no idea how to be one. 

    Of course, it's a moot point for now because he's imitating the dutch train service - he's late, I don't know why he's late and I have no idea when he will get here...

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  2. 18 hours ago, Hurlshot said:

    So what about The Irishman people? Or has no one had a spare 9 1/2 hours to watch it yet? 

    I didn't finish it.

    I'm not that big a fan of Scorcese's work anyway, but this lacked something more. I think it's that Scorcese's made films like this before but they either about good people getting tragically embroiled and falling from grace such as The Godfather or if they're about fundamentally irredeemable people like Goodfellas or The Wolf of Wallstreet they make up for it with infectious kinetic energy. This, however, was the slow pace of Godfather without any appealing characters. I just found myself not caring about any of these people . 

    Also, the de-aging effects are really awkward because especially DeNiro still carries himself like an old man in these sequences. The effect is hilariously uncanny valley. 

    • Like 1
  3. Joker.

    Disappointing. Joaquin Phoenix was fantastic but the script was a cliched pastiche of better movies and this Joker isn't really even similar to any incarnation of THE Joker, he never exhibits any real intelligence and this manchild certainly wouldn't be able to be the nemesis of Batman. Would have been a better movie if it wasn't related to the DC Joker.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Keyrock said:

    I was actually interested in Diablo 4 for a hot second... then I saw that there would be no offline mode. Interest level immediately plummeted to zero.

    It certainly kills my favourite playstyle, permadeath. Lagspikes killing your hardcore characters gets old reaaally fast.

  5. 1 hour ago, Malcador said:

    The gameplay trailer looked ok. People still bitching it's not dark though.  I blame 40k and people taking all the skulls and **** seriously for this. 😛


    As for the WoW trailer...I guess I just hate Sylvanas as a character so much that's colouring my reception of it.

    Shadowlands is by far the least hyped I've ever been for a WoW expansion.

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