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Everything posted by Titan_5

  1. How does he make all this stuff up??? I think this guy survives on Wellfare with just enough money to have internet and occasional food. Don't you have to pay to read some of his crap??
  2. Right, I can't even keep up with all the subjects... Why do they keep on moving these threads?? An interesting tactic used by the russians was to send dogs with explosives to "attack"enemy tanks. Unfortunately (for the russians and the dogs )these dogs were trained on russian tanks so when released on to the battlefield they went after russian tanks... Roma es caput mundi. Anyways, I think that they should keep the Ebon Hawk, a two seater would cause havoc with your roster.. You would be forced to kick off or kill one of your guys on every planet. (Seeing as that some people have a lot of use on one planet and none on others.) I would love to be able to upgrade the Ebon Hawk (or equivalent) and the Swoop Bike. Having flying missions wouldn't be too bad either but I think some people would hate it abd raise hell about it.
  3. Influence was a decent installment to the game but I am the type of perosn who likes to get on everyone's good side (in games) so I found it difficult to max out everyone's influence seeing as that there aren't enough people to aid/kill. Also next time I will expect people who are Dark Side Masters (like Atton w/ high Influence) will not act like thay are Light Side. Let me clarify, those conversations about the exile's face looking strange sounded stupid coming from a guy who's face looks just like the exiles. Or the way you can lose influence with a Dark Jedi (Atton yet again) for killing innocents 213374U- Love the pic, where did you get it?
  4. This one has my vote just because I have to...: KOTOR II: Rushed Edition
  5. Hi, mind if I join the conversation? Didn't Jade Empire have Three Different Endings? From what I hear (I don't hear much) they were all pretty good. Different planets for different paths sounds good but it would be hell to try to do them all. It would take three run throughs. (Awesome Replay though) I am terribly sorry if this has already been discussed and the suggestion eliminated but wouldn't make more sense if you spend more time in the Sith Empire than in the Republic? I mean that was all the last conversation was about, that way you could connect the first and second stories and the ending (or lack there of) of The Sith Lords make more sense.
  6. thanks for the welcome I didn't miss the Exile, Atris series, good... I am going to be chekcing this thread at least once a day now...
  7. KOTOR Liked HK47 Jolee Bastila Canderous (spelling) Carth Disliked all those sith on Manaan (arrogant, and can't die) The fish people (very annoying voice) The Hutts (can't kill them) Juhani (boring) Mission TSL Liked HK47 Mandalore Hated GO-TO (soooo useless) Disciple (left me an opening??) The Q-something people they remind me of squids (can kill the arrogant things but I want to hear them beg for mercy...)
  8. wow, that was fast, thanks. I think I'll try it today Too bad on Vash, I would have liked to kill her instead of finding her dead... Any word on when the Restoration project will be done?
  9. Hi, I was just woundering about a couple of things, (I have beaten the game 3 times (2LS, 1DS)) 1.) Is it possible to actually see Master Vash alive? (I don't think so but still...) 2.) Was the funny dialogue cut out of the game? (you know like when atton says "Are you an Angel?" and the like. Because I have heard that if you beat it on LS and DS you get the extra Dialogue, I have and I don't have it so I guess it got pulled along with the ending and half the story...) Thanks
  10. Amazing work Aimo. (I think that adjective has yet to be used...) This thread is my main reason for signing up to the forums, keep up the expert? (I hate the thesaurus, so many words and none fit) work!!!! A few pages back you mentioned an Atris, Exile comic strip did I miss it? If so where can I find it? Malaysia is awesome. Oh yeah, hi I'm new (obviously)
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