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Everything posted by ojthesimpson

  1. I played a paladin at launch and had a lot of problems. I didnt beat the game even. Now I am playing a paladin and that class is very much improved. I have almost beat it and had a great run through the game with no bugs. I think eventually modders will get their hands on this game too. It'll be well taken care of for years I bet.
  2. yeah.... ahh sounds like you're describing a game that'll sell 100 copies if u buy 3 of em. maybe I read it wrong.
  3. its funny hearing people complain about how easy the combat is and others how hard it is. my party has 2 paladin's in it cause my daughter thinks the lady with feathers on her head is pretty. If I can manage anyone can manage if they try harder. I dont understand people complaining about how easy a game is and also power game the whole thing. solo it as a chanter if it's so damn easy.
  4. Did you play Age of Decadence, Serpent in the Staglands and Underrail?Because if you didn't, you didn't play the best RPGs in 2015. i havent played AOE but the other 2 ...... u honestly think Serpent in the staglands is better? since when did not having a god damn game journal count as progress or 'good'. Underrail... for game of the year.... yeah... nope. both great games and they may have won game of the year in 1996 I think Pillars is better. to each their own.
  5. to each their own. This post was to sound of if you think it's game of the year. not that i'd ever tell people how to post but lets assume I mean it's the CRPG of the year. I realize the game is not everyone's cup of tea. For me personally its sucha great game because I complained to friends for 15 years that there hasnt been a truly great DnD style CRPG since baldurs gate. I am a huge fallout fan. I play 1 and 2 at least once every 2 years sometimes twice in a year. still as great as Fallout 4 is I'd give Pillars GAME OF THE YEAR hands down. Fallout 4 is console fodder ...shoot everyone and find a note on their body RPG. The dialogue is such that total morons can follow it while drunk and smoking weed "aw **** G that dude says he needs me to kill those bandits because they is bandits... should I say. yes no maybe or some slightly funny phrase" . Pillars is better Dark Souls is good too but Pillars is better. Shadowrun was great but pillars is better. I am on my 3rd run in pillars. When I saw people complaining on this board it totally blew my mind. I guess when you get backed the way pillars was each individual person expects the game to be exactly what they had in mind for it. we payed them to make a game they wanted I would say the Pillars of Eternity is the best written game since Planescape: Torment I am awarding them my Peter Jex Game of the Year award. I really hope the game was a success. I backed it with my entire bank account (44 bucks) I wanna say it was 3 years ago but I dont remember. I am much better off now and would fund another game with much more. POE 2! POE 2! POE 2!
  6. man sounds like the game just hasn't really sucked you in. I highly doubt you play on super hard settings. Why power game it and complain about it. Don't respect characters, I wasnt even aware of this option and i'd never use it. Load your party with companions you like regardless of classes. NEVER go back to town to restock. ROLE PLAY. Play as a character, that's what I do the game is perfect for that. Camping supplies seems like 2 or 4 is a barren wasteland when u dont go back into town during an adventure. I highly doubt after u break into a place u could leave for a week and come back. So I dont play that way. a person wouldnt just change stats and skill set over ... so i dont play that way. An easier quest option by selecting a dialogue contrary to my character.... I dont click it. play the game like a table top RPG and you'll have more fun.
  7. i like D:OS but the neverwinter nights style immersion breaking game mechanics and campy style just isnt my thing. It doesn't take itself too seriously which for some is good. For a RPG fantasy game it might not be the best. I think it's a great game but so is warcraft 3 and I dont like that either. there's just different types of games out there. I bought it on day 1 and played it through and enjoyed it. Pillars of Eternity invaded my dreams and work life. It's an all time great RPG that I think in the next few years will be seen as a revolution in CRPG gaming and in the industry as a whole.
  8. God DOS the art direction in that game makes so hard to feel any immersion. I dont see how that engine could be separated from it either. It's an OK game but it's not as good pillars by a long shot. It's campy and doesnt have good story telling or RPG mechanics. it's like a Mario brothers game as far as the mechanics, combat, and the game world are concerned
  9. Here's a topic for all of us to declare our vote for Pillars of Eternity game of the year 2015 Fallout 4... sorry I'm a RPG nut and that game took no risks whatsoever. Almost none of the features in that game are based in good RPG story telling or mechanics. good game maybe great not so much I've played practically every RPG made in 2015 and Pillars has my vote for game of the year. good work guys.
  10. the limited resources are a well thought out and well implemented system. I agree maybe there's a place or two we could find more camping supplies. anyone that's played a great game of table top RPG knows that those great adventures are the ones that resources are pressed. Where all your guys are down and u gotta figure out how to deal with situation creatively cause u cant blow ur last fireball. When you gotta drag a friend back to a priest you met earlier but there's a horde of orcs chasing u. Having to rely on a rouge with 4 hp left sneak attacking a bad guy or you're all %&$*ed. Thats great tabletop rpg. it randomizes the game. it incentives creativity and makes trash mobs turn into a nail biting drama. In pillars I once had 3 characters down to nothing, no spells, dead fighter, limping back to where I could travel. I ran into 4 zombie things and it was a battle royal between a paladin / cipher and 4 trash mob zombies. I walked out of there with 5 endurance and 1 guy still standing. It was an epic fight. I guess I am just plain too lazy to run back to town all the time. I suggest you not go back to town and save those last 2 rests, See how u creatively sneak around, use traps. It's way more fun. I play it out no matter what and still have never once hit a wall in the game. I dont play on suicidal settings though. I like to role play at normal difficulty and enjoy the game. I just barely bumped up to the next difficulty after I got used to it. The hardest thing is managing the resources and it's what IMO makes the trash mobs have a point.
  11. I find the stash to give better immersion than any alternatives in similar games. Makes more sense than a character trudging around with stuff that would realistically weight 1000 pounds (3 sets of plate mail? 5 great swords 10 potions couple of robes and boo's exercise ball? really gonna carry that around? they stash the good somewhere before moving on. As they "travel" they throw it in a cart and stash it somewhere else. Maybe they could have added a cart or a donkey (named bill), a caravan... but ahhh.. yeah I'd prefer some more stories or a cool quest. Making a game is all about resources and where u use them. Creativity is a resource and IMO pillars used their ample supply very well. The game play in pillars is very brave and innovative. The stories, the nuts and bolts dialogue writing is as good as a work of proper fiction. it's kind of like Bill and Ted's excellent adventure. The game "promises to all that stuff" later. You know why? it's a game. you know what else is realistic...... math homework.... do we need some of that in the game too? how about a pooping mini game? The stash is a unique idea and a good idea. Maybe it could use some balance tweaking but honestly... lets focus on what really matters. Story, combat, character realism and a beautiful game world. I'm sure Pillars 2 will have limits on what u can carry but hopefully not much. I like my keep with 1 of everything.
  12. Playing this game through again after 6 months. I thought maybe at first I was too ready to like and thus my review of the game was flawed... so I've played it again with a more critical approach I tried and failed. This isn't a review the game is too good to review I've lost my objectivity. The art direction of this game is the best I've seen in a CRPG fantasy game. It is stunning how beautiful a simple computer game can be. The zone and the buildings and just beautiful. The combat is interesting albeit needing some gdamn scripts. I hate ordering someone to do something and have it not do it and just sit there getting pounded on. I am just enthralled by this game now. What a great and interesting story. It reminds me of planescape with the depth and great writing. I want a sequel wll donate more than 5 bucks this time. seriously this is game of the year in my mind without question. Maybe fallout 4 but this gonna be right up there in my book.
  13. so this isometric throw back blast from the past game nearly melted my computer. Whats the deal with it causing uncontrolled system over heating? I did have the IEMOD installed but I turned if off and it still hit 65-70 in 20-30 minutes of play. I play Skyrim at MAX setting with a **** ton of graphic mods and it stays at 51 max 58 I've turned the FPS all the way up and all the way down neither worked i've changed the resolution I tried talking out loud to it about cold things is the super speed that's doing it? increasing the speed in the game. I know IEMOD has super dooper speed I did use that but I turned it off as well. if you have any advice I'll gladly take it
  14. I find this class to be really cool. It reminds me of Darksun old SSI crpg My first play through ongoing right now is with a cipher as the main is it possible to be a cipher with good melee skills ? like a fighter/mage ? also let me just say this game is awesome. I think it's better than Divinity original sin (which is also great) the RPG is mkaking a comeback
  15. also wizard is gonna have the stats needed to make the spell more powerful.
  16. i in kickstarter you'll always have the people that only donated so they could complain. People love complaining. That's really what he paid for and he got it thank god. I thought with the term "shaft" and "box" maybe we were talking about something else.
  17. this game is amazing. I'm sorry you don't like it, some people are capable to enjoying a game that requires reading, intelligence, and a shred of creative ability. I'd recommend getting Madden 2014 next time. I hear that has a lot less reading in it.
  18. those tactics are what german fighter planes used to pull escorts of WW2 heavy bombers. seems reasonable that in a game pulling an enemy out of it's prepared position and splitting them up through confusion and making em think you're running away is realistic enough. combat isn't always charge in and line up like the ghostbusters and blast em. that's a careless way to fight in real life combat (pun intended) and in POE
  19. Pillars hands down. at it's Core BG2 is just the same old game we've played (at least me) 100 times. I love that game but there's no a single thing I haven't experienced in it as far as I know the new content is like nothing. literally 5 hours or something.
  20. maybe they could have the stash be something represented by a donkey named bill that shows up whenever u travel but cant go into dungeons and stuff so u cant use it in dungeons. I like the immersive elements to having a weight limit but understand how hard it is to know what to grab and what not to all the time. it's good to have a balance. maybe have the stash be open world area only so people can haul stuff out of dungeons then stash it on the donkey to go sell later. its been around since ultima so I tihnk it's important to have a encumbrance in such a great game like POE
  21. Blown away. totally blown away. It's got all the nostalgia with tons of improvements to the genre I just love the vibe of this game here's my list of things I dig about this game 25 hours in (yeah I can play RPGs at work, eat your heart out) the 2 tone hand drawn style screen that describes a puzzle or plot exposition. Totally dig that. Keeps the immersion and gets the point across better than plain text or in game graphics could and it's very effective. speed walking through areas you've explored. god damn these games needed this 15 years ago (darksun made when I was 4 years old had good speed walking and with dosbox i'd turn it up even faster) no bugs, I've heard there's bugs... I havent hit one yet the voice acting is top notch the immersion is so much better than what u got from divinity original sin, a great game but I definately prefer the style here better. Whether it'll be as good as that game remains to be seen but it's got a leg up on em IMO the ghostly effects showing memories (cant go in to detail without spoilers) really cool use of the engine. I know Elder Scrolls did it first but doesn't matter. It's part of the story and the "event" that's happening to the character so I don't think it's a rip off at all. great and very captivating. I been playing it with my cousin watching who's 10 and everytime he's like "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!" so it works really well. when you physic whatever stuff happens the effect and the color change. That's a really cool and immersible way to do it. Love it. It gets your attention in a big way. it feels just like Baldurs Gate but it's obviously a 2015 upgrade. There's key differences in how the story progresses. Seems like you don't get dumped with 100 quests when you go into a town. They side quests go with the story and don't seem pointless. Characters are great. love the down to earth feel of the characters. not over blown and ridiculous the lore is great, love that the game has a recent history that is very traumatic. It reminds me of star wars and skyrim in how it does this The villains are ****ing nuts so far. I was like thinking to myself when I got a particular kill the bad guy quest "oh hell yeah I get to kill this **** now" so obviously the game is sucking me in. The writing is great. it's like reading a book. I've not read this much in agame and enjoyed since dare I say ... planescape torment (oh yeah I just said) I find myself chasing down every person that has a bio so I can read it. great writing. Write a god damn book fellas you'd be great at it. OK things I dont like Stash... I guess I dont get it. so u can carry several tons of gear? I kind of like the immersion of having to pick and choose what you roll with into trouble. If you're down to ur lost potion u feel like you're in a deadly struggle to survive. Having mountains of gear doesnt make sense to me. not a huge complaint though. guess they could have a mule following them around or be stashing the stuff somewhere i dont know how it's supposed to work. the backers names in the memorial. I'd really prefer not to have the immersion spoiled by anything intentionally. Not knowing the combat system at all and very little guidance, I couldnt afford the guide maybe that's why it's so poorly explained. Ill get it eventually im sure It makes me wish to tears that DnD would get their **** together and make a BG3 with DnD next mechanics. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hire obsidian to do it. game is pretty hard a lot of times I'm worried if I progress forward I'll be skipping side quests and stuff. It's not clear if it's sandbox about it's side quests or not. I'm always afraid to progress forward. The story can feel a little lost at times between major events. green circles around NPCs? makes more sense to have em blue like Baldurs gate the combat is a little static but I do enjoy the combat very much. Being able to keep your baddies fighting your tank in a less MMORPG type way, I like that and it does make sense a wizard wouldn't be able to turn his back to someone swinging a battleaxe at their head.and not die. So the Jury is out on this. I do enjoy the combat but I wish I could move my guys around more you get a stronghold in a "well here ya go" kind of way they could have ripped off the BG2 system in everyway and that'd be better i think. It could have been more part of the story and interesting than "OOO I get a stronghold " ANYWAY Great Game obsidian best 44 bucks I spent this year that wasn't on hand crafted beer
  22. So I had no idea this was a thing. I just barely got into wasteland 2 and am down right addicted to that game now. I was looking for guide online I find there's this game. Now I have complained for years that RPGs went wrong somewhere 10-15 years ago. To see that top down style, the wordy text you have to actually read, party mechanics just pop up on youtube in a nearly complete game, I am drooling. I spent almost an hour watching the videos. I went back in my email and I remember donating to an rpg project a long time ago that was like this and turns out it was this. So I'm glad my 6 bucks looks like it was well spent. Can't wait to drop 50 bones a new rpg. It could suck that wont stop me. I'm a stubborn man. I'm playing this bad boy cover to back and I'm gonna like it. When is the release date? where are all these videos of people playing the game coming from? Can I help somehow? I'm sorry if you get posts like this every day.
  23. Im gonna buy it because I want to see gamers making games for gamers. Even if it's a shaky start, so what, the goal is far too noble to ignore. I bought wasteland 2 charitably thinking it would suck because of reviewers and was absolutely blown away by the quality and how much I enjoyed it, so. . . . to each their own. I bought Baldurs Gate EE thinking it would be a waste of money but I thought it was great that there's people out their unhappy with where RPG's have gone in the last 15 years... I enjoyed that game alot and it's new content was very enjoyable. I guess I like the style so much it's hard to go wrong by people like me. I suggest you give it a try. 50 buck is a lot of money but it's going to great company trying to break through a studio system that reminds me of the silent era movie studios. I also am willing to bet the finished product will be very playable for all skill levels. How hard is it to decrease hit points of mobs and give hints to puzzles? And the modding community I'm sure will have their crack at it. So the game now or at least the game 2-3 years from now will be great I'm sure of it.
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