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Posts posted by Blarghagh

  1. Let's switch gears and talk about a fantasy property that actually stands a chance at being good on TV. :p


    HBO partnered with the BBC for a His Dark Materials series, starring Dafne Keen, the girl from Logan, as Lyra. Hope it gets a fairer shake than last time.

    • Like 1
  2. Both World Bosses up this week gave me gold. Underwhelmed by the RNG and itemization this expansion. Think I might be burnt out still from Legion, I can't seem get into this expansion at all despite dinosaur crap and cthulhu crap being my jam. Had fun the first week and the rest's felt like chores.

  3. Oh, I think you misunderstood. It's the leaving them alone part I don't understand, not the putting them down for their own good part.


    Most pets I've had lived good lives until old age forced my hand, but I unfortunately had to have a kitten put down for a fatal disease (FIP) a few years back. Barely three months old. Held the scared little tyke until his last breath. That one hit hard, just seemed so unfair. :(

    • Like 4
  4. I watched the same and agree 100%, although I'm not a massive Stephen King fan (only book of his I read was IT) and I didn't feel overwhelmed by references but I may not have been catching 'em all.


    Really enjoying it so far but throughout episode 7 I was well and truly lost. :lol:

  5. Making mods is where a lot of people start, and it's also a good way to find out if it's something for you, and if it is then what parts are. A lot of people move on quickly - being passionate about games does not always translate to being passionate about making games as I learned the hard way myself. Self-taught people generally make it further than people who did college courses because to get that far requires passion.


    Cool mod projects are a good way to fill up a portfolio with both proven projects from a usability standpoint as well as a way to show what you're passionate about. Of course, not everyone likes making mods and would prefer to work on their own projects - for inspiration, look at people like Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone, who with the exception of some backend network code for the multiplayer version, made "Stardew Valley" all by himself: music, art, code, design, everything.


    And a bit of personal experience: If you end up trying to get work experience with internships and you end up with a company with more interns than employees, run for the hills and find a different place.


    I don't know about QA testing as an entry level position, the couple of places I worked at outsourced their QA.

    • Like 1
  6. Leveling professions is odd in BFA. Takes a lot of effort to produce stuff that isn't much use. Kind of redundant of my actual job, to be honest. Blizzard must really hate Engineering to treat it so.


    Waiting for the honeymoon to end so I can enjoy the community whining about everything fron level scaling to leveling even being a concept


    To be fair, this is completely broken. Once you hit max level, you're suddenly a cowering little child compared to even the most basic mob and if you're PvPing be ready for 115's to stomp your 120.

    • Like 1
  7. Hello there, welcome to another edition of the music thread. I'm personally listening to "From Blown Speakers" by The New Pornographers. Last songs shared can be found below!





    An Asian drama I've been watching used her "River" song as a chr. theme which ofc led me to YouTube. Where I ended up liking her more recent single even more. I don't typically like female (pop/diva) voices but she has the tonal range and vocal style I tend to prefer. Really good for bopping to on a walk. Why I haven't I heard of her before, I need to buy some albums ... I really do only "discover" music via games and TV/media anymore. :lol:

    Nice stomping beat.
    • Like 9
  8. Hello. Here's a thread for all the random video game news. Previous topics included Valve's support for Linux and trailers and new coming out of Gamescom in Cologne, Germany. PAX coming up soon too, I believe.



    Anyway, long story short, Valve have not given up on Linux, in fact they've been directly and indirectly responsible for Linux gaming being in a better place now than it's ever been. Things continue to move forward, but these things take time and we're also talking about Valve here and we all know Valve works on Valve Time.

    *lowers pitch-fork*

    That's all good news. I'll give SteamOS a go since it's...free!


    Give it a few weeks. Right now Proton is only in the Steam Beta client and it has some issues (namely segfaulting) on some systems. I think we can expect some bumps in the road at first. Unless you want to be one of the first and provide Valve with bug reports and feedback, which is cool if you do want to do that, I wouldn't recommend it unless you're an experienced Linux user, I would wait until at least the first round of issues are worked out.


    Looks sweet.

    Also, here's a nice preview of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

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