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Everything posted by Maedhros

  1. Will there be Mon Calamaris in Kotor 2? I didn't notice any in Kotor.
  2. Mon Calamari of course! Gotta love Admiral Ackbar!
  3. Please, no Rakata in Kotor 2... But what we do need in Kotor 2 is to have a Mon Calamari in you party! Admiral Ackbar: "It's a trap!!!!!1" B)
  4. X-box! The x-box controller owns the mouse and the keyboard..in my opinion. (Except when you're playing FPS and Strategy games of course. )
  5. Ok, we need: 1. Story and characterization 2. More sidequests 3. Jedi Robes!! 4. More cutscenes would be nice. 5. Bigger worlds
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