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Posts posted by Blarghagh


    Whenever Blizzard worked with another company and delivered something unwanted and not up to Blizzard standards, like WarCraft Adventures or StarCraft Ghost, Blizzard has had the integrity to cancel it. Here's the test for them - if this makes it live, we'll know once and for all it's no longer Blizzard calling the shots but ActiVision.

    You do realize they've been the same company for a decade right? There's a reason the only good product they developed since 2008 happens to be the reason every other company wants to shove loot boxes down our throats.

    Really? Wrath, of all things, is the cutoff point for you? :lol:

  2. Whenever Blizzard worked with another company and delivered something unwanted and not up to Blizzard standards, like WarCraft Adventures or StarCraft Ghost, Blizzard has had the integrity to cancel it. Here's the test for them - if this makes it live, we'll know once and for all it's no longer Blizzard calling the shots but ActiVision.

  3. Watched the whole season. The ending was a bit tame but otherwise I loved it. Highlight for me was that one episode that was maybe 5 shots in total. Not much of an adaptation of the book (some names and ideas at most) but it's own thing.


    That burro part genuinely made me laugh out loud but, HUZZAH!, on your accomplishments. :thumbsup:

    No offense taken. Also, no real accomplishments. Didn't eat myself to death and actually contribute to society in a meaningful way for once? Not exactly heroic! lol

    Yes it is, man. Don't take away from your accomplishments, getting out of a dead end situation while you're depressed is nothing short of herculean. Thumbs up.

    • Like 1
  5. People didn't like Hellboy 2? Some pacing issues aside, I think it's probably the most unique and artful superhero movie we've gotten and I can watch it over and over just to take in the world Guillermo del Toro envisioned.


    Re: Aquaman, I feel like I can skip it after that 'trailer'. That was like the entire movie. :lol:

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  6. I love the book, but I couldn't get into the show either. It's cartoonish, overdramatic, obsessed with visual effects and stretches the material extremely thin. It's a Peter Jackson's Hobbit movies kind of adaptation.

  7. I need more games with non-happy endings. I don't mean "game over" screens or you hit the wrong button/wrong choice and the world explodes/game over/reload.


    ...50 years (well, ok, 45 years) of happy/heroic endings in most entertainment and I'm tired of them. I need more character tragedy, pathos, ambiguous and bittersweet that builds and escalates throughout the whole game. Anything come to mind? :p


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    Hate speech is defined as speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.


    Unless you'd be willing to classify such people under disability, that would be a firm no. :lol:

    its nice how you skipped second sentence from wiki


    ''The law of some countries describes hate speech as speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display that incites violence or prejudicial action against a protected group or individual''

    Yes, it specifies against a protected group. Such as those listed. So it could safely be ignored, as it added nothing I didn't already say. Or are neckbeards a protected group now too? :lol:

    Last man Standing: The Return - Funny as always.

    Starting the clock on Tim Allen charges. What will it be? Racism/Homophobia/SexualAssault/Trump supporting? We know it's not a question of "if" only "when".

    Isn't he an ex-convict already?

  10. Speaking of churning out truck loads of dreck what was the last Stephen King novel that you guys actually thought was good? For me it was the Shining. It was all downhill after that. And a steep hill at that.

    I didn't actually enjoy The Shining much, possibly because I saw the film first and the book being 11 years older than I am. :lol:


    Stephen King's novels are really hit and miss for me. I enjoy a lot in a pulpy way, but the only ones I'd consider good are probably "Misery", "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" and "It". Lots will disagree with that last one, but I feel like it's one of the few books that captured the essence of Lovecraft's eldritch horror trope in a long-form story while being simultaneously something unique.


    I generally prefer his short stories. Wait, does " On Writing" count? That's surprisingly good.


    Let me get some opinions here. If you have read Dracula what did you think of Stoker's narrative device, presenting the story in the form of letters and journal entries? I was a little put off by it at first but the more I read the more I appreciated it. I don't think anyone else has done that.

    I really enjoy this framing device, but I think it actually works better on the internet. Before the "Slender Man" blew up after that indie game there were lots of people writing super creepy narratives combining blogs, journals, letters and snippets of YouTube clips. I think it's a great way to create that 'dawning realization' style horror. I miss that version of the now cartoonish gaunt gentleman. :lol:


    At the very least, writers of video games with journals and such should all be required to read Dracula for inspiration.

    • Like 1
  11. Congrats on your possible sale, GD.


    Re: Self-driving cars, what's the timeline on getting people to give up cars they drive themselves? Without trying to turn this convo to gun control as we've done that one to death, but I can see the slogans now: "You can pry my steering wheel from my cold, dead hands". I can't see people giving that up, especially car enthusiasts. And self-driving cars probably won't work that well while people are in the mix.


    That was obvious when none of the locations changed their signs. They still caught hell for it though.

    Or did they? They got a lot of attention. Curious to see if it helped their bottom line

    Saw an article on Cracked (it was talking about manufacturing controversy) that claimed IHOP did really well despite 'backlash' and specifically their burger sales skyrocketed. Didn't have a source though.

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