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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. Yeah, the first couple of episodes of Star are bizarre. It does get better and unfolds into its own story, though it does stay somewhat hyperactive. For the record, we also couldn't get into Gravity Falls.


    Yeah, Steven Universe is just so binge-inducing. An almost perfect blend of twists, turns and happy feelings. Peridot is my spirit animal. Hoping Blue Diamond gets a song in the upcoming eps, because Lisa Hannigan is an angel.

  2. That happened to the wife and me about two weeks back with Steven Universe. We had seen a handful of episodes and couldn't get into it, but we decided to give it another try and binged the entire thing in a few days.


    If you enjoyed Steven Universe, try Star vs. The Forces of Evil, you might enjoy that too.


    Edit: Also, the new Duck Tales is quite good and is showing signs of building into a larger plot.


    Edit edit: Also also, the miniseries 'Over The Garden Wall' is pretty great but a little creepier than those.

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  3. Eh, fem!Who isn't so bad. Try watching that new Charmed show. My wife grew up on the original so she wanted to watch this one. It's horrible, but I amused myself by imagining how some of our less progressive members would respond.

  4. I did, yes. It adds some gene mods for dinosaurs that allow for more social animals, but most of the stuff they refer to (i.e. herding behaviour) is actually free with the update.


    The DLC came out tuesday, hence no sale on that. I enjoyed the DLC myself, because Dr. Wu is a moustache-twirling villain. His new missions mostly came down to 'make a peaceful herd of herbivores... Good, now dump some raptors in there to see what happens'. :lol:

  5. Eh. It looks gorgeous, but that's all it's really got going for it. The gameplay is repetitive and gets irritating and there's very few options to customize your parks, so they all start to get samey really soon. The campaign devolves into waiting for timers after a while, almost like a mobile game.


    I mostly got my hours by looking at pretty dinosaurs.

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  6. As a resident Jurassic Park obsessive fan, I've got over 220 hours in JWE so far and I still can't recommend it for that price. :lol:


    LC, you can download save files and player files from Nexus mods if you're tired of having to unlock everything. For some reason in the sandbox mode you can only use things unlocked in the campaign.

  7. I think I lucked out by skipping D3 until the expansion came out - everyone seems to hate the game, but my experience was fine. Not exceptional, but I got enough fun out of it to justify it.


    Same for SC2, which had a terrible story but other than that was a great game and I still play the odd co-op map which is by far the most fun I've had in a Blizzard RTS ever and I've been along for the ride since Orcs & Humans. Hell even WoW, Legion was fantastic. BFA's kinda **** so far though, hoping they can turn it around.


    Blizz disappointed me before this, but it was never because they weren't trying. Even Warlords of Draenor, their only real dumpster fire, had some great stuff in it (raids and dungeons that expac were the best the game's seen IMO). But between this Diablo announcement and them caving to vanilla fanboys... now I'm not so sure.

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