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Everything posted by Grey

  1. I had a nice scathing reply all written up and ready to go until I saw that. It disarmed me, I mean I can't believe you'd blow our cover! At any rate, my rebuttal was of excellent quality and proved all my assertions beyond argument and doubt. Take my word for it, and we'll go from there; it's the only logical thing to do, afterall.
  2. I definitely agree that something needs to be done to make evil more attractive, as it were. The thuggish approach to the Dark Side in KOTOR I is what kept me from ever playing the game through as a DS Jedi.
  3. Given that the Mandalorian War is a theme that's present in both games, I have a suspicion that you may be on to something with that.
  4. The way some people tell it, the bad plot twist, NPC, romance, dialogue, breach of canon, etc, ruined the game in its entirety. It's likely that he's replying to those very same people, and not those who write an eloquent and critical opinion regarding an apsect of the game they didn't like. Logic dictates that he was talking about the former, not the latter, thus your questioning of his logic is illigocal. You questions his conclusions, yet you draw conclusions regarding his intent that likely aren't present.
  5. Prestige classes are supposed to be balanced in relation to core classes, and really have little to do with powergaming or not, though it is true that nearly anything can be abused. Hopefully our GM (OE), using their hybrid of d20 and CRPG convenience, keep that in mind when implementing the prestige classes they plan to use.
  6. Arkan must have felt left out by not really having anything to say. Some people. OT: I always thought he was talking about the Star Forge, though if he wasn't, I hope OE picks up and runs with it -- s'long as it's something cool.
  7. If the females looked like that, I'd find it difficult to focus on gameplay.
  8. I think Bastila's romance was well done until the end -- I didn't like her redemption at the Star Forge at all, it was too contrived. The moment of consummation was perhaps a little too hasty as well, but other than those two things I thought it was well done.
  9. Ninjas are a must, and pirates. Real pirates I mean, buccaneers! I voted for more customization on how the PC looks, but aesthetics are nothing without ninjas and pirates.
  10. Actually, the Nazis did win elections, as (I can't recall the entire, German spelling) the National Socialist Party (shortened to Nazi).
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