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About teenparty

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  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  • Black Isle Bastard!
  1. Since the gods are so important to the lore, it would be nice if every class had the option to choose a patron god.
  2. Maybe not grammatically, but it serves the function of telling us it is the name of a ship, thus avoiding confusion.
  3. Defiant is an adjective, so you need the article to show it is a name.
  4. Seeing that we can chose our story choices at the beginning of PE2, will there be any advantage to playing with an imported character? Will some story choices be "locked" for new characters?
  5. No. I want to go in fresh, I don't have the time and I don't think my current laptop could handle it I can barely run Pillars 1. I want to make an Eothan Priest/Kind Wayfarer, because that fits the personality of one of my characters from Pillars 1. I am guessing I should build him as a tank.
  6. Hi! Is there a smart person out there who can help me come up with a build for a priest of Eothas/kind wayfarer multiclassed character?
  7. Yes, the Wael priestess did not believe my Wael priest when I said I had given that book back to Wael, because I had used every opportunity to increase my dishonesty score. It is so counter-intuitive for an RPG that lying makes you worse at lying. Word really gets around that I pretended I didn't have a bad dream. It doesn't make you worse at lying. The Deceptive reputation is how others see you. Do you honestly (heh) expect your character being taken on their word if you consistently role-play a deceitful douchebag? I get the concept, but how does the priest of Wael know I told some frivolous lies to my friends about what happened to me before I reached Gilded Vale? And also, as a priest of Wael, I am rewarded for lying and punished for telling the truth.
  8. In this game, we get the opportunity to play a returning native of the Deadfire. Do you think that this possible homecoming will be adressed at all?
  9. Yes, the Wael priestess did not believe my Wael priest when I said I had given that book back to Wael, because I had used every opportunity to increase my dishonesty score. It is so counter-intuitive for an RPG that lying makes you worse at lying. Word really gets around that I pretended I didn't have a bad dream.
  10. One of my favourite chars is a a priest of Eothas. Do you think the game will acknowledge your choice of deity much this time around? It will stick out an awful lot if it doesn't, especially when we have two Eothas worshipping companions who are likely to talk our ears off about how much he matters to them and how confused they are. Grumble, grumble.
  11. Sorry, folks. I am an idiot and know next to nothing about game development. Well, that fills me with hope. I'll start work on a degree in August. I hope to be able to play it during the summer. *facepalm* Why did I not leave me other laptop at my mum's house!?
  12. I am currently living abroad. Before I left the country, I bought a smaller laptop and left my old one in a storage unit. I won't see it again until August. My new laptop is not all that powerful. Will the new game run smoothly on a laptop that runs the first game? I am installing that now to see how it works.
  13. That did not really work in my language. The hobbit names sounded really odd.
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