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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. Well Chris Avellone says that this sort of behaviour is exactly what he would have expected from Obs. CEO. Obviously, there is some bad blood here, but he says the devs are the last to know, and that the upper management would have most likely been part of this decision, so it probably wasn't a publisher surprise.



    Except he backtracked immediately. Just scroll ONE tweet down.



    I just installed a game from the MS store for the first time just to test it. Easy peasy, nothing extra to DL, and pretty fast too.

    I haven't used them yet because I had Win7. And I still won't use them because ... I don't want to give them any more support than I already do via their O/S. It's not rational perhaps but yeah. :biggrin:


    Of course they will change, they're just trying to actually compete with Steam. The end result is hopefully that Steam will actually change some of their anti-consumer practices.

    I can sort of understand a perspective that extreme measures might be needed in order to get consumers to move away from what are current clients. People are often resistant to change of course. But I'd prefer/like if they could offer something more concrete to the consumer - like, different services/abilities Steam does not, or something along those lines - then "buying" exclusivity.


    Even something like a longer refund policy, like extending it to 3 or 4 hours played instead of just 2. Or how about being able to play Offline mode without having to login to Online to tell it to go Offline, first. Or a "revert to last version" patch ability in case the most recent patch makes you unable to play for some reason. Stuff like that.

    If you buy a game from the EGS you own it, the same as buying from GoG. The game can not be taken away from you if you get banned from your account, or removed from your Library by either GoG or EGS. Unlike with Steam where none of that is true.


    That right there is an improvement.


    I started using Steam under protest when it seemed that all of the series I liked at the time required Steam. I bought a physical copy of Empire Total War and Shogun 2 and was immediately forced to use Steam. The only thing the disc was good for was for running the Steam installer!

    I forgot what game this was, but bought a physical copy of something at some point, and when I opened the case it had a disc shaped paper cutout with a Steam code in it. :lol:

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