But now the problem is you're running into way too many storyline cominations. I mean how many combinations are there now?
LSM Revan, LSM Exile
LSM Revan, LSF Exile
LSM Revan, DSM Exile
LSM Revan, DSF Exile
LSF Revan, LSM Exile
LSF Revan, LSF Exile
LSF Revan, DSM Exile
LSF Revan, DSF Exile
DSM Revan, LSM Exile
DSM Revan, LSF Exile
DSM Revan, DSM Exile
DSM Revan, DSF Exile
DSF Revan, LSM Exile
DSF Revan, LSF Exile
DSF Revan, DSM Exile
DSF Revan, DSF Exile
16 possibilites, 16 different storylines or alternate characters
As opposed to K2 which only had 4, and didn't make much overall impact anyway, but this is at a point where the storylines need to be wrapped up in a well-developed manner (we didn't play 2 games just to see it end in a mere conversation or two)