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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. Although it's based in Australia, I find the forums over at Beyond Blue are some of the most helpful.


    I'd urge you to reconsider talking to a doctor if you feel your problem affects your quality of life though. Most people with mental illness think their problems are foolish or worthless, and most of them are wrong. Overboard pickyness could, for example, be a marker for obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (NOT the same as OCD) and can seriously impact your life.

    • Like 4
  2. 3 hours ago, Lexx said:

    I don't know anything about the source material - but is a second season possible? The ending felt like there could be more, but maybe that's just it.

    What, they're gonna stop the apocalypse twice? This isn't Supernatural.

    • Haha 2
  3. Been volunteering talking to people about mental illness and experiences with it, because I saved a bunch of money and will soon be going to school to make that my actual job. It's very rewarding but hot damn is it exhausting.

    • Like 8
  4. The "boomer dads didn't teach them" bit hit home hard. Back in the day when I first tried soldering I royally screwed up and melted a bunch of crap and later I showed my dad and he literally said "that's not how I taught you" and then got he got pissed when I pointed out to him that not only didn't he teach me that, I didn't even know he even owned a soldering iron or knew how to use it.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, KaineParker said:

    Baron's night out was great tv.

    Probably my favorite exchange in TV ever.


    Baron: "You know what I've always wanted to try?"

    Laszlo: "Coprophilia."

    Baron: "A Pizza P- Coprophilia?"

  6. On 5/27/2019 at 8:07 AM, majestic said:

    Netflix keeps recommending The Rim of the World to me.

    Watched the trailer and I have a question. I'm pretty positive I saw a similar concept in a film already. A group of people missing an alien invasion by being in the woods or some other remote location. Also with fighter jets flying through the air.

    Did my brain make that up? I can't recall much else about the film to it didn't make a lasting impression. It's just a vague feeling of familiarty.

    Perhaps "Tomorrow When The War Began"?

    • Like 1
  7. Having made many friends through therapy and support groups, sometimes life can get a little weird. For example, this text conversation:

    Her: Hey, I'm in town this week if you want to hang out!

    Me: Cool, where are you staying?

    Her: The psych ward, I'm on suicide watch.

    • Haha 2
  8. 8 hours ago, Chilloutman said:

    yeah she was stupid from day one and never actually done anything, she always stumble upton people who done **** for her. On other hand that 180 switch from breaker of chains to butcher of innocent because someone touched here lesbian lover while millions are dying around her was tad too much. I mean I would be all for her to go mad, but it needed like 3 more series to get to that point

    Nah, they could have fixed this with one simple change. Move Rheagal's death to the siege of King's Landing and boom, fully explained. Instead it just seems like bells gave her the willies.

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  9. 46 minutes ago, majestic said:

    To talk about something more amusing, what do you guys think of the rumor that George has finished the books already but had a deal with HBO to not release them prior to the show's end?

    To clarify, this isn't a rumor from fans, this is a direct statement by the actor who played Ser Barristan Selmy, who has met up with GRRM on multiple occassions. He flat out said "George already has the finished books" on a stage. He may have been talking out his behind, but as far as sources go that one's at least on a higher rung than, say, an anonymous 4chan post.

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