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Everything posted by RexRPGs

  1. I mean, to be a negative Nancy, what else would be at the top on GOG right now?
  2. Yeah, they're going to **** an awesome game on you in like a day and a half. Chill. Good lord.
  3. Can you title your grimoires by any chance?
  4. From what little I've heard, it sounds like Hard but not Trial of Iron is the way to go for a first playthrough, so I'll be doing that.
  5. lol you do all realize that, thanks to timezones, it is early morning for the devs at the moment, right?
  6. I am now beyond excited. I need this game immediately to physically continue progressing through life.
  7. You are on the Pillars of Eternity forums...
  8. I actually think this combat system is more realistic. Endurance and Health drop simultaneously. Think of Endurance as the amount of damage your body can take before getting knocked out. Consider it like Mike Tyson punching you in the head. You probably won't die but you probably go to sleep. If given enough time you will snap out of it and bounce back, maybe concussed but without any permanent damage a la Endurance. That said, if, after knocking you out, Mike continues to beat your face in, you will eventually die. The amount of beating it can take before this point is much greater than the amount you could take before passing out, but your body heads toward knock out/death simultaneously.
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