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Everything posted by HetMasteen

  1. It'll be one of those features that they didn't have the time to flesh out properly before main release. No doubt more depth is planned for a future patch, expansion, or sequel. It sucks, but it's clear across the game that some features have had this issue.
  2. They do seem smaller than BGII. That said, I haven't noticed them as "tiny". They seem to be dense enough to be interesting, and there are enough to mak the game feel very large. Not gigantic, but big. My main issue is lack of variety in map types. Being in such a limited part of the world has limited map variety more than I was expecting.
  3. I'm genuinely pissed off about this. I joined the Dozens by accident because I do all side quests as I get them, and they happen to be put in your face right when you first get to Defiance Bay. So then when I run into the Knights, who are a much better RP fit with my paladin, I can't join them. Despite liking them more. Then I run into the Doemenels, who I like second most after learning more, and I can't join them either. Leaving me with the options of supporting my least favourite faction or losing 30 hours of game time. ****ing nonsense.
  4. I've used Mac <-> PC cross cloud saves for quite a few games recently. Haven't tried with PoE, but can't imagine it would have major issues.
  5. It freaked me out a bit at first. The casualness of how it happened made me just keep going though. It didn't feel like a "you just blew it" moment. Sure enough, not very long after...
  6. I've got a similar issue. It's not tracking playtime, achievements etc on my profile. Where it should appear as the most recent game I just have a blank space. Not sure if Steam's issue or Obsidian's...
  7. Galawain has a great name and "of the hunt" is just a great tagline. Although this will no doubt change many times leading up to, and after, release.
  8. Preload is a must for those of us who have to handle download speeds like the ones in Australia. Cheers Obsidian.
  9. I am a book collector with shelves of books I bought despite having access to them digitally. I do it because I enjoy sitting down in a comfy chair with a cup of tea and reading books or perusing artwork. This lore "guidebook" fits that bill nicely and I'll be preordering it. Strategy guides though - unless a snazzy collectors edition one - are completely a waste of money, even for me.
  10. Steam wins hands down. The additional support/features provided far outweigh any potential DRM issues; Of which I've never had any with Steam in what must be around a decade worth of use.
  11. The guidebook says "Volume 1". Does that mean it covers all content for this game? With future games to be covered by consecutive volumes? Or is it saying that this is only part of the lore for the first game and that post-release more volumes will be released?
  12. Second this question. I can understand wanting to focus on your target area for now, but giving us a greater understanding of the scope of our actions/place in the world will make the game feel more real.
  13. That's the sort of thing that can be improved upon post-release and modded/patched in. It isn't vital to the core of the game. It's fluff. Fluff can be amazing, but it should never be the priority. It isn't what makes or breaks the experience.
  14. This sounds amazing. Exactly what you want to add some extra meat to the core gameplay.
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