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Everything posted by darthjardon
major let downs of the new trilogy
darthjardon replied to Knights&Darths's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Hayden Christensen wasn't bad in these movies, he was just average, he played the part how Lucas wanted it played and got hammered for it. Even so, despite a few of the scenes that were just horrible the relationship with Obi Wan was believable and he worked well as a Jedi, Sam Jackson did a worse job then Christensen, not saying he's not the better actor of the two but.....during the scene when Windu is about to kill Palpatine and there going back and forth with "aaaarggh....HE IS THE TRADER!!", thats when you realize how bad dialogue can handicap and actor. I can actually picture them in trailers before takes trying to find away to spit out some of these stupid lines and make them sound reasonable, Portman got the worst, 80% of the cringe worthy moments had her on screen. Dialogue had some garbage moments, but thats still just some head shaking in a trilogy that I liked a lot. Ewan McGregor was good, Christopher Lloyd and McDiarmid were also good throughout, and I liked the special effects because it created a really good look at what the universe is really like, you get something closer to the full scope of it. The cornyness of the props and stuff like that in the OT is great, but despite that you have to feel like something was lost in transition from what Lucas had in his mind to the atmosphere that came out on screen. -
I've finished the other planetes and only know started working on Handmaiden's jedification, I finished the duels but need a little more infuence, im darkside as well. Any help would be appreciated, I hate hunting around the internet fot stuff like this thanks
Go to the start menu, over to your items and use an advanced medpac while you have the game paused. You can only use one per turn but it doesn't cancel your attack out and your character doesnt have to pause to use it. That is, if you have anything to boost your health.
Well theres also the dark side path as well... Jolee would be dead Carth would be dead/hiding Bastilla would be d/s so bringing her would make sense either way. Mission may be dead. Don't know about Zalbarr or cat faced schutta Juhani who I hated. Canderous had to unite the Madalorians. Droids may have journeyed part may until reval left them w/ ship or sumthing like that, idk.
sumone enlighten this lost soul
Darth Nihilus, jus too bad that crazy bastard couldn't talk. Maybe that keot all the cliche ridden evil chants out of the game because for some reason when he was threatening Visas I doubt that the dialogue was amazing. "I AM THE DARKNESS IN WHICH ALL END WOMAN!!" is replaced WHHHHHHOOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHH SOUND / Michael Myers breathing
Rare Cut Movies from KOTOR II
darthjardon replied to darthjardon's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I have it on x box too, what i was wondering was if there were any other videos like the one where Kreia gets beat down by Sion and Nihilus that are more difficult to get. I still am missing like 4 or 5 videos and were missing any cool ones. -
What are the more rare ones to get, just thought of this after reading the other thread.
Things that went wrong with this game
darthjardon replied to ShadowCaster's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Wow, that was as accurate as anything i read on here. KOTOR I is just a knotch above in so many areas that it makes them hard to compare. I would go over my opinions but their too similar to what you already said so I'll spare everyone. -
"the end of all things"
darthjardon replied to indarkestday's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Cudos on the explanation, I don't know that much on the Star Wars outside of the KOTOR games and the movies. So that was interesting to hear, most of it I didnt know. -
Boo, too bad. Thanks for the news.
I've beaten this game three times but one of my friends who I know is not totally reliable in what he says, not that he lies he just gets overexcited at unreliable information he comes accross. He told me that if you beat the game LS without losing any influence you get an epic video clip ending instead of jus the ebon hawk flying away and the opposite for DS. I still have about 5 videos missing, is this true? If so can anyone upload them?? Jardon Out :cool:
- I never sacraficed Visas, don't know how to at the end. I was a Sith Lord on one play through and she ends up freezing him up somehow but still surviving. Is it something that can only be done with the lowest amount of influence? - Also I never got Mira or Bao-Dur to become Jedi's. It always seems for Bao-Dur that a conversation after the events on Dxun would do it but I could never get him to talk. I took Mira to Nar Shadaa and I guess that would have done it but I didn't have enough influence. What happens when you sacrifice Visas, how does all that go down, is it anywhere near as bad as having Zalbaar kill Mission in KOTOR I?
Whats the worst dark side act you did?
darthjardon replied to jennahaze's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Damn, readin this makes me wanna play the first game again, that one was definitely a classic. Killing Mission, Bindo, and Juhani were epic events, then Carth fleeing. Revan was way badder than the Exile was on the darkside path, he ****ed over everyone. Plus unless it's me I liked the charcters in KOTOR I better, Carth was such a good guy that I just admired they way he acted, Bindo was a stand up guy, and the whole Bastilla/Revan deal was cool too. That went to Kreia whose boring rants annoyed me, Atton who had no good story line to him, and Mira/Visas/Handmaiden which all were average at their best parts. KOTOR **** KOTOR II: The Sith Lords *** Just not the same game character wise and story wise, not saying it was bad because both were great but KOTOR I is a classic. -
what's the trigger event for bao-dur
KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
darthjardon replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Was I the only one that was an overanxious player the first time through in KOTOR, I washooked on the series by my friend and after beating the first one I couldn't get enough of the story line. I would try to breeze through, which made things a little tedious when I past key points without abtaining something or missing key conversation points and having to dig through the journal later. there were points were my friend would be looking at my lightsaber and be like "What the hell dude, this isn't boosted at all, then he'd take twenty minutes and boost my whole party. My second play through was more thorough though, I enjoyed the lightside path much more in this game than the darkside path. -
Anyone playin the game can testify that Kreia is a nessacary but annoying bytch minus a hand
KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
darthjardon replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Also as for Revan and the Exile, i think they should both have a signifigant involvement in the plot. REVAN - Have him return from his crusade against the True Sith, one Jedi could never take them on and maybe have him encounter bring back some Sith Lords who followed him. He should be with Bastilla either way, but Carth should be with him during LS scenarios. EXILE- I enjoyed this character just because of his power so he would serve as a perfect apprentice to a powerful Sith Lord, alla Vader to Sidious. That's what I want to see, a Sith regarded as the most dangerous person in the galaxy and you need to take him down. Now a planet destroyer like Nihilus but a powerful Jedi with his mind currupted from former experiences: (Mandalorian Wars, Atris Betrayal, Kreia's Betrayal) -
KotoR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
darthjardon replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Here's me basic idea for KOTOR 3, and that's what it is -- basic. Anyway, I would like for them to begin your charcter off as an apprentice. The whole concept of that could open new doors, you should have the choice of who your master is during the set up phase when your creating your character and such. The conflict between those two alone could be cause for some interesting plot twists and that, along with the plot stemming from the first two would be more basis. Other things I WISH would be done are 1) I would like to see your charcter age as the game progresses, to see you go from a young apprentice to a Jedi Master would be fun and it would also be able to cover more ground in terms of the plot. 2) A new fighting scheme implamented, a lot of people have suggested Jade Empire but I say no to that strongly. For me the fighting scheme from Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith would be a good starting point to build off of. There would have to be adjustments to make it work for KOTOR but you can;t have a truly epic battle just by programming your lightsaber/vibroblade shots, and that's what KOTOR 3 needs to be -- epic. 3) Better enemies, if there was anything the first two lacked it was this. I never really feared any of them, although Malak was the closest to being a beast. But Darth Sion, Kreia, and maybe Bastilla depending on how you played the game were not the most fearsome foes. Darth Nihilus was pretty feirce, when I saw him in KOTOR 2 I did not look foward to that fight, even though it turned out fairly easy I look foward to enemies with more reputation to them. Like an accomplished swordsman or a strong manipulator of the force. 4) Also, in regards to the Master/Apprentice scenario I offered I would suggest a similar idea as to KOTOR 2. You character goes one way while your master goes the other (LS & DS) so a confrontation is inevitable. It was a good basis for KOTOR 2 but it flopped in my opinion. Nobody who pleayed the game enjoyed Kreia as a party member, so when she double-crossed you there was a somber 'wtf, oh well'. I would like to see a bong reminiscent of Obi-Wan/Anakin in my version of KOTOR 3. Darth Jardon :cool: Out