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Everything posted by wolfrider100

  1. I ending up buying DRAGON QUEST XI S Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition on Green Man Gaming cause it was on sale, I then grabbed Terminator Resistance, 9th Dawn III: Shadow of Erthil, Alan Wake and Alan Wake's American Nightmare since they were also all on sale on Steam.
  2. During Steam's sale I picked up ; - Stoneshard - Vaporum - Vaporum: Lockdown - Horizon Chase Turbo - Westerado: Double Barreled - Outcast - Second Contact - Xuan-Yuan Sword VII - Xuan-Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament
  3. During Steam's Summer Sale I picked up, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. (I also got all 3 DLCs for it.) Styx: Shards of Darkness. Avernum 3: Ruined World. NEO Scavenger. The Long Dark. Cloudpunk.
  4. Steam had a sale going so I bought, Styx Singularity Avernum 2: Crystal Souls Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr Complete Collection ARMA 3. With Apex, Laws of War, Tanks and Marksman DLCs For GOG's Summer Sale I bought, Quake 4 Torchlight 2 Thief Gold Thief 2: The Metal Age Thief 3: Deadly Shadows
  5. Picked up Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr the Complete Collection while it was on sale. I been playing as a Crusader (spec'd in ranged), I can't get enough of the Sentry Gun ability I'm loving it. I'm now thinking of later trying out a sword & bolter pistol or heavy flamer build paired with the Demolition Armor, the Cyclon Missile Launcher ability for it sounds pretty cool.
  6. While Steam still had there sale going on I bought, - Halfway - FINAL FANTASY IX - Clarent Saga: Tactics - BioShock The Collection - Tomb Raider GOTY Edition - Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration - Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - Thief Reboot w/ Bank Heist and 3 Booster DLCs - Vendetta - Curse of Raven's Cry [Deluxe Edition]
  7. Got the below games / dlc when GMG had there special sale still going on last month. - RAGE - RAGE: The Scorchers DLC - Smoke & Sacrifice - Kyn: Deluxe Edition - Dying Light - SHU Warrior Bundle DLC - Dying Light - Vintage Gunslinger Bundle DLC - Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
  8. I got a Steam key for Smoke & Sacrifice. if anyone wants it pm me.
  9. It's a mix of Uncharted with the exploring islands / planets and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, with you having to break your foe's parry before you can do any real damage to them. I don't think it's a spiritual successor Dark Forces, at least to me it does not seem to be.
  10. I just bought Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order [deluxe edition] on Origin.com. I was just waiting to see what reviewers said this was about first, so I could get a better understanding about what type of game it was before I grabbed it. After that I did not regret buying this game one bit, this has been a blast to play. I been wanting a good Star Wars RPG for a while and this hits the spot perfectly.
  11. I just picked up The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition, The Evil Within 2, Avadon 3 The Warborn and BloodLust 2: Nemesis (game's still in Early Access) during the Steam Halloween Sale. I already own Witcher 3 on GOG, but I grabbed it so I have it on Steam too. - [ NEW EDIT ] : Today I just grabbed the Godfather, Volatile Hunter, Gun Psycho, Harran Ranger and White Death DLC Bundles to go with Dying Light.
  12. You can get your pitchfork and torch ready Chilloutman, to chase a wolf (me) if you want to. Joking aside, I already own Underrail on GOG, just have not gotten the Expedition DLC for it yet. I been meaning to, so I will be doing that today. I did want to buy it last night but I totally forgot to.
  13. On GOG I bought ; - Torchlight 1. - Torchlight 2. - Mars: War Logs. - The Technomancer. On Steam I bought ; - Encased. (Early Access) - Starpoint Gemini 3. (Early Access) - Underrail and it's Expedition DLC.
  14. I been playing Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG (it's in Early Access) off and on for the past few days. So far I beaten the prologue twice (now at 31 hours time played) and unlocked all 15 achievements. The game is rough in a few areas (with a few of the skills having not been added yet) but it's still very much enjoyable. The game's story-line which is set in the 1970's, it starts off with you working for the Cronus Foundation and trapped inside a massive and mysterious dome with something going horrible wrong soon afterwards. The story it has me hook, I can't wait to find out what happens next and that's just from the prologue alone. Quick Side Note : I love Encased's starting home base (Magellan Station) and the many different people there, C12 - Nashville (a research station) is also cool, cool but very creepy [ there's a reason for that ], both places are in the game's prologue. This game I can see it getting better with each new content update / bug fix. The character build I'm using for Encased ; Job: Black Wing (Security for Cronus) Full name is: Wyatt James Smith Gender: Male [Age: 35] Muscle: 4 Deftness: 7 Guts: 4 Brains: 7 Perception: 7 Luck: 3 Charisma: 6 Psionics: 3 His main abilities picked are : light weapons, criminal and speech. Then grabbed hacking, lock picking, first aid, and mechanic abilities.
  15. I'm planning to buy GreedFall sometime next month. Since I have a soft spot for Mars: War Logs, Bound by Flame and The Technomancer and this new game from Spiders seems like something I'll also like.
  16. I also started a another play-through of Witcher 3. I had beaten it a year ago on GOG and want to have another go at it, since I also grabbed The Witcher 3 on Steam when the GotY Edition was on sale recently.
  17. So far I have no issues with the expansions. The games don't look as good on modern hardware like Zoraptor said, but there running fine for me.
  18. Been playing F.E.A.R. Platinum, more so the Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate add on's. I beat the first Fear game but I never got around to playing the add-on's when they come out, so I'm going to do that now.
  19. I just got the Loyalist Item Pack #2 (DLC) for Grim Dawn. Along with Dead Space 1, F.E.A.R. Platinum and lastly F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin + Reborn. The last 3 games were part of the Back to School sale GOG has going on at the moment. Now I just need to pick up FEAR 3 sooner or later to to compute my collection of the fear series games.
  20. I just hit level 26 in Fallout 4, I'm now about to retake the castle for the Minutemen. Speaking of retaking the caste, maybe if I start the Taking Independence quest by sending Preston Garvey there with a group of his men, I won't have to hear that another settlement needs my help from him. I was fine with the settlement helper quests at first, cause they did unlock different new locations on my map that I didn't know about, but the quests are getting real annoying now. One of them sent me to to the same settlement twice, that's right after I had already finished up a quest there, hmm now I remember why I hated helping the Minuteman faction. I always choose to side with the Brotherhood of Steel, but I wanted to see how the Minutemen faction turned out at end game just once. I started a few playthroughs with the Minuteman but never finished that game's story campaign, I always ended up quitting half way into the playthrough.
  21. I picked up both Dishonored 2 and Fallout 4 : Game of The Year Edition on GMG, this was when they where still having there summer sale.
  22. I just started a play-through of Fallout 4, I'm planning to side with the Brotherhood of Steel. I'm also going to be using a gunslinger build.
  23. I also just bought Venetica on GOG since it was still on sale. I have not played this game in ages, time for me to jump back in.
  24. Yeah I know, I'm grabbing the Manual of Gainful Exercise next. Well that's my plan anyways.
  25. Just started up a new play-through of Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition with the Siege of Dragonspear expansion installed. Man I have not played Baldur's Gate 1 (original) since I beat it in late 1990/2000. I want to play it again since I found out Baldur's Gate 3's finally going to became a thing now (finally real). I'm running a pure fighter build ; with a 18/96 in strength, 18 in dexterity and constitution, then 17 in charisma. Intelligence and wisdom are both left at 8. After re-rolling my abilities for what seemed like a hour, this was the best I could come up with. I was trying for a 18/00 in strength (rare), but I'm still pretty happy with this. I also picked long sword, plus sword and shield for my starting skills. I still can't believe I wasted 53 cent on the Faces of Good and Evil portrait pack, since I also found a few good custom male human and dwarf portraits online right after (was about 4 portraits, I think). It's not all bad since I now have a couple more options to pick from.
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