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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. YES. This so much. You haven't fully experienced VtMB until you have played through as a Malkavian. With Malkavians, any playthrough other than the first turns deliciously and absurdly meta and I love it. There we go! No, it just means that you have reached the most obviously rushed, unpolished, and uninspired segment of the game, where cuts and constraints finally start to reflect negatively on the overall experience. Whenever I decide to reinstall VtMB, in 9 out of 10 situations Chinatown is the point where I burn out on the game. It's a slough. That or the descent into Nosferatu warrens. But that you can skip with a mod.
  2. Is this for real or are you making a joke?
  3. Just like the coronavirus! Just like friendship!
  4. Just like the coronavirus!
  5. Toucans.
  6. ^ Were they Poles, by any chance?
  7. "Actually, it's because I enjoy being shot at with a crossbow."
  8. Speak for yourself. I, for one, always assume I'm wrong about everything! And I usually am! So yeah, therapy's been fun.
  9. ^ While we're on the topic of Arkane games and unpopular opinions... The 2017 Prey "reboot" is a brilliant game, one I am not afraid to call a masterpiece. It has a unique vision behind itself, an excellent story, a very strong and consistent thematic core that resonates on every layer of the game, and - more than anything else - a truckload of obvious thought and heart put into it. It is a crime that it undersold, and an even bigger crime that the majority seems to have written it off as just another buggy RPG-shooter. It's the kind of fresh and artistic property that everyone seemingly wants, but somehow never manages to gain wider (yet well-deserved) recognition.
  10. Now this is a Regent of Terra I could get behind!
  11. Star Trek was built on an idealistic vision of the future. If there is one character (and/or captain) who manages to fully capture that enlightened ideal behind Star Trek, it is Picard. Picard is better. Fight me.
  12. It is quite understandable and I'm sure nobody minds. Please, hang in there. Depression is no joke.
  13. ...I do not want to derail the overall message, but it took me way too long to realize you weren't talking about the Peloponnesian War. I'm dumb. Carry on. Wait, this is a hot take? Because I've always ranked it as equal to 4 and way better than 5. No.
  14. But... but... I always thought that Jedi vs Sith made sense in KotOR 2.
  15. Neverwinter Nights 2 is a great game.
  16. If there are any fleshed out scenarios, sure, good idea. I think I've skimmed over it and saw mostly stuff like "Super Fast Tax Collector" and the like. Huh. I might give it a try.
  17. ^ Yup. Why?
  18. Dauros has spared you... for now. Emphasis on -some- maps. Cultists are my favorite heroes overall, but unless the map has a high number of beast monsters, they end up becoming a "for fun" choice more than anything else (nevertheless, hordes of knife-throwing bears are cool). I don't disagree that the Krypta/Fervus combo has its merits. Charming is great when it works. Priestesses are amazing for tanking dragons. Generally speaking, though, both god routes seem to have been designed to answer different kinds of threats: Agrela/Dauros counters bosses and elites, Krypta/Fervus counters hordes. That said, I've always felt like the hardest Majesty scenarios are usually of the villain-of-the-week variety, and thus - unless the scenario comes with a specific restriction - paladins end up being the safest and most universal choice. Which, ultimately, makes them somewhat boring. Even though I love the game to death, I wish the game had included more scenarios which would require the player to think out of the box rather than run a simple binary choice. For example: if I remember correctly, there is only one scenario ("The Siege"? I think) which aims to emulate what it would be like to play against another kingdom with full access to player advantages and mechanics: bounties, spells, and so on. Hell, it's basically a PVP map in disguise. As a consequence, many of the usual strategies simply fall flat, and that's great.
  19. Well, the same argument could be made for warriors of discord, but they are so laughably bad in comparison to paladins that they never really enter the equation. Unlike WoDs, pallies are fast, durable, and most of all, smart. They require little babysitting and are good right out of the gate, which honestly saves you a lot of money in the long run. Late game unit or no, paladins are just too good to pass up: they do everything well and thus offer pretty much the best value out of any t2 or t3 hero. Also, I'd argue that a t2 palace + Temple to Dauros is less financially prohibitive than going for t3 and adepts/solarii.
  20. ^ Ah yes, paladins. When you need something wiped out, accept no substitutes. As much as I like Majesty, I've always been surprised by how many of its scenarios can be beaten by going the "just throw more paladins at them" route.
  21. Post pics of doggos
  22. This seriously made me smile. Congrats - you deserve it!
  23. I love this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I think I needed that reminder that the world doesn't have to be all dark, all the time.
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