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Everything posted by Darth_Windu

  1. It's because Jason Little used identity theft - impersonating one of the less active testers - in order to get another beta to give him the codes to access the download. What the beta tester did was incredibly stupid, but not illegal. What Mr Little did though is most definately illegal. That's my understanding of the situation anyway.
  2. Not at all. The leak is quite well known in the community now, so I just felt it odd that you were saying you supported the team yet were using an illegal copy of their mod - nothing more, nothing less.
  3. Again though, the whole point of beta testing is to find major bugs. If we can do run-through's without finding any major bugs, then the team would likely choose that point to release publiclly. Since that hasn't happened yet, and will be further away due to the loss of beta's, I don't think the release will be in the immediate (next month or so) future. I could be wrong of course.
  4. Except that we can't be sure that all of the bugs have been found, plus the team has expressly asked us to go over and over and over, because often bug 'fixes' will cause more bugs.
  5. That's relevant...how? Progress has slowed down because theft of beta --> beta team cut down --> less beta testers to find bugs --> slower progress.
  6. You say that like I care about your opinion - I don't. Marcus - that file was stolen using identity theft and illegally placed on a torrent. The team is working to release a full version, but unfortunately the theft of the beta has slowed that down. The file you downloaded was NEVER meant for the public, simply because it is a beta and as such is still full of bugs.
  7. If the team had gone that route in the first place, sure. Personally though I don't trust anyone who downloads the stolen copy, plus TG has had their share of morons pulling stunts that slow down the progress of the mod.
  8. I never said that, I said a potential problem of converting it into an open beta would be people reporting fake bugs, simply for the sake of being malicious.
  9. Can't say I've ever run into that one, certainly an odd one. Still I'll keep my eyes peeled - as I do for all bugs - and will certainly update that issue if I come across it. I'd guess that the reason why the fix didn't work is because whoever reported the bug (doesn't help when there's no name attached) didn't include a save game for TG to work with.
  10. Well we'll only re-open an issue if WE come across it. Not to say that I doubt the veracity of what you're saying, simply that we have no information on the specifics of the bug, what you were doing before you came across the bug, if you did a clean install of TSLRP, if you have any mods installed etc. Actually quite a few bugs that were found by us Beta's were caused by the use of other mods at the same time as TSLRP - well, until Dash politely told those using other mods to stop.
  11. I seem to remember saying something to the tune of 'some bug fixes cause more bugs'... I'm not sure who you'll be reporting for, but I can assure that the team will not accept bug reports from non-beta-testers, and any problems that you have are your own - you will get no support from TG.
  12. Hassat, it's a BETA. Do you even bother reading mantis? I've come across plenty of game-stopping bugs whilst testing well before 1.09b. As Wild noted, you can't download an unfinished beta and then whinge that it has problems, that's WHY it's a beta.
  13. Except that the team is continuing, except that the team has made sure this leaked beta will NEVER be uploaded onto a legitimate site. Not exactly a master stroke wouldn't you agree? Firstly, I'm not part of TG nor have I ever been, I'm simply a beta tester. As for why this won't be converted into an open beta I'm a bit tired of trying to explain it at the TG forums, but basically there's problems with - people not bothering to check if a bug has already been reported - people not bothering to check if a bug has already been fixed - people reporting fake bugs Regarding community-made fixes for bugs in the beta - TG has their own style of modding. Each modder has his or her own style. They know what they've done and how they've done it. The community does not - Bug 'fixes' cause more bugs - clashes between 'fixes' made by different people and so on and so forth. Essentially it simply becomes far too much of a hassle, hence the best way to proceed is as before. Unfortunately however this leak will SLOW progress, because the beta team needed to be trimmed. FU? Also what patch? TG has never made a patch for TSLRP.
  14. Honestly people can believe whatever they want to - I've even heard that TG deliberately 'leaked' the beta so as to avoid having to complete the rest of the mod. *shrugs* what can you do? Anyway I think it was said before that all content had been put in (I believe it was part of the build system), BUT thats a lot more abmiguous than people thing. Okay all content is in - but does it work? Is it supported by everything else (ie interactions, journal entries, containers etc) that have to be added as a seperate issue?
  15. Yeah there have been quite a few. The one I just updated is in that category - basically if you go dark side and give the ithorian droid to Czerka, there's a good chance the mainframe door will close before the droid can get in there. Not sure how easy or hard it is to fix, but I'm sure the team will get to it pretty soon.
  16. I have no idea why anyone would've posted that you can't train Bao-dur...still, yes Bao-dur is definately trainable. You just have to be more...watchful I guess is the word I'd use, when you're trying to train him in the TSLRP.
  17. Hi Albion, The Sith Lords Restoration Project (TSLRP) can be found at www.team-gizka.org, that's where you'll find all relevant material plus forums. The team is all set though, so no-one else is going to brought into the team or testers. Hopefully the project will be completed soon though.
  18. haha I wish . Nah we just get the honour of being able to play through the content way before you guys Mind you, the big difference there is that you all will get a (hopefully) bug-free playthrough all the time, whereas we have to play to find bugs, not to enjoy the new content. I'm happy with the compromise though
  19. Yay, I'm famous! haha How many forums are there dedicated to the TSLRP anyway?? Well anyway good news, I finished my last exam for the semester yesterday so I can now get stuck into some serious testing, and hopefully find any more bugs that haven't been picked up yet.
  20. Just to let everyone here know as well, I received a Private Message on the Team Gizka forums, asking me to give a copy of the TSLRP beta to a 'group of concerned TSL fans' because they're supposedly worried that the project will never be completed and released. To be perfectly clear on this issue - I will not, ever, give ANYONE a copy of the TSLRP beta unless specifically asked to be Team Gizka. Therefore, do not ask me or anyone else associated with the project. Personally I find it offensive that this 'group' thought I would betray the truth TG has placed in myself and the other testers.
  21. Some of they ARE in the eggs in TSL. I should also note thats no more magical than pearls in oysters or clams.
  22. No you haven't. You'll get the parts eventually, and no you can't accidently miss them . As for the second part - yes - you do just talk to Bao-dur and he'll do his thing. Misleading text. Well, sort of. Basically he's just saying you can use a lightsabre, if you have one.
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