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Wally Martin

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About Wally Martin

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    San Angelo. TX
  1. No matter the cause, the reason, or those responsible for it: My condolences go out to all affected by the explosions. I know there will be a large handful of Americans that may not even here about it or even care, but I personally will be glued to the TV at least for a while.
  2. I want to hear "Gluupor Wonky." Unfortunately, then I'd have to kill him.
  3. Out of the choices given, "I've got a bad feeling about this." by a big margin. My own choice, however, would be "Gluupor wonky".
  4. I'm kind of hoping he's an ex-Sith that got tired of the life. He could have spent a while running from the Sith and upgrading his armor as well. I think this scenario would make for some interesting conversations.
  5. The US, N. America
  6. I like it. It adds one more thing to work towards in the game. The only problem I can think of with it would be you would need LOTS of variations for armor sets, all with their own vastly different stats, just so your not stuck with the same couple of sets everytime.
  7. True Story: The night before this game was officially announced, I had a dream that my mom had gone to rent movies and KotOR. When she came back home, I told her that she had not rented KotOR, but had in fact rented KotOR:TSL! I was freaking out when I went on line and saw that it had finally been announced. The wierd thing was that I already owned the original KotOR. "Why would she rent it if I already own it," I ask myself now. Hmm... Strange Note: I think I am at least partially psycic. One day I predicted that the next college to send me stuff would be Baylor. Two days later, a letter from Baylor was in my mailbox. There were many other small instances as well.
  8. I have to say that single-saber is best. By using the dueling feat, you pick up +3 Defense and +3 to attack. Not only that, but the fight animations for a regular attack(which I use a lot) are the best of the three types IMHO.
  9. I totally forgot about Titus. That show rocked & Dave was freaking awesome!
  10. Ooooh...I like. :D "I would welcome the challenge," to paraphrase a certain Iridorian Merc.
  11. I'm going to have to second The Lone Gunmen. I wish it had gone longer. Also, Dark Angel and The Oblongs. And Alf. Definitely Alf.
  12. I'm going to go with Sentinel on the first time through. I, too, want to see the improved skills system first-hand.
  13. I'm going with Darth Bob on this one. :D
  14. Force confusion sounds coolest to me. I had a blast turning enemies against each other in Jedi Academy. I bet it's a universal force power.
  15. I don't like it. I believe all good books, movies, AND video games must come to an end. Granted, it would still have one, but it would be more anti-climatic. The story would have less of an overall impact on me and thus make it NOT fun.
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