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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. It's pretty simple really, if Kavanaugh was any kind of judge he'd go "fine, start an investigation". As a judge, he'd know that a negligable amount of reported rapes lead to convictions anyway. It's an almost statistical certainty that he'll get off scott-free whether he did it or not. The fact that he hasn't makes it look like he has other stuff to hide or doesn't have a good understanding of the justice system, both of which are pretty poor qualities for a judge.

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  2. Yeah, my sub runs out next week and I don't think I'll resub. Haven't even touched it in two weeks. I just don't feel like I can actively progress my character, which is bad in a progression MMO. I can't set goals, I just have to do everything and hope something pays off. I can handle grinding, but I need to grind FOR something.


    Doesn't help that I main an Ele Shammy, which apparently is getting entirely redone next patch because of how bad it is. Groups far, far below my ilvl reject me simply because I'm a Shammy.

  3. Well, for me that obsession never stopped. I re-read both books before Fallen Kingdom came out. Jurassic Park is my Star Wars and I'll stick with that franchise no matter how more awful it's bound to get. I even have some 200 hours in that new game, which by all real metrics has maybe 10 hours worth of content in it. In essence, I'm a sad nerd boy holding on to childhood nostalgia with desperation. :lol:

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  4. How much of it have you played? Because for me building the same GP's Office over and over got really, really old by hospital 5 or 6 because you need a dozen of 'em every map.


    I heard they updated it and you can copy rooms now but I got maybe 8 hours out of it before it bored me out of continuing.

  5. Richard must be the most inexplicably well regarded king in English history. A compulsive warmonger who nearly bankrupted the country having fought multiple rebellions against his father previous and who got himself pointlessly and stupidly killed.

    Yes, but his name was awesome.

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