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Everything posted by BKlooster

  1. Thanks for reporting this. For the next patch, the string will be updated to fallback on the correct English string that correctly describes the option's function (not inverted like it is currently showing).
  2. Thanks for this test case! It highlighted a significant performance issue with the sorting mechanic that will be significantly reduced in the next patch.
  3. Thanks for the report. Both of these issues should be fixed in the next build (or in the released build).
  4. Awesome, thank you very much for taking the time to send us this information. You pegged this almost exactly correct. If you had saved a game from before 563 in a bugged state, the game wouldn't load properly on the character sheet. Unfortunately, the fix involves you losing all of your stats related to your Time in Party and Time in Combat, but those should have been the only casualties. Thank you again for your assistance with tracking down this problem.
  5. This change was unintentional. Should be fixed for the next build. Thanks for reporting the issue.
  6. Thanks for the report, this should be fixed in the next build.
  7. We changed the format of the save games so that they are more adaptable to changes in the future. Save games from older versions can be imported to 1.05 but save games from 1.05 will not be usable on previous versions (1.04 and earlier). Basically, as long as you continue to play with 1.05 and you don't switch back to 1.04 you should be fine.
  8. I wanted to stop by and say that I am the programmer that worked on the area loot. I have added the area loot as a slider option in the game options. Barring any issues, this feature should make it in to the release build. The slider will go from 0m (the previous single looting mechanic) to 8m. The current area loot value is 4m.
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