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Everything posted by Cyseal

  1. What is the role of Max von Sydow actually and will he have a major role in ep. VIII?
  2. After the release of Numenera, could Planescape Torment get the Enhanced edition ? Potentially, it can be reworked in Infinity engine or in Unity with Numenera's gameplay.
  3. She'll be more developed in VIII. She was filming Game of thrones and probably couldn't be more involved so they put her there as introduction and a set up character.
  4. You mean Obsidian could have made SWTOR?
  5. Eora does have a feel it's a physical world. I would like they write out the world in PoE2 in richer and detailed way. I BG,Planescape universe there are subdimensional worlds as planes. Theese subworlds add to the overall athmosphere with variety of monsters and strange environments. I would like to see equivalent subworlds in PoE2.
  6. http://www.dragonmag.com/5.0/#!/article/106532/100901941?loadFresh=true
  7. I'm too subjective for it because it's been 15 since BG2 and it seems as yesterday. I think story will be brand new with maybe some cameos from original game. They have written Neera and Raasad well so I like the writing style. I think that original Minsc's and Irenicus's voice actors are also in the project.
  8. It says that release date is soon, probably 2016 release. What do you think about it ? I'm quite satisfied that this RPG genre is revied with POE and now continued with Siege of dragonspear.
  9. You could have spell which let's you breath underwater or some underwater city can have a dome above it. I would like that. If not in White march p2 than in POE2. There will be new soulbound weapon but they can't spoil every secret. It's on you to explore. Short stories and news announcement thread says enough in my opinion.
  10. Abeir-Toril is planet from the lore of Forgotten realms http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Abeir-Toril , and Faerun is the supercontinent. Which fictional planet ,where is located Dyrwood, introduces PoE ?
  11. Does the POE lore provide underwater cities and areas? Btw, are there any novels like in Forgotten realms?
  12. Awesometacular art. Btw, could this hint some water areas in WM2? https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/674337751454507008
  13. Josh said on twitter that It shouldn't. Check him out. He's pretty cool on twitter.
  14. They could, but then Kickstarter backing up would cost double, double the production time, double the tweaking time and patches and double the overall cost. I think it's better to have art and gameplay mproved quality of POE then go in different direction. Personally, POE has more immersive art style than DA:O .
  15. Sword coast legends are 3D isometric but I think ,because POE is 2D, has greater athmosphere. Art direction and creation has more freedom that in 3D creating meshes. My opinion is that it's crucial that POE2 stays in this way and only getting better now Obs. has established engine. Going toward some new 3D engine would only mean more years to produce,harder production value and maybe almost the same amount of years to fix all the bugs glitches, etc... At the moment Unity 5 3D doesn't have that kind a visual enhancements to stand in same level design as 2D counterpart. It is getting there but not yet. To have this immersive 3D level art and design at the moment the best solution is UE4. To make the game in it with same gameplay and 3D content would take at least 5 to 6 years. It's important for Obsidian to enhance the engine they have created now and improve it. Going with something different would send them at very beginning.
  16. From the creators of Trine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-GQ6oEUad8
  17. If it would be nonlinear game with decent story and follow the same formula as POE but fast paced action, it could be good.
  18. Capra demon and small area is designed to intentionally troll you (Bed of Chaos also). But once I figure it out I can beat him with zweihander.
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